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Everything posted by buffaloaggie

  1. McCoy appears to be out for Bills http://www.milehighreport.com/2017/1/11/14247366/report-broncos-will-hire-mike-mccoy-to-be-their-offensive-coordinator
  2. Ideal draft, I'd be happy with Peppers or Foster in the 1st 2nd - Dede Westbrook 3rd - Budda Baker 5th - Zach Banner 6th - Tyler Orlosky 7th - Chad Kelly
  3. Kind of tough to win a game when the defense is giving up 180, 280 and 230 yards to opposing running backs. Ole Miss had a horrible defense this year. To blame Kelly for their problems is a big stretch. Jim Kelly forced many passes in his career. He still did OK. I think having Uncle Jim to mentor him would make Buffalo an ideal place for Chad Kelly, especially if you can use a late round pick to get him.
  4. Matt Moore? They still have Jay Ajayi to do his Le'Veon Bell impersonation, or was it the other way this past Sunday? Bills D leads in giving up 200 yards rushing.
  5. From ESPN's League Insiders rankings of NFL QBs: "Manuel has no instincts after the ball is snapped," a personnel director said. "He's a great kid, has some talent. But he could not decipher or make quick decisions in college, and I do not see him doing it now." I think this pretty much sums E.J. up, from what we've all seen, but some refuse to admit. I just have not seen an NFL instinct in him either.
  6. At this point, draft a QB, bring in Bo Levi Mitchell, do whatever it takes. This past offseason was a complete waste as Marrone and Co. rested on their laurels with the great QB trio of Manuel, Lewis and Tuel, drafting and picking up no one else, until they saw how bad they were. We're not going to be sniffing the likes of Winston, Mariota and Hundley this year. Definitely do not overspend another draft pick in a trade, unless there's a sure thing available, which there is likely not.
  7. Drew Brees never took off in San Diego until they drafted Philip Rivers. Maybe E.J. needs some added motivation in the form of real competition. No matter what, the Bills need to draft another QB. I wish we had drafted Jimmy Garoppolo instead of Cyrus K. E.J. is not a good QB yet. Not giving up on him, but the frustration of him giving up on runs too early because he doesn't want to take a hit, not stepping into throws, and his just making bad decisions is growing.
  8. EJ is likely going to be the weakest link in the Bills offense. If he can't master not staring down a receiver, this offense will go nowhere. The play where the Giants LB stepped in front of his stare down was pathetic, and we should expect more from an experienced college QB with a few NFL games and training camp under his belt. I'll be happy when we don't have to make excuses for this guy, but he has not progressed much from when scouts complained he doesn't step into his throws and forces throws. That coupled with his habit of staring down his receivers will result in a big ole bust.
  9. Once you get all the facts from the article that I posted below, you will realize that no lawsuit notice was served this week, only a complaint filed with Google and a UDRP complaint. A&M, as would any other institution holding a trademark, filed a UDRP (Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy) complaint and a complaint with Google to stop searches from redirecting to the renamed Bills Fan Thunder website when they do a search for "12th Man Thunder" which is where the 12th Man Thunder domain name still goes today. A&M only wants the redirect taken care of. A&M has done nothing to cause Sonntag to hire an attorney and done nothing to hurt him financially. A&M is working with Sonntag to resolve this. They are just protecting a legally obtained trademark. The Bills and Seahawks both reached an agreement with A&M to use the trademark for a fee. Here is a link to an article from the Bryan College Station Eagle newspaper, which gives details that the Buffalo articles left out in order to generate more sympathy for Sonntag and more anger with A&M http://www.theeagle.com/news/local/texas-a-m-website-founder-butt-heads-over-th-man/article_cb13a581-9664-5933-8392-466490f9f8cd.html Do I like what my college is doing, no not really, especially to a fellow Bills fan and someone dealing with a great hardship with him being handicapped. I do understand why they're doing it, because if they didn't protect a trademark, it may result in future infringements. What caused them to go after 12th Man Thunder.com and not after other cited and alleged violations, I don't know. All I know is A&M currently is doing nothing to hurt Sonntag financially and is working with him to get the dispute resolved with no financial hardship.
  10. Posturing. Byrd wants to test the market, yet still cover his bases with the Bills. He has a right to test the market to see what he's worth. This is probably the contract that sets Byrd up for life, so I can understand his wanting to make it a good one. Doesn't help the Bills, and they need to pick up Dareus' 2015 option which I read needs to be done right before this year's draft @ 7 mil/year or sign him to a long term deal soon.
  11. A defense on the upswing...thinking more like he and Parker are just being d!cks now
  12. As much as people want to laud Byrd, he has had it here and wants to pursue free agency no matter what. It sounds like the contract the Bills offered was more than fair, and Byrd and Parker in the end are just resentful of the front office.
  13. http://espn.go.com/nfl/draft2014/story/_/id/10510240/adam-muema-says-god-told-leave-nfl-scouting-combine Red flag if I've ever heard of one. Texas A&M had a WR with a similar premonition where God told him A&M would beat Alabama and then he would leave the team go on a "religious discovery". He has not been heard from related to football since.
