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Everything posted by Billsguy

  1. Did you mean "italicize" ? I'll bet the Bills don't draft him. I think Buddy "I'm not that smart" Nix will draft a lineman.
  2. I agree, but I would use much more emphasis!
  3. I agree. Apparently the Bills would rather have no one at a bargain despite the fact that the QB's got killed. Did anyone notice how another former Bills head coach (Jauron) has landed back where they belong as an assistant. Remember the Peter Principle? People will rise to their level of incompetence.
  4. Of course its meaningless (especially when the Bills are concerned) but it was an interesting exercise. However, the opinions of mock drafters in large enough numbers would outperform randomness IMO. It sure beats reading about why the Bills should draft Tebow by miles!
  5. Excellent post. BTW, why do the Bills and Cincinnati seem to vote against everything?
  6. I agree. It was a very nice effort and a refreshing change from all the endless and clueless Tim Tebow crap that gets posted here. Thanks for the post.
  7. It's more than a smokescreen. If the players the Bills target are gone then they will go to their rankings board. If Spiller is rated highest they could take him. This is called being prepared if the situation changes. Plan B must be ready just in case. BTW, whoever has suggested the Bills might be able to pick him up in the second round has no clue about football. Spiller is a top 10 talent.
  8. I love the arguments on this board. Totally illogical, but hilarious. (Our doctor is better than your doctor crap.) Edwards is a gamble. At least he wasn't an ex-Brown,ex-Lion,ex-Raider or ex-Chief. I guess that's progress.
  9. Well I need not read any further. What talent? Football is a relative sport. Relative to the other teams in the division the Bills fall far short in the talent dept. Relative to the conference it is even worse. Relative to the league you have the makings of a team that hasn't made the playoffs in a decade! Please take off the rose colored glasses. Reality is harsh, but to ignore it is foolish. I would love to be a cheerleader for this team and organization, but my brain keeps talking me out of it.
  10. This is your dream? Wow! Expect nothing and you'll never be disappointed. Your dream is very mediocre.
  11. I remember O-line coach McNally say almost the same things about Langston Walker. He said they watched all the film on the guy and they were confident he would do a great job for the Bills because the Raiders didn't give him the proper support. Walker was a bust. Flash forward to the next Raider stiff to land in Buffalo: Cornell Green. The Raiders, a bad team, have no more use for this guy, but he is good enough for the Bills apparently. He will cash his paychecks and be long gone in a year or two and another castoff will have come and gone and the Bills will have made no progress. It's like the movie Groundhog Day except that the Bills never learn anything from repeating the same mistakes over and over again.
  12. This post pretty much sums up the Bills management philosophy over the last umpteen years. Signing castoffs from perennial losers like the Lions,Raiders and Chiefs,etc. is not going to turn the Bills into a Super Bowl contender? The people who continuously defend this organization for this horrific mismanagement deserve what they get. You can read all the various posts on this board about how the fans are so happy with the way Gailey and Nix are handling the Bills so far. Yikes! It has been so long since the Bills were relevant in the league that people have forgotten (or never knew) what a quality organization looks like. Some people are under the illusion that the Bills are on the right track. It looks like to me that they are on the same track and only some of the names have changed. It has come to the point now where ANY signing is viewed as a positive move regardless of the quality. Yikes! again.
  13. Ralph has been screwing up for 50 years. The brief moments of limited success can be attributed to chance as much as anything else. He still loves to hire proven mediocrity when possible. His biggest mistake was hiring Bill Polian. Now all his other hires are exposed as the true failures they really are. Add up all the people he has hired over the years from Buster Ramsey to Chan Gailey and you can see his record of failures versus success. His decision making overall has been a massive failure to any objective observer. This excludes a large percentage here.
  14. If this is even 10% accurate is doesn't sound good. The Bills can't afford to whiff on this pick. I'm strongly recommending the Bills draft a tackle and I hope they get the right one.
  15. The Bills have solved their nose tackle problem. They sign a guy who has never played an NFL game and this is his 6th team? Sweet!!!!
  16. "Our OL situation is not as dire as many of you make it out to be" - original thread poster It's much worse. The line is in shambles. How about no offensive tackles of NFL quality to begin with dude. Have you any idea what a good offensive line looks like? Apparently not.
  17. He is tremendously overpaid, but that's not his fault. Bad offensive line and QB, but that's not his fault. He's not a #1 receiver, but that's not his fault. The idiots at One Bills Drive are the people to blame! They gave a $9 million dollar contract to a one dimensional luxury item and yet they continue to sign journeymen offensive lineman.
  18. Who in their right mind thinks the Bills will draft a QB now?
  19. Stop this ridiculous Tebow nonsense! Anyone who thinks Tebow should be a Bill should be examined by a team of doctors.
  20. Nevada invented it and perfected it. They led the nation in rushing last year by a huge margin. Here's the catch: You need a very talented running QB to execute it. The pounding a QB would take in the NFL running this would be unacceptable. However, there may be variations of this offense which could be used.
  21. I couldn't agree more. The lines are the reason the Bills stink. The fact that the Bills started such an inexperienced O-line last year just destroyed any chance the QB's would succeed. The QB's had no chance. The desire to draft a QB in the 1st round is really a mistake. Why draft a rookie QB just to watch his brains get beat out? First you build a house on a solid foundation before you worry about the furniture in the living room.
  22. This is for the Kool Aid crowd: UNDEFEATED in February 2010!!! So far, so good.
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