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Everything posted by BuffBill

  1. And it is only twice as bad because he has missed so many games with injury. There comes a time when you have to count your losses and dump someone. McKelvin is not a very good corner, but the Bills were better off with him in there when Williams was hurt.
  2. Dang you, I just laughed so hard I crapped my pants. Put Fitz on the 1970's Steelers or the 1980's 49ers and they don't go to the playoffs. He single handedly loses 3-5 games a year.
  3. Exactly, next time he feels like saying "Know Your Role" he might want to be looking into a mirror.
  4. That is pretty bad, the only one that contributed at all was Sammy Morris for the length of his first contract, then he actually played a bigger role with the Pats. If you read over the entire draft, it was a pretty bad draft from top to bottom with only a handful of players being really good, and most of them before they picked Erik Flowers, with Brady the glowing exception. That draft had another good example of why the Cowboys are screwed as long as Jerry stays the GM-they gave up two first round picks for Joey Galloway (2000 & 2001).
  5. I don't think this guy has made a play since he was drafted two years ago. He gets burned on almost every play that he is in on. And his Twitter rants are disrespectful to Bills Nation. See link: http://www.trendingbuffalo.com/sports/buffalo-bills/bills-cb-tells-fans-to-know-your-role/ What is worse he was drafted right ahead of Andy Dalton and Colin Kaepernick? Good job Buddy.
  6. He might play pretty good outside of Buffalo, as long as that is in Canada or the Arena League.
  7. Don't think you can blame it on any one signing if Levitre or Byrd leaves. If they wanna stay, they will stay. If the Anderson signing costs us Levitre leaving then the Mario signing cost us the next 10 players that leave. Don't think you can blame it on any one signing if Levitre or Byrd leaves. If they wanna stay, they will stay. If the Anderson signing costs us Levitre leaving then the Mario signing cost us the next 10 players that leave. Not sure what your point is, you aren't going to get Byrd or Levitre for 1.5 million a year, try about 3-5 times that much. If you are correct and they have even mentioned being interested in a player before March, that is tampering and they might lose a draft pick or be fined. Rumors are everywhere. I don't think money is the issue, and if Byrd or Levitre don't want to be here, they won't be here unless they get franchised, and all that does is piss a player off and you can guarantee they will be gone the next year. Put yourself in this position, hypothetically speaking you get offered 7 million a year by the Pats, 49ers, Packers or another team that has a chance every single season to go to the Super Bowl or you get offered the same or even a little more by a team that hasn't been in the playoffs since you (the player)was 10 or 12 years old, plays one of their only 8 home games in Canada, doesn't have a QB they can win has just signed an unflattering coaching staff. Where do you go? For 90% (if not more) of the players in the NFL the answer is simple. In order to get a top tier FA here, you have to over pay drastically-i.e. Mario Williams.
  8. I told my wife, it used to be easy to spot the Bills in the Pro Bowl because of their red helmets, much tougher this year. Not as tough as most years though, since lately we haven't had many players in the game. With that said though, I like the new helmets, although not a huge fan of the way the stripe widens in the back, but I can live with that. True, but you have to be at least 60 years old to remember it? I am 50 and was still probably crawling to get places then. Probably the worst helmet in my memory was the one just prior to this with the red helmet, grey/white/blue striples, but then again that whole uniform was disgusting. 90's era was great, probably because we had a winning team-that helps.
  9. Not sure you can totally blame it on Brandon, sure Ralphy has a say in the money he pockets. If it were me, Brandon would have already been gone for keeping Buddy Nix around.
  10. If he is truly a Franchise QB, then the Bucs won't trade him. If he isn't truly a Franchise QB, then I am tired of the Bills counting on other teams cast offs.
  11. So you want 2 QBs who weren't good enough to play as even a backup on a 6-10 team behind a terrible starting QB in Fitz and an even worse backup in Thigpen? Do you want this team to get worse? If part of your plan worked out and they got either Smith or Flynn, there probably wouldn't be another vet on the roster to go with a rookie and maybe Brad Smith (Oh God did I say that?).
  12. Yea, 95% of the time if a team is going to trade up it is for a QB and there arent' any worth tradiing up for this year. On occasion teams will trade up for other players, but not sure there is a Julio Jones in this draft either?