  14. Henderson's defenses have been awful against the run and was one and done in both New York and Detroit. Hope it's not him
  15. I just don't see McCarron making it in the NFL. He wilted under pressure last night too easily and has no improvisational skills for extending a play. Maybe I'm spoiled from watching Johnny Manziel. McCarron gives up too quickly under the slightest amount of pressure. Oklahoma did an incredible job of getting to him, and really exposed him as a future SEC Network analyst, alongside Tim Tebow. Cyrus Kouandjio also got exposed as not being ready for the NFL. He got beat like a drum by Eric Striker last night, and there are plenty of NFL pass rushers bigger and quicker than Striker. Kouandjio needs a Senior year at Bama. Mosley was the only Bama draft candidate to impress me last night. Good quickness and lateral movement. Ha-Ha Clinton-Dix was a no-show for much of the game, but it shouldn't hurt his draft position. Bama as a whole just repeated their Utah Sugar Bowl effort of a few years ago. Kevin Norwood would be a good late round pick. Great hands and always seemed to come up with clutch catches in many of the games I saw. Henry and Cooper are future can't miss NFL prospects.
  16. Not that people respect his opinion, but Todd McShay's mock draft has the Bills taking Taylor Lewan. Seems like this may be a deep OT draft, with six OT's projected in the first round, and Greg Robinson from Auburn is not one of them.
  17. Not sure if it's the way he's been used so far, but I would agree that the Bills need to prepare for what I think is likely - Manuel is not the answer. He isn't going to be used for his mobility because he's going to get hurt to easily. He hasn't shown great accuracy, nor great arm strength. I feel the Bills are more competitive with Lewis at QB. This is one of the deepest QB classes in years. Zach Mettenberger, LSU Taj Boyd, Clemson Johnny Manziel, Texas A & M Teddy Bridgewater, Louisville Marcus Mariota, Oregon Aaron Murray, Georgia A.J. McCarron, Alabama Sean Mannion, Oregon State I'd feel better with almost any of these guys over what I've seen from Manuel "yep, and so was peyton manning after a few games" He only had two 300 yard games in his first five. Dumb comment.
  18. Take away from today's game: EJ looked great on the TD pass, the only real pass he threw today. Everything else was a little dumpoff, and those did not look good. He has to work on his touch passing. Also, someone needs to teach him how to slide. Tuel, as everyone else is saying, looked very poised, no matter what level of Defense he was playing against. O-line looked solid, good protection, good run blocking CJ is going to be a top 3 RB. Fred worries me. We have a lot of depth at WR, and we're going to be releasing players that other teams will be happy to get. We can talk about just about any of them positively. One I'll mention who I'm afraid we'll cut...Brandon Kaufman looked good. Our D looks so much more aggressive. I love a team that blitzes and fakes a blitz. No vanilla looks like the Stache. CB's need some help still. Goodwin, good lord! Awesome returns! He'll be fun to watch. We have a new kicker. Again, some other team will be happy to get Lindell. For the Colts, their left OT Costonzo is going to get Luck killed this year. Still, I'm going to give it a few games. I was very encouraged today though.
  19. He forced passes earlier in the season, but after the LSU game, there was no better college QB. I saw Manziel hitting receivers in stride 20, 30, 40 yards down field. He was not throwing ducks, and the passes that his 6'5" WR (Evans) had to go get, was by design. He has intangibles you can't teach. We'll see if his passing technique has improved this season, but it'll be tough to judge his arm strength, when this A&M offense calls for quick dump offs.
  20. HEADLINE: Former Patriots Tight End Aaron Hernandez to be converted to Wide Receiver
  21. QB situation according to ESPN article: "Everything's open," Hackett noted Wednesday. "To be able to put anything down on paper would be -- I'd be lying to you. I think right now it's just about getting them reps and getting them better every day. And I think with those extra reps [after quarterback Tavaris Jackson was released Tuesday], that's going to dramatically help them both ... At some point, some way, [one] will separate."
  22. The poll was done by a group that also supplies data to FactCheck.org. They're well known and they carry a bit of merit. From what I can tell, it was an independent effort and Snyder had no hand in it. I am really not sure how many people need to find something offensive before it needs to be changed. It would probably take a huge drop in ticket sales for this change to happen. I don't see it happening anytime soon.
  23. People (overly-sensitive) can find offense in anything. What is "wrong" to you, may not be wrong to others. And I would respect the opinions of the majority of Native Americans over the majority of the overly sensitive "other" population. Nine percent. So they just probably happened to tap the least sensitive sample of the Native American population, and no poll is ever worth a damn. All a lower sample size does is increase the margin of error. Does this sample size account for a 40% error rate? 4% error rate (+/- 2% as they said)? Maybe they should ask the same poll sample whether they take pride in this team calling themselves the Redskins and see how that is answered. Sometimes, it is all in how you ask.
  24. 2004 poll: 9% of Native Americans were offended by the name. If over the past decade, 40 plus percent have become outraged, I'd change my mind. Otherwise, Hail to the Redskins! http://www.annenbergpublicpolicycenter.org/downloads/political_communication/naes/2004_03_redskins_09-24_pr.pdf
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