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Everything posted by Billsguy

  1. He stinks. The offensive line stinks too. The defensive line is awful. The drafting is awful. The QB is terrible. The LB's are weak and very sub-standard. There's your problem!
  2. I'll add a couple. The front seven on defense are horrific. Stroud is just cashing a fat paycheck and going through the motions. Th LB corp is really weak and pathetic. The offensive line is really sad and untalented. The QB position is bad. Marshawn Lynch is really slow! Enough said.
  3. You could go down the list and see numerous Bills failures under the current regime. How about McCargo and Losman? Or maybe Maybin and McKelvin? etc. etc. The organization is a laughingstock!
  4. Kelly is CLUELESS! Tebow would be a huge mistake in Buffalo. He might be worth a gamble in the 4th round.
  5. "How long can the Bills keep winning like this?" How long can the Bills keep playing bad teams or bad QB's? The Bills will probably be good or bad enough to miss the playoffs again and draft 13th. The owner will continue to believe the team is another couple players away and the Bills will disappear into irrelevancy for another year.
  6. This game changed nothing fundamentally important for the Bills. The organization is still flawed to the core from the owner down to the coaches. The game re-cap shows the Bills win in overtime, but the fact is that a team that receives 5 interceptions off a rookie QB and still needs a 47 yd FG in OT to win is seriously in trouble. With 5 interceptions the average NFL team would have won the game by 3 touchdowns at least. This win is a distraction that will give the bandwagon cheerleaders something to rationalize about until the next big embarrassing loss comes along. I'm happy for the delusional Bills fans who think the ship has been steadied, but the team is still a mess and it still has Jauron as head coach.
  7. It's abundantly clear that many Bills fans still don't get it - it's not about the next draft pick or the next QB - IT"S ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION!!!!! Until the Bills organization changes fundamentally, from the owner, GM, personnel evaluators, and the coaches the team is doomed to mediocrity or worse. The next draft pick is meaningless. The next QB is meaningless. Why don't you get it? Talking about potential draft picks completely misses the point. Stop with the loser mentality. It's not one branch of the tree that is rotten, it's the WHOLE FRIGGIN' TREE! Peyton Manning or Drew Brees couldn't turn this mess around. It's like putting a bandaid on a cancer patient. It won't work. The next owner might get it, but the current owner and many fans are lost and clueless!
  8. Here are couple clues that a lot of Bills fans like yourself maybe overlooked. Successful teams usually have the following characteristics: 1. Coaching - does the team have good/excellent coaching and a proven record of success? Answer: NO In fact, the coaching has a proven record of mediocrity. 2. The men in the trenches - does the team have the talented big men on both lines? Answer: NO In fact, the DL was proven to be ineffective last year. No pass rush and can't stop the run. Why would it be different this time? It isn't. The OL was an experiment in youth. A classic blunder! You can't win in the NFL with inexperienced players all through the line. Plain and simple. Horrific idea. 3. The QB must be capable. Edwards has been horrible, but he was put in a position behind an awful experimental OL. This cannot be underestimated. I could go on all day, but the point is that these clues were there for all to see. It is absolutely no surprise to me that the Bills are headed for another losing season.
  9. The Bills fans are at fault for paying for tickets and merchandise that allow an owner to hire inferior personnel with impunity. The Bills fans are loyal to a fault. They support the team blindly without too much regard for how they are being treated. A true thinking Bills fan would tell the owner and execs at One Bills Drive, "Go shove your marketing crap and season ticket drives up your keester!" "I will support this team financially when you show me you are serious about bringing in top level coaching and management talent to the Bills organization!" "I will not support a team that hangs on to a proven loser like Jauron whose team has gone 7-9 for three straight seasons just to maintain continuity." "I will not support a team that consistently lets its best talent leave without a fair return and I will not support a team that overpays tremendously for mediocre talent." Bills fans, unwittingly through their loyal support, have enabled the bunglers at One Bills Drive to continue taking the fans for granted by supplying them with a sub-standard product. There should have been more outrage that top coaching talent and top players are never on Ralph Wilson's radar. Fans need to ask, "Why Ralph don't you look to hire the best?" Is Dick Jauron the best you can find? Is Alex Van Pelt a top notch offensive coordinator? Why should I pay for mediocrity? Until fans vote with their feet and their wallets, the Bills will feel no reason to change. The fans need to tell Ralph enough is enough. Fans should be shouting, "I won't renew my season tickets until you prove to me that you are serious about winning!" Ralph Wilson in the Hall of Fame. Seriously why?
  10. What could make anyone think Lee Evans is an awesome player? Larry Fitzgerald is awesome. Lee Evans is average with an awesome paycheck. When exactly have you seen awesome from Lee Evans? This is the problem. How many people pay to see Lee Evans do nothing every week?
