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Everything posted by snafu

  1. They could have sent the same message with armpit and leg hair.
  2. Does this also apply to egg carton color? (Notice I avoided the obvious Wednesday question)
  3. Wow. I'm going to skip the confusion any only buy from the bakery now. There's too much pressure in my life already. Maybe I wasn't meant to know this.
  4. The color means something? Oh Lord, so many years on this Earth and still so many things I don't know.
  5. Any news or sports reporter on TV or radio who can't properly pronounce the letter "L". Why were these people with speech impediments hired in the first place? Seems like an obscure peeve, but it happens a lot and it bugs the heck out of me.
  6. Yeah, because I didn't take about four or five "clues" and draw the came conclusion as you. That as opposed to waiting for any number of other possible explanations that actual investigators with investigative experience will learn after investigating a crash site on a remote mountainside. Frankly, I'd rather have me on a jury than you. I'm not saying that your speculation and early conclusion are incorrect. I'm just not ready to make a conclusion as soon as you.
  7. I think it was pretty premature of the prosecutor to make such a proclamation when it appears that there will be more to the investigation -- even if the initial evidence paints a pretty clear picture. Of course, it seems to me that a French prosecutor is going to lean toward indicating human error or malfeasance over explaining that the French made airplane malfunctioned.
  8. Actually, if you look at the fine print of your post, there's no mention of "idiot" there. Looks like it is still fair game,...
  9. My go to burgers are 85/15% meat. Grilled medium. Sautéed mushrooms and onions on the side. Put the mushrooms and onions on the burger then melt two slices of cheese over it to hold everything together. Put whatever the hell you want on the bun, but that burger doesn't really need anything else I'm tellin ya. If you want to go raw onion (which is a good option any time) then I like a piece of unmelted cheese to go with it.
  10. Whistling booger nose. I was sitting next to someone today who was trying her best to correct it but failed miserably. The only mitigating factor was that it drove her more nuts than it did me.
  11. I like the Stones better than the Beatles.
  12. Add that to the cost of Marrone opting out. Unfortunately, anyone who the Bills were forced to bring in would have to re-make the team to fit their vision. Maybe the only exception was to have moved Schwartz to Head Coach. Hopefully, the tweaking on defense is minimal and not too costly.
  13. I want to argue with you, but then I see Bob Ross with his big purple hair and I'm transported to a happy place.
  14. Based on recent internet stupidities, I would make "what color is your avatar?" I see papa smurf reaching down a wishing well full of gold. If you don't then there's obviously something wrong with you.
  15. Speaking of wiggle around, maybe the balls could have been inflated to the lowest level at very cold temps (instead of warm) knowing that when they are presented to the league at room temp they will read higher. The Pats* asked the referees to make sure they were at 12.5 (at room temp) so the referees unwittingly under inflated the balls beyond the normal level. Plausible story. Everyone off the hook.
  16. Crime and Punishment. First time is read it I was about 19. Then I re-read it abouth 30 years later. Whole different perspective. I came away thinking that Raskolnikov was a major a-hole. I started reading Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy and got lost. After about 150 pages I started over from the beginning and I'm glad for it. That's one I would read again. I want to read Treasure Island to my son soon. Then Northwest Passage.
  17. Mr. Kraft, I'm sorry for you. I'm sorry that you can't enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being an honest person. Sincerely, An honest person.
  18. They have 269 pages already. Don't we care as much as they do?
  19. My point is that there is no more investigation. It is a negotiation by now. The league is going to hand over to the masses anyone who they think they can get away with and still try to keep precious legacies intact.
  20. There will be blame. At this point it is inevitable. To the league it doesn't matter who gets it as long as it dies down as soon as possible from this point forward. The delay is in the back room discussions between the owners and Goodell to formulate a plan about the blame and the penalties and making the Super Bowl "legitimate". I might be sounding like a kook, but that's the reality of it.
  21. So maybe eventually all the blame comes down on one of the Running Backs. That way, Brady's not caught in a lie and the team loses only one of that group. That's the way I see it going. It also could explain why the league hadn't spoken to Brady before yesterday.
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