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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. If we could re-do the 2011 draft I would take Christian Ponder over everyone else and I dont think anyone would say he was/is BPA, even in hindsight. Take the QB. PS: I have little confidence in NIx actually finding a ood QB. He has passed on Dalton, Ponder, and Wilson in the past few drafts, and its not like the guys he did take are lighting it up.
  2. I haven't really watched the past few weeks. Last week I had the 2nd half on as I did other stuff, but didnt really pay attention. The Titans game I had it on the radio on a road trip. This Sunday, its going to be near 70 in Rochester and I'm not about to spend the only 70 degree day we will have in the next 6-7 months watching the bills get their schitt pushed in. This is coming from a fan who 5-10 years ago who wouldn't change the channel durring commercials because I refused to miss a single snap.
  3. I don't recall anyone wanting Gabbert, other than Todd McShay. Blackmon is good, but he can't throw himself the ball.
  4. I still wish we went 0-16 last year. We would be so so so much closer to the playoffs with him on the roster. In fact, we would make them this year with Luck.
  5. This thread is a perfect microcosm of America. We have people bickering over race and religion and why their side is better, which distracts them from real issues causing our country to fall apart. Very sad. I see you don't understand the difference.
  6. What scares me is people can go into a voting booth and vote themselves my money. That is no different than a mob of people going into the bank and stealing my savings or breaking into my house and stealing my possessions. This was unConstitutional until 1913 when the 16th Ammendment was passed. This created the Federal Reserve and our regressive, unequal tax sytem which is basically the root of every economic problem this country has faced since. Before 1913 we had a free country where properity create enormous sums of wealth that raised the stardards of living for all citizins. Over the last years 100 years that prosperity has been dying a slow slow death. “The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money." "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years." - Alexis de Tocqueville, 1835. Considering the fate of this nation since 1928, I think that is quite the compliment. And BTW - the Democrats were the party of the KKK back then.
  7. I could see Whaley taking over. Maybe Polian comes back but I doubt it, and I'm not sure I would want him. He did a terrible job in Indy the last few years he was there. Nix hasn't done a good job with anything but the OL, he should go IMO but I'm not sure he will.
  8. We also need 8-9 new starters on defense. Some of our current starters should be cut while others could remain as backups.
  9. You know I kept hearing people on the news saying this too. But I thought about it and realised two things 1- what specific lies has Romney told? 2- what specific truthes has Obama told? Romney I guess had that Jeep add about moving jobs to China, which Jeep claims to be false, but Jeep has been moving jobs to China for years...? EVERY car company has. So is it really a lie? Thats the only one I can think of honestly. But Obama lied to us about Benghazi, lied to us with his green energy handouts, lied to us with his auto bailouts, lied to us about Obamacare, lied to us about tax hikes on the middle class, lied to us about cutting the deficit, lied to us about closing Gitmo, lied to us about ending the wars (we are still in Afghanistan AND Iraq - I know its reported we aren't in Iraq but I still have two close friends stationed that). Thinking back I can't think of a single time he has told the truth in 4 long years. Basically Obama has lied and Romney hasn't had the chance to lie to us yet. But where do all the liberal pundits get the gall to spout that all Romney does is lie lie lie when Obama is the most guilty of the all?
  10. You have been fooled by the media. 'some overlapping ideology' - I just covered about 50% of their job description. The other 50% is being the Commander in Chief, the rest is filled with fotter like gay marraige and abortion arguments, of which I am convinced there is no right or wrong.
  11. Good point with the Patriot Act. I have noticed Gitmo remains open and operating as well (althought I am OK with that). However, Obama IMO could and should be Impeached and charged with murder and a slew of other charges for ordering the assasination of a US citizin who was never charged with a crime or convicted of any crime. Obama - in his sole and absolute discretion - determined this man was a terrorist and had him assasinated. Obama further state after the fact on his order A US citizin could be indefinately detained without charge, even if it was on US soil. Needless to say that is blatently UnConstituional. No one man should ever - ever - hold that type of power.
  12. Please explain to me the difference in the political ideology behind Bush's homebuyers credit, auto bailout, and bank bailout vs. the ideology behind Obama's homebuyers credit, auto bailout, and bank bailout.
  13. yes I know that. Same thing was true of the bank and auto bailouts. Obama just took Bushes policies to the next level (or you could argue he skipped a few levels lol) So there was Obama and 'Obama light', or Bush and 'Bush heavy'. The Repbulicans and the Democrats are very very similiar unfortunately.