  11. Peyton Manning would fail under the current coaching and management. Until the coaches and front office are cleaned out - nothing will change. Players come and go yet the story remains the same - bad management from top to bottom is the problem.
  12. Absolutely true. The Ralph Wilson era has been a dismal failure on balance and there is no way he is going to change his stripes now.
  13. Jim Kelly is all talk. It's going to take hundreds of millions of dollars to save the Bills. The clock is ticking on Ralph and the Bills in Buffalo.
  14. I'd say the Oakland Raiders are the worst now. The Bills would certainly be in bottom 5 contention though.
  15. The problem is that the Bills do NOT spend their money wisely! Spending big money on losers like Langston Walker,Dockery, and others shows that the Bills may not be cheap. but they sure aren't smart. Letting top free agents leave for free and drafting losers like Losman and Mike Williams and John McCargo will lead your team quickly and permanently to non-playoff status! The Bills have more money than brains - a bad combination.
  16. The defense showed glimpses of improvement until they got totally blown out in the 4th quarter! TOTALLY BLOWN OUT! Where did they go? They were probably disheartened by the lack of coaching leadership and the anemic offense. Does anybody else realize that the Bills probably have the weakest (or at least bottom 3 ) linebacker corps in the league?Just pitiful LB's. And finally Dick Jauron is pathetic. Down by two scores with about 7+ minutes left in the game and he punts with short yardage to go? WTF!
  17. Jauron is clearly without a clue. Never had a clue, and never will. Edwards was very poor, but the Offensive Line got dominated in pass protection. The OL is a work in progress and the fact that they got dominated is NO surprise. What's with all the bad snaps? I had previously supported Roscoe Parrish - but NO MORE! He is not contributing. Why did the Bills sign TO?
  18. I agree. Meredith is a good prospect. If the Bills are going to rebuild the line, then keep signing good young prospects. I'd rather they go this direction than bring in a 35 year old broken down tackle. Meredith was projected by some to be a solid early 2nd round pick. He has raw potential. I say it was worth it. We'll see.
  19. Here's your problem: "I chose to bring it out because that's me," McKelvin said. "If I had another chance 100 times, I would probably do the same thing." Bills head coach Dick Jauron had no problem with McKelvin's decision to return the last kickoff. Playing smart apparently is not in the Bills playbook!
  20. No it isn't. McKelvin made a terrible error, but the Bills had numerous opportunities to bail him out and they didn't. They failed miserably. The focus on the fumble distracts everyone from the bigger picture. The loss is on Jauron. Here is the rest of the story! It is not a coincidence that bad teams find ways to lose and good teams find ways to win. This is clearly on the coaching staff for playing the kickoff improperly. The special team was playing to defend against the onside kick. Fine, no problem with that, but they left their kick returner back there alone. He therefore should have taken a knee so that the Bills retain possession. If the Bills were behind he should have tried to return it. Here's the problem: The Patriots desperately needed a turnover. The game situation only required the Bills to kill off about 2 minutes. If they instruct McKelvin to take a knee in the end zone the Bills get the ball at the 20 or even fall down before getting hit at the 15 or 20, the Bills maintain possession. The Bills can only lose if they lose possession and give up a touchdown. The key is maintain possession and not to worry about getting a good kickoff return. If McKelvin ignored coaching directions and returned it anyway then it is his fault. If he was not instructed to take a knee, the coaching is at fault. Even if the Bills run three plays and do not get a first down and the Patriots use all their timeouts, the Bills can punt it away and the Pats would most likely have to drive 65-70 yards without any timeouts. This is difficult for even the best teams. If the Bills somehow manage to maintain possession and get a first down, the game is over. Poor decision making lost this game for Buffalo. It is no coincidence that Jauron's coaching is inadequate to poor. He has done it before and he will do it again because he is a career medoicrity.
  21. I watched Walker play in Oakland every week and I said it on this board that it was a huge mistake for the Bills to sign him. Everybody seemed pumped up at the time. It turned out the way I expected. I also am impressed by the Bills' ability to pay huge bucks for players and get nothing in return! NOTHING! Free agents are signed for huge dollars and then they are cut with nothing coming back to the team. Top quality players are allowed to leave as free agents with nothing returned to the team. I see a pattern of mismanagement here. This is freakin' ridiculous. What the hell are the front office people doing besides destroying the franchise? It is no coincidence the Bills haven't made the playoffs in 9 years. Thank you Ralph Wilson for being so incompetent.
  22. GOOD CALL! Who are you picking week one? I need some advice that I can bet against
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