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Everything posted by HOUSE

  1. Young Spencer is only 25, basically a rookie
  2. Maybe we should develop a better running game
  3. Oh boy 👦 https://jetsxfactor.com/2023/03/21/ny-jets-bills-sign-lineman/
  4. You can expect your ticket price increases any day now
  5. Didn't he save the puppies from the burning car?
  6. I would like to thank him for being a big fan of Cam Newton & Mac Jones, it really helped us out... .
  7. It's not likely we will get 17 games out of this guy but it's still a great signing
  8. He can really help the Dolphins but the bidding war will be fierce
  9. This guy doesn't even look like Derrick Henry .
  10. Beane never makes an obvious signing, this means it will be a no name from Biscayne
  11. Kind of reminds me of Gabe with hands This probably means the end of Kumerow who will most likely hook up with Aaron Rogers in NY .
  12. This is like underwear for Christmas
  13. Tennessee won't pay Henry's new deal in 24 and neither will most teams, it's outrageous. So some team gets a one year rental player, was only kidding about the Bills. Von Miller's deal pretty much destroyed that idea
  14. Maybe Brandon Beane lost the Tennessee Titans phone number It happens.....
  15. One thing I learned about Sean McDermott, players are never really gone, they are just on break.
  16. His problem is catching the football consistently, same as Gabe. We need the good hands people because last year was ridiculous. It just killed the offense. I wish McKenzie well in Pittsburgh ....I recommend a 4 year deal, 50 mil.
  17. Being the odd man out is not impressive to me. I might be interested in the guys that started though 🤔
  18. Cole Beasley is just happy people read his tweets
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