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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. For the record, his WRs drove Tebow nuts as they dropped I think an average of 6+ per game with Tebow at QB. It was laughable how many drops they had. I evaluated Fitz his entire time in Buffalo, all the while wanting him to be of HOF caliber, but he has sucked the entire time. If anything, my bias gave Fitz the benifit of the doubt, and he STILL failed that miserably. Without my Bills bias, I would view Fitz worse than I do now.
  2. And yet, Fitz is a worse passer than Tebow. Anyone who has watched either play without bias would reach the same conclusion. Embarrassing I know, but they have the same elongated wide up, they have the same inability to hit the broad side of a barn, but Tebow can throw a fade route with the best of them while that is Fitz's worst route and throws ten time the number of picks on that route than completions. Stats are irrelevent, especially across schemes. You don't think Tebow could throw slants and screen passes? Fitz can't even complete a 3 yard out/drag route. Tebow could have that completion percentage with our scheme, and have a total of 15 TDs when you add in his rushing. And lets not forget the added dimension Tebow brings the running game. You also cannot deny how he inspires his team mates. It cannot be looked over, even his Broncos team mates were admitting it, like V Miller and....http://www.thebiglea...-of-god-fumble/
  3. He is a better passer than Fitz. Let that sink in for a minute because it is actually true. Fitz is that bad. I'd take him in a heartbeat
  4. Sometimes people don't even watch the games. They must be too focused on their wings. Mario has sucked all year. K Moore is a much better option.
  5. Lets cut Mario and pay Lebeu or Wade the remaining $50 million of Mario's contract to coach our D.
  6. KYLE MOORE WOULD AND DOE SPLAY WITH 110% EFFORT. I WOULD RATHER HAVE HIM IN THEIR. BENCH DAREUS TOO FOR CARRINGTON I have been saying this for weeks when are the Bills going to get their heads out of their asss!
  7. Fitz was signed after what, 8 total good games? 2 at the end of one season and 6 in the next. Why not make him lead us to the playoffs to get an extension? Only an idiot would have resigned him when they did. And .....
  8. I watch a lot less. Bills suck. Rule changes suck. And holy schit!!!!! I am tired of the NFC East being on tv EVERY SINGLE GAME!!!!!!!! You would think its the Bills and 4 other teams in the entire league with who they show in Rochester.
  9. He simply isnt good enough to be on the field. Whether it effort or injury or he just isn't good, he shouldnt be on the field until he can play better. Kelsay, Carrington, Moore could and SHOULD take his place until he can play like an NFL caliber DE again.
  10. Kelsay is outplaying Mario. And we all know who is the more gifted player.
  11. Im not sold on Geno Smith. He throws way to many screen passes to really evauluate for one, he never seems to throw with much velocity, and the kicker for me is he really doesn't look comfortable in the pocket AT ALL. He drifts back and to his left every drop back - its a bad sign.
  12. Washingtons D was pretty good until they lost two of their better players to injury. Whats our excuse? And even still they dont allow points like me do.
  13. We prob beat the Jets last game of the season. Ugh.
  14. Cam Newton could throw slant passes a lot better than Fitz. He would be great here. PS I would also trade for Clausen at this point.
  15. And seriously, JJ WATT!!!!! Dareus looks like a big fat bum out there this year. Meanwhile they are carving Watt's bust in Canton. Sure everyone on this board thought Dareus was a stud pick, and you couldn't go wrong with either player, but we aren't paid millions of dollars to be an NFL GM either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. We are finished. even at 3-3, the other two 3-3 teams in the AFCE we played crushed us horribly. We suck, our record is an anomily.
  17. He is an NFL head coach. I expect his foresight to be 20/20, especially when Tomlin's is. And half the stadiums for that matter. Enough excuses already. Its been 13 years. Make the !@#$ing playoffs.
  18. Yea, I woulda liked to take a flyer on this kid. IMO thats what those later picks are for - top talent that have issues so they fell. The Bengals are filled with those guys - Michael Johnson, Dunlop, Maleuga, PacMan Jones. It was obvious the guy could play - so take the risk. Where are all the guys who hated on him and said he was washed up? Burfict is outside
  19. Yea, I guess quality teams whose goal is to win the SB would go for two to tie rather than be down going into the half. Harbaugh would have gone for it. Same with Belicheat. Not the bills though.
  20. I disagree. Look at our DL. A top 3 draft pick, and a 100 million dollar free agent - they both have stunk this year. Carrington and Moore are outplaying them when they get a chance. Kelsay is outplayin Anderson. Williams is the worst CB in the league and that top 3 draft pick is the worst DT in the league per one reputible ranking. We are OK at WR, and our OL is pretty good. Other than that, we suck everywhere, especially coaching.
  21. How many times do I have to watch our CBs get passes throw right over their heads when they are in perfect coverage? McKelvin is the worst at it, and Rodgers allowed that last TD to go over his head. When I was in the 3rd grade, my Dad taught me to turn back and look for the ball when the receiver does. Why can our NFL corners not seem to learn this? Its so simple and basic. I see other games on TV and other teams guys can do it. And for the record, my Dad is not a HOF football coach, it is simply one of the most basic things you teach a DB.
  22. Some people on TV alwasy say "take the point swhne you can get them" But as you point out, that doesn;'t matter. I have never EVER heard a reasonable explanation for not going for two when you are down by two.
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