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Everything posted by buffaloaggie

  1. From Pro Football Weekly: Williams can have some trouble when he is up against long-armed opponents. As I stated above, he looks to have average arm length. In both the Clemson and Georgia games, he loses leverage because he lacks the arm length to control his opponent. This is not something that will go away. Either a player has long arms or he doesn’t. When he gets to the NFL, he is going to be playing against long-armed guys almost weekly, which is why I feel he might be better off moving inside to guard at the next level. Oliver over Williams, if Oliver is there when we draft. Otherwise, trade down, get an extra pick, and get Little. The term lazy comes up with Little, which worries me. Mike Williams from Texas was lazy. One of the biggest busts of the 2000's.
  2. Other mistakes: Drafting Josh Allen and standing pat with him as the franchise QB may be the next mistake. We, unfortunately, need to draft another QB in this upcoming draft. Trading up for their targets in the draft, losing out on potential depth. Lost two 2nd rounders to get Josh Allen. A third to get Edmunds. A third to get Zay Jones, after passing on Mahomes. Basing their assessments on getting a McBeane kind of player. Of course, it's easy being a GM after the fact, but it's hard to give these guys credit for much that's been good, based on performance. I don't think getting rid of McCarron was a mistake. Keeping only two QBs from the start was. Anderson is better suited for the Bills than McCarron IMO. Just way too late bringing him in.
  3. Then, his schemes become stale and easy to defend, and he runs out of new ideas to adjust the offense to keep it effective. As a result, he gets fired again and again.
  4. I had the best Defensive Coordinator in the league with a top five rated total defense when I bought the team, I could have hired a former Bills QB as head coach instead of Rex Ryan. Reich and Schwartz combined to win a Super Bowl last year. I am the dumbest owner in the NFL.
  5. Plus, a good backup QB can net a high pick in a trade, like NE did with Garropolo. We can't sit on Allen, like we did on Manuel thinking he was the future. Insurance policy.
  6. This was the Bills mistake when they assumed EJ Manuel was all that, then Jimmy Garropolo was available the next year when we took Cyrus Kouandjio. Just take one QB a year so we always have fresh blood. FWIW, you can teach accuracy. Kellen Mond at Texas A&M has gone from 51.5% completion to 61.7% completion rate thanks to a new coach.
  7. I agree Bama is the best team, but if they did slip up, and if UCF once again goes unbeaten, they will have beaten two top 25 teams, the same as a 1-loss Bama, if, and it's a big if, LSU would upset Bama, it'd be tough to leave out a team that will have not lost in two years. Again, it's an unlikely scenario, but it's an interesting "what if". Also assuming Clemson, Notre Dame and Ohio State all go unbeaten.
  8. A&M is a quality team, as is LSU. Neither team has the depth of Alabama, but Jimbo will have A&M contending, and will soon be the biggest challenger to Bama in the SEC West. LSU obviously is this year, because they have Bama at home, and upset UGA. There are eight unbeaten teams left, and we know three will for sure disappear as UCF, USF and Cincinnati all have to play each other, as does Clemson and NC State. College Football will likely once again have an unbeaten team from the American Athletic Conference on the outside looking in at the playoff. Should Bama, or any other unbeaten slip, that will clear a path for the UCF/USF/Cincinnati survivor. There will be four unbeatens in this year's playoff, IMO. A 1-loss Bama would be out. If Tua is out in three weeks, Bama is very vulnerable vs LSU. Supposedly, he's OK though. Still, Bama, Clemson, Ohio State, Notre Dame in the playoff.
  9. So much for the high character guys http://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/nfl-free-agency-rumors-news-2018-miami-dolphins-release-defensive-tackle-jordan-phillips-sideline-outburst-new-england-patriots/12rp1brje0eiv1we550gxip1ba
  10. Kyle Williams, the only Bills player from that game still on the roster, but not a shock
  11. Rodak deserves a Pulitzer for his insight . Captain Obvious moment is why he wasn't brought on by The Athletic
  12. https://packerswire.usatoday.com/2018/07/19/pff-ranks-packers-as-nfls-no-1-run-defense-entering-2018/ They had high hopes with Pettine
  13. Giving Groy a bit of a pass, he's a Guard most of his career. Maybe trying to fit a square peg into a round hole has been the Bills problem. Coaching makes up a lot of the issue. McDermott waking Frazier out of his play calling slumber was kind of huge. I have faith in the coaching staff. They're taking a bunch of no names on offense, and now they've tasted victory. The defense is now shaping up into what many thought. The biggest question moving forward will be depth, when the inevitable injury bug hits. I do like where this team is going, and it obviously started in the 2nd half against the Chargers.
