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Everything posted by BuffBill

  1. I agree, they need to get him, and now. This team is decimated. More holes then swiss cheese. It all starts at the QB position. The odds are though that Buddy Nix will screw this draft up like he has the past 3, so brace for another decade of suckitude. My guess is Buddy will try to be smart and wait until the 2nd round pick, when any even slightly potential franchise QBs are long gone and we are stuck with Tarvaris Jackson for the next few years. Didn't he say something about a 3 year plan when he came in here? It has been over 3 years and this team is in worse shape then it was when he arrive.
  2. Listening to WGR this afternoon, counting the 5mil or so for Byrd and they have 22 or 23 million in cap space. Not too sure your figures, contrived to defend this joke of a franchise are accurate.
  3. What an idiotic thread. Tank this season so they really stink? Have you watched the past 12 or 13 seasons? So we can draft in the top 5? We draft in the top 10 every year. Every year they wait to get a quarterback, it is just another year down the road before they are competitive. They finally cut Fitz, a year late. Buddy Nix needs to go so dang bad, he screws up almost every pick of every draft. He gave Fitz a contract that is going to back this franchise into a corner for years. He isn't even capable enough to prevent being tricked into an illegal phone call with another GM before free agency. Most of us true Bills fans are so damn tired of the Bills being a pathetic losing organization, with a losing owner, uncapable front office and a roster half-filled with other teams cast offs and undrafted players nobody wanted. The majority of the other half of the roster being high draft picks who have turned into busts or overpaid underperforming veterans. It is obvious this team has several more just terrible, losing season ahead before any hope of being a contender comes to fruition, and that is being optimistic. It isn't necessarily the team that needs to be blown up, it should be the people in the front office making personnel decisions.
  4. If this was Facebook, I would have hit the "like" button on your post in a half a second.
  5. $7.5+ million against the cap and refused to take a pay cut is why he was released. There will be a market for him but don't think he will make that much at his age.
  6. When you draft in the top ten picks every year in April, year in and year out, you are one of the NFL's worst teams. No way around it.
  7. I have been on the "Fitz has to go bandwagon" since they signed him 30 seconds into free agency a few years ago. With that said, I don't blame Fitz for signing that contract, players have to get what they can get. The blame for that franchise crippling disaster of a deal falls on Nix and anyone else in the front office who was in on making that happen.
  8. I totally agree, it is a cop out. Everyone who follows this team knows there are a ton of holes to fill, but this team isn't going anywhere until the find they guy for the most important position on the team. Is he the only problem, No, of course not, but compare it to a car with a dead engine, and several other problems too. It doesn't matter how many of the other problems you fix, the car isn't going anywhere until you replace the engine-the QB is the engine of a team.
  9. Since Jim Kelly retired: NFL Caliber players: Doug Flutie Drew Bledsoe Should have never been in the NFL: Everyone else yea, when Fitz is the best you have had for close to a decade, it is a wonder we even win 4-6 games a year. Pathetic.
  10. Florence was a guy that could make a couple huge plays then get burned a couple times. Either way, he was better back there then Aaron Williams was, maybe that isn't saying much?
  11. I agree Nix hasn't been very good at all in drafting. One really good player (Spiller), and he didn't produce too much his first two seasons, and was unarguably a luxury pick. The draft isn't the only area that Nix has been bad in though, this team is going to pay for the ill fated contract extension they gave Fitz, no matter what they do with him over the next day or two. Not sure how he still has his job to be honest, his drafting and contracts have backed this organization into a corner, and retained the ongoing, mediocrity at best. As far as only drafting from the South, have you heard him speak? Maybe those are the only ones he can understand? Being a fan gives you the right to criticize if you want? Not sure what you mean in "It's never OK to criticize a GM?". When they have screwed up like Nix has, he needs to be criticized. NFL is an entertainment product, we are the customers, we have a right to complain or criticize, it is their job to improve, and they haven't in a long time, and probably won't under Nix.
  12. You are 100% correct. The contract that Nix gave Fitz should have gotten the GM fired, but they are both still here? No faith in this franchise, whatsoever.
