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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Dear diary, I'm going to sit on Kromer's beach tonight and see what happens. D.M.
  2. I watched Back to the Future 2 with my kids last week. It was the first time they saw it. They kept commenting on what we don't have yet. I'm showing them this video and crossing hoverboard off their list.
  3. So you're the one who shouted it and you're proud that someone reported it? And you're a super knowledgeable fan from CNY and are rooting for players to get injured so you get your wish of having Kyle Orton come back and start for the Bills? I don't post a lot but I do come around here often and this is the stupidest thing I've read on this board. You win!
  4. Is he holding the camera as he talks? That's tough to watch.
  5. Say "I sure don't know who did it but if I ever meet the guy I'm gonna shiv the mofo!"
  6. stupid = smart*I think it would be hilarious to have that in the shoutbox so if you called someone stupid it'd change to smart. Of course, the best trick would be if you put smart it changes to stupid. This whole idea is stupid. Edit: it works!
  7. I'd like the suspension to be something along the lines of not being able to participate in any team activities from now through the first game. No TC, no preseason games, no meetings.
  8. He's Fitz!!! Why don't I ask him if he knew Howard, and Coles? I don't think he'd have good thing to say about Shirl.
  9. Hey, my dad went to P.S. 6 on South Division! His name isn't Howard, so don't start in on that... I hope you didn't try punching him in the nose.
  10. I like the first two home games. I just hate the September trip to Miami. They usually have trouble in the 4th quarter of those games.
  11. I'm going to take my own advice and go back to lurking more than posting.
  12. You make it sound like life is all and only about reacting to things that happen to you. Nobody believes that they are in complete control over every aspect of their life. This is an advice thread so here's some advice: don't state know-it-all things in absolutes and people won't jump on you.
  13. It's dumb luck that I stumbled into this thread and got such great advice.
  14. Gee, I hope life lets me get out of bed tomorrow morning. But if I do, I hope life doesn't put me under a bus tire. I guess I'll just wait and see.
  15. I always thought it was "Excuse Me While I Pick My Nose". Thanks for clearing that up - I was getting strange looks.
  16. Rock and Roll is about chicks. And the thread title said Rock and Roll. I nominate She Said Yeah by the Rolling Stones. It has all of the components: some babbling lyrics, fast paced, guitar solo bridge and I don't think it is more than two minutes long. You want a Rock song, then maybe Working Man by Rush.
  17. So glad that's over. It was a two year clean out and it was horrible to watch. I'd prefer to never have to live through that again and I hope that all fans attending tomorrow's game raise the roof off FNC.
  18. Just got back home after watching the Sabres lose in the Coliseum and I notice that the Yotes are up 2-1 in the second. So far so good tonight.
  19. I don't know if I agree with your list completely, but it raises a sad thought. The Bills won't get a shot at having any one of those guys on their roster. It isn't the way the league works. The "have-nots" need to go find their own QB. It doesn't apply to any other position.
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