  14. Week 4 showed it's Bama and everyone else. 22 points is now the closest any team has come to Bama. They got Miss State, they got LSU, they got Auburn remaining, but they have shown no weaknesses, and even look to have found a decent Kicker. Big 12 - OU showed some weakness, and with a road game against West Virginia and a Texas team gaining some confidence, the Big 12 may be on the outside looking in when playoff teams are chosen. I could see a scenario where OU loses the season finale at WVU, then comes back the next week to win the Big 12 Championship game. Who said the Big 12 having a Championship game was a good idea? They play everyone in the conference anyway. Pac 12 - Stanford at Notre Dame next week may wind up being an elimination game for one of them. If ND happens to win, they'll have a clear path to the playoff, only to be slaughtered by whoever they play. ACC - Va Tech just blew their season big time. It's Clemson cruising. Sorry Cuse fans, a road game at Clemson this week. SEC - Besides talking Bama, LSU has both Georgia and Bama at home. They could make waves, at least with UGA. Kentucky, meh... Big 10 - Another elimination game this week as Ohio State plays Penn State. Who knows, UB could be pushing for a playoff spot, as we're at 21 unbeatens after week 4, and many still have to play each other. Playoffs - Bama, Clemson, Ohio State, Notre Dame
  15. Allen's a rookie. He's learning. He had issues recognizing blitzes, recognizing how many rushers were coming. He needs to have better communication with his receivers to adjust for pressure. This should improve. If it's only four rushing, that's on Groy. He's supposed to account for blocking assignments. Is Bodine that bad that we have to stick with Groy at Center? Back to the original post, I don't think the line did that bad against San Diego. Blown assignments, yes. Penalties, some. Much better than game 1, not that that is saying much. Ducasse was less of a spectacle than he was in game 1. The best? I'd have to question the evaluation process.
  16. Continuing with what we saw in the 2nd half of the championship game, Alabama is even more dominant with Tua Tagovailoa as QB. Hurts should only be used in a mop up role or in case of an injury. They'll also have no problem finding a replacement for Calvin Ridley. Three WRs stood out. Scariest Bama team yet. The Pac-12 is sad. Yes, UW lost a tight one to likely the 3rd best team in the SEC, in what was essentially an Auburn home game. But Arizona and UCLA losing their coach's debuts? Chip Kelly and Kevin Sumlin apparently have some recruiting to do, to get "their' guys. Alumni must buy into their process. Big Ten - Ohio State dominated the worst team in the sad Pac 12 and Wisconsin won against their cupcake opponent. Penn State almost pulled a Michigan, struggling with giant killer Appalachian State. We'll all look forward to September 29 with Ohio State at Penn State to see what's for real this year. Nebraska was thunderstruck yesterday, having their home opener cancelled by weather. A tough road game for Nebraska at Wisconsin should decide the Big Ten West. Oklahoma looks like the class of the Big 12, though they have to travel to TCU and a tough looking West Virginia in the regular season finale. Texas showed they're all hype and no substance. SEC - Auburn won over a top rated opponent, while the rest of the conference ate up their cupcake opponents. Poor Tennessee though, blasted by WVU, with their faithful fans saying they're better than last year's winless in the SEC squad. OK. A&M and Clemson match up in week 2 to see if Jimbo Fisher is that much better of a coach than Kevin Sumlin. LSU still must play a top ten Miami this week, with their Ohio St castoff QB. ACC - Clemson will show what they're made of in week 2 at A&M. Miami, Va Tech and FSU have yet to play. The rest of the conference can't wait for basketball season. Others - UCF won't go away. Notre Dame held on in what may have been their toughest matchup for the year. Still, some tough roadies await. Predicted final four - Bama, Clemson, Oklahoma, Ohio State
  17. Overrated every year. ESPN is not getting much out of their investment in the Longhorn Network.
  18. Bills aren't paying Tyrod anything. Browns ate the bonus, but the Bills are stuck with $7.6 million that they can't use. Difference between cap space and real cash outlay. I read that the Jets paid a million dollar bonus to Bridgewater, a signing bonus and a workout bonus of $500K each.
  19. Reminds me of the "Chuck and Duck" label that Buddy Ryan gave to Kevin Gilbride's Run and Shoot. Corners can count on breaking for the ball quickly with Peterman.
  20. His receivers are doing a good job going up to get the ball. Good effort by both Dalton and Green
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