  14. And Ryan Fitzpatric was an attempt at a Franchise QB What I dont get is, Bush tried a homebuyers credit, it didn't work, so Obama tried one too. The same could be said for the Bank Bailouts and Auto Bailouts etc. Yet some people hate Bush and love Obama. What gives? They are basically the same guy. Then, the liberal media keeps trying to tell me that Romney is going to use the same policies as Bush - that couldn't be further from the truth.
  15. Comparing our fiat currency to other countries who are also devaluing their fiat currencies is futile to say the least. Gold per ounce 2000 = $280 2012 = $1790 Silver per Ounce 2000 = $5 2012 = $30 Crude Oil per Barrel 2000 = $27 2012 = $93 Gasoline per Gallon 2000 = $1.60 2012 = $4.00 Whole Milk per Gallon 2000 = $2.80 2012 = $3.65 The reason Oil and Gas haven't gone up as much as Gold and Silver is because of increased supply and a decreasing demand. If you look at the first chart within the link below, you will see that gas prices really started to rise shortly after Nixon took us completely off the gold standard in 1972. That is not a coincidence, this is showing the increase in cost, which as the second graph shows, is really caused by devaluing of the dollar. If you notice, once adjusted for inflation, the price of gas has gone up only 22 cents per gallon since 1919 http://www.consumere...over-the-years/ its not that I think I should show ID per say, its just how appalled I was that I could have voted for someone else, or I could have registered as Big Bird and showed up and said I am Big Bird and am here to vote and they would have let me. Corruption must be rampant, and I'm not surprised there is no evidence of it either - how could there be when the system is SO open?
  16. The Dow isn't up. The US Dollar is down. Big difference.
  17. I am in real estate my man, the housing market is completely unchanged with Obamas silly credit, in fact it made it much worse for the few months after it ended. The credit didnt create more home buyers, it simply accelerated them into the future, which left no buyers post credit. But we are billions more in debt because of it. And no my house was not 8 k, but considering my mortgage payment is only 600 a month, that covered the first year + where middle class Americas worse off than I got stuck paying the bill.
  18. I sure as hell never got that check! But I did get Obamas 8k homebuyers credit. Thanks for paying my mortgage boys! I personally believe that Israel would have already bombed Iran if we didn't make them be our little lap dog. Then us and Israel would have gotten what we want years ago- a nuclear free Iran - without America having to step in and do anything.
  19. Replacement refs were better than the real refs. Thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
  20. I took every question (you can expand some of the categories) and used the more options tab a lot and I agree 90% with Gary Johnson which is who I voted for. However if you don't understand or think about the issues you still won't get a good result.
  21. Voting in NY is such a joke. I walked in, told them my name, and that’s it. They asked for no ID, no piece of mail, they didn't even verbally confirm where I lived. Anyone could have walked in and told them my name and voted in my stead, or me in theirs. Considering you can register by mail, they have no way to confirm if I even live in that town, statte, or even the COUTNRY. Heck, I should have taken the entire day today and driven around the city voting for dozens of other people at different poling places. If I planned ahead, I could have registered total strangers or figments of my immagination to vote and voted for all of them too. Then to top it off, the instructions they gave me to actually cast the ballot into the machine were in SPANISH. Holy s***, how embarrassing.
  22. Is anyone else worried about the system he plays in? Brohm had a lot of success in that system and it didnt translate to the NFL. Same thing with Landry Jones (Bradford)
  23. I'm suprised GJ is getting so much support. I love Ron Paul but will be voting GJ mainly for two reason, 1: There is no reason to vote Romney as Obama won NY about 30 years ago and 2: If the Libretarian party gets 5% of the vote, they will get federal election funding for the next election cycle. That my friends could end this BS two party system and bring back more freedom to this country. Gary Johnson is my man! PS: please dont vote for a single incumbant (yes including president). If you happen to be in a swing state, please don't waste your vote on Johnson though.
  24. Its not the offensive scheme that would have dictated Kelsay in coverage. We may have ran a zone blitz on that play and with a zone blitz it is common for a DE to go into coverage. PS: Has kelsay ever diagnosed a bootleg (or reverse or counter) in his entire career? I sure haven't seen it, ever. And another thing, if it was a naked boot - then there wouldn't be any receiver out, thats what the naked part means - its a designed QB run with no option to pass. Otherwise, its just a boot leg.
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