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Everything posted by Billsguy

  1. I would trade Drew Bledsoe for McNabb otherwise NO DICE! This is probably why the Bills will do it because the Buffalo fans thought the Bledsoe deal was great and Ralph likes to repeat past mistakes as often as possible.
  2. YOU'RE CRAZY!! This is just the type of mentality that has kept the Bills losers for years and years. There are so many people content with mediocrity it is overwhelming my senses. Go buy season tickets now because you only have a couple more years to subsidize the this clueless owner before the team leaves town. This is for everybody who think Nix and Gailey will make the Bills Superbowl contenders - you are wrong! I'll bet on it.
  3. Yes, it was spot on. A very good analysis of an irrelevant team. This is another example of clinging to old thinking and accepting mediocrity as the norm. Wow, this is twilight zone material where Bills fans are trapped in an endless loop of nightmares. The people who buy tickets from this organization have enabled this horrible management to keep doing business as usual. I had hoped Leslie Frazier who bring something new and fresh to the Bills, but alas the Bills dipped into the mediocrity pot and pulled out another dud. If you thought Jauron was a bold exciting coach, you're going to love Gailey. I'd rather watch paint dry.
  4. This would join the long list of Ralph Wilson blunders! HISTORIC AND STUPIFYING!!!!!
  5. American football is played in the United States. The USA has about 312 million people. World football (soccer) is played in every country of the world. The world has almost 7 billion people. There is simply no comparison. World football is not understood by the vast majority of Americans. Even kids who played a little in school have no idea about the skills and tactics of the game. It is understandable that most Americans find it boring because they don't know what to look for and what tactics and skills are involved. It is kind of like reading a book in a language you don't understand. You put it down real fast. I always find it humorous when world football is looked down upon by people who have no idea about the sport. Did you ever watch the guys on Around the Horn or PTI talk about soccer? Complete ignorance is hilarious when you see it! "Football is the greatest sport ever invented and it's not really close." You are right, but you have the wrong football. The world's game is football. The American game is more throwball and stand around and do nothing ball between commercials and stoppages. I watch American football only on a DVR and a complete game takes less than a half hour. Thank goodness.
  6. All this talk about the strength coach and not one word about the incompetent trainer : Bud Carpenter. An incompetent trainer can put players in a vulnerable position by failing to rehabilitate injuries properly. Why the oversight by everyone on this critical staff position? I hope the new coach brings in a quality trainer.
  7. He should be sued for impersonating a NFL running back.
  8. Here's a little tip: the Bills won't be drafting a QB early (if at all)
  9. This was the most encouraging thing I heard in the press conference. Finally a personnel guy who realizes the main problem is the offensive line. After the Bills draft a OT in round #1, I'll be relieved and a little more hopeful.
  10. Here we go again. Its Jerry Sullivan's fault the Bills haven't made the playoffs in a decade. Stop the Sullivan bashing - talk about getting old!
  11. My favorite part was him saying how "not smart" he is over and over. Alright we get it - you are not smart! Join the club at One Bills Drive. You should feel right at home.
  12. Hopefully they all pick a QB before the Bills pick. The decision needs to be taken out of their hands so they don't screw up and take a QB themselves. The Bills need help at offensive tackle immediately!!!!!
  13. Some people seem to think its just an accident the Bills suck or maybe just bad luck. The fact is they have worked hard to achieve this level of futility. Success is the result of talent and hard work. The Bills organization is a joke starting with the "Hall of Fame" owner.
  14. Thank heavens you are not the GM. This is a completely dysfunctional group of loser re-treads!!!!!!
  15. The offensive line is currently Buffalo's weakest area of many weak areas. Clearly, this would be my top priority and hopefully the Bills will address it immediately. The running game and passing game would improve immediately with an improved offensive line and it would help the worn out defense as well. Manning, Brady,and Brees are all excellent QB's playing behind very good lines. As a result, they have been sacked a combined 45 times all season. The defending Super Bowl champs are struggling with Ben Roethlisberger this year. Big Ben has been sacked 47 times alone. The Steelers have good receivers, good RB's and a very good QB, but they haven't been able to overcome a weaker offensive line this year.
  16. I agree with the positional needs. However, there is a huge difference in their priorities. I firmly believe that the men in the trenches will win you more football games in the long run. Drafting smaller skill position players in Buffalo's current situation is like buying new pimped out hubcaps for a car that doesn't run. They may look pretty, but they don't fix the problem. How many QB's have to come and go to the hospital before someone realizes the LINE is the problem! How much did Owens help the team when the QB's were beaten senseless? Lee Evans is largely invisible. Why? A good OL will make an average QB look good and a bad OL will make any QB look bad. Please upgrade the lines FIRST! IMO, if they draft a QB or WR or RB they are totally missing the point.
  17. How many ways can you say NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  18. Tebow is way way overrated. If Stanford QB Andrew Luck played for Florida he would win the Heisman in a landslide.
  19. Agreed! One year of college experience? Great freakin' pick? I'd start him the rest of the season and let him get some "experience" (i.e. ass-kicked) and then get him some serious off season weight training. Maybe this pick can be salvaged in the future.
  20. Is Lee Evans worth 9 million a year? NO Is Kelsay worth 5 million? NO The list goes on and on. There's your problem. It's the organization that makes these dumbass decisions. Clean out the bad decision makers.
  21. I used to think the same thing. A fourth rounder was maybe worth a shot, but then the longer I thought about it it I realized he can't play any position in the NFL. He can't throw. His passes are wobbly and terribly inconsistent and that is with an outstanding supporting cast. He can't run in the NFL because he doesn't have the necessary speed or escapability. He is not a defensive player either. He is too slow as a wide reciever. Where does he fit? He doesn't! Period. Until the Bills rebuild both lines and the LB corp they shoudn't be drafting QB's,RB's or WR's.
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