  13. Bingo! No need for 6,000 word paragraphs to get the "real" truth across. Read what you wrote? He has used a 7th round pick and other teams failures and cast offs to try to fix the QB situation here-that for all intents and purposes might as well be ignoring the position. Mentioning T-Jax in your statement, further highlights how bad Nix has been. Give up a draft pick for someone who was never even active on gameday? Really? Gailey/Nix/Fitz was a three head sh*t monster and so far we have only gotten rid of one third of that contagious disaster, and this team wont get better until all 3 thirds are history.
  14. Actually the time for a Reality Check was this time last year, and that is where Buddy Nix dropped the ball in a big way. Why does he still have a job here?
  15. That is the NFL for you. It is the biggest sport in the country, and just imagine how big it could be if it were run by people who weren't clueless. Bullying people out of their legal rights. Fine Tom Brady $10,000 for intentionally (yet girlishly) kicking an opponent in the groin, yet fine Frank Gore $10,500 because his socks were too low?
  16. Someone who gets it! Fitz is a nice guy but NFL QB he isn't. Good riddance.
  17. Buddy didn't miss the boat, heck he was on Noah's Ark I believe. They didn't have football then and it shows.
  18. My personal opinion is, the way Buddy Nix has handled the QB situation on the Bills is one of the worst performances (or lack there of) by any GM in Bills history. It didn't take an NFL GM with years of experience to realize that Fitz wasn't the answer at QB, in fact a kindergartner could have told him that. To not address the situation last season, when it was the strongest QB draft class in years, free agents available, trades available and wait until this year when it is just the opposite, worst in years, and say they have to get a QB is a crime. How he still has his job after his first 3 years is a mystery. You are mostly correct, but you can criticize a GM when he totally ignores the most important position on the team-QB. Obviously this team had holes, and many of them which couldn't be filled in one year (although there are still many after 3 years), but to ignore the QB position-no excuse.
  19. To be honest, I was in that mindset this past season, and it is 100% understandable, for fans like us that pour our heart into this team to be disappointed for decades. I agree with another poster also, that this team doesn't deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore. They have had that for how many GM changes, Coaching changes, player changes, etc. but no change in the outcome of the season. Like you, I will be as excited as ever, watch every single snap, waste my money on Sunday Ticket just to watch the Bills,but I don't expect much. This staff doesn't excite me, the only thing he hasn't done was hire the Syracuse ball girl and move training camp to Syracuse. Might be different if Syracuse was coming off of a string of great seasons, or Championships, but it was a .500 team under him in one of the weakest, if not the weakest conference in the country.
  20. I agree, too early to give up on him, if we get a QB that can get him the ball downfield he might turn into something. The WR position needs at least one veteran, badly, just as it did last year, of which Buddy gave up on once Vincent Jackson signed in Tampa.
  21. Probably wouldn't be any worse then Fitz, but he isn't under contract. We basically gave up a draft pick to have him watch games from the inactive list. What a brilliant move Buddy? I agree so much, it just makes me shake my head, how does he still have his job? In one of best years in decades to get a franchise quarterback, he passes and says Fitz "Is the man", now that it is one of the weakest in years for a QB he says we need one? He is so clueless it is amazing. You are right, what he has done to this team, especially the QB position, he should be suspended from working anywhere in this country for at least 5 years.
  22. I do, without question. This doesn't affect it one bit.
  23. I really don't care about the staffs on other teams, the Bills are my team and the fact that they scrape the bottom of the barrel for everything the do (or at least 95% of the time), is frustrating. They would have been better off not having a special teams coach instead of hiring someone who is consistent, consistently at the bottom on the league.
  24. Let's hope it was off the field. This board is Two BILLS Drive, not the Maternity Ward Drive, everything on here normally relates to onfield, and most of the on field action from Fitz was bad. Wonder how long they had to try before Fitz could hit the receiver on this one?
  25. Not just a .500 coach, but a .500 coach in maybe the weakest football conference in the country. Pretty sad hire. Hopefully it will turn out better then expected, but most likely we will be restarting this cycle in another 3 years, as always. Why, because he tells the truth and doesn't drink the Bills Kool Aid?
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