  13. Yea, I agree, sadly. The worst part is we have more holes now then we did when the season ended a few months ago. I guess we have to wait and see what Nix does between now and April, but there are only so many draft picks and so much money for free agents, the most of whom don't want to come here unless they are grossly overpaid. Not too optimistic, since in 3 drafts, with the exception of Spiller (who was a luxury pick), none of his picks have excelled. Dareus has potential up the butt, but hasn't come close to that level yet. Gilmore wasn't that good, he looked better then he actually was because so many teams went after Aaron Williams who has been a disaster as a corner. He has ignored for the most part the most important position on the team, going after one 7th round pick, and a bunch of unwanted cast offs from other teams, now that it is the weakest year in a long time for QBs, he realized he needs one-bad.
  14. I guess his feelings were hurt the beginning of the year when the OC didn't use him. Either way, I think he hits free agency and finds out that there isn't a big market for him and he ends up back in NE where the system makes him what he is.
  15. It would be nice to keep him, but if he is looking for Elite money, he isn't worth it, although someone will give it to him. He is a real good pass blocking guard, not great on run blocking, who is dependable, but not elite. It appears pretty likely that he is gone-hope he takes Fitz with him.
  16. I hated the hiring of Gailey from day one and my view never changed until he was canned. I had the same opinion on the hiring of Nix and still do, he has been a disaster. In my opinion, he was a bigger problem then Gailey if that is possible. I hated the signing of Fitz 20 minutes (it seemed) into free agency like he was some legend who every team in the league was going to throw millions at. My opinion has never wavered on any of the three, and although I am probably wrong on more things then I am right on, I was dead right on each one of these three, the proof is in the pudding. What has Nix done? People keep saying the team is better then when he took over-where is it better? He has been the GM over three terrible teams so far. He has had about 2 or 3 decent picks out of over 20 some draft picks he has made. In my opinion, the worst part of his tenure is his handling of the QB position, one 7th round pick, who had no chance of being a starter, and other teams cast offs and projects that nobody else wanted. He ignored the most important position on the team. It is one of the world's biggest mysteries to me, is why Buddy Nix is still the GM of the Buffalo Bills?
  17. Why if you dont have a quarterback? That would be like stocking up on kite string but not having a kite to tie it to.
  18. You hope. It is the draft, you really never know what you are getting-remember James Hardy?
  19. It is much easier to narrow down the small/short sections of time when it was a good thing to be a Buffalo sports fan. The 1980's and the first half of the 1990's weren't all that great either. That is why it is so good to be an owner of a sports team in Buffalo-you don't have to put a whole lot into winning (and they don't), because you know that no matter how terrible the product is, the fans are still going to support you. Kinda disagree, in that at least all Bills fan in 2000 or 2001 could at least remember them being decent and playing in the playoffs. There has to be a good percentage of the young Bills fans now that have no recollection of them contending for anything except a top draft pick.
  20. I would be in favor, but I don't think you will see him playing anywhere but with the Giants this year. Besides, until we get a QB that can throw the ball downfield, what it would cost him would be a disappointment at the end of the year when you see his stats. No kidding. Imagine if Ralph WIlson Stadium has real grass, there would be bald spots all over the field from his short throws.
  21. How do you know that for sure? Last year at this time, Barkley was a "Can't Miss Franchise QB?"
  22. What did he say that wasn't the truth? They beat the Steelers too, but even said that Roethlisberger gets the crap beaten out of him as much as Flacco does. The PC Police won't like it, but what he said was spot on accurate.
  23. I don't see much hope for the next few years sadly. We don't have a NFL caliber QB on the roster, and if we get one this year-a big IF-it is going to take a couple years for him to mature and to get weapons around him. Might take longer then that to make the defense formidable. None of this will likely happen with Nix as GM either. I won't cheer for them any less on sundays, but any hope from the franchise has been beaten into the dirt over the past 10-12 seasons.
  24. I am convinced as a corner he is a bust. Any hope if if they move him to safety and it works there, but either way the pick will end up being to high in the draft.
  25. Don't be surprised if this is Nix's last draft, and Whaley takes over before next April. He took over a disaster and the team hasn't won anymore since he got here, so it is still a disaster? What has Nix done to be so "solid"? He drafted Spiller in 3 years?
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