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Everything posted by peterpan

  1. I like Jerry Jones. I little bit of arrogance is a good thing in football, but the real reason I like him: He spent 1 billion of his own dollars to build a stadium and doesn't ask Mr and Mrs Taxpayer to fund his pet projects. I think its total BS that the NFL can make 9+ Billion a season and askes local and state governments to build them what is basically their office building.
  2. The complex in foxboro is much more than a stadium - its like an outlet mall and a stadium with condos and restaurants. There are tons of parking lots. Ive never been there for a Pats game, but when I have been for other games people just parked and tailgated like you would at the Ralph.
  3. Seriously? Its because Fitz could't throw him the ball. The field is about 30 yards wide and 15 yards long with Fitz at QB. Outside of that the defense doesnt even have to cover the WR.
  4. But, thats been Chans MO FOREVER. He was fired from KC bc he refused to run the ball.
  5. You could have stopped at 12 rushing attempts. 100% unacceptable.
  6. I am curious as to why Nix is still clamouring for a franchise QB , just as he was when he took over, only to have passed on multiple franchise QBs, since he has taken over.......
  7. Dang, thats like us giving up one Mrcus Easly or a Searcy or a Carder. I don't get why our team values our draft picks so much - all our draft picks tend to suck. Go out and trade for a decent player when you can because a decent player is better than a guy who is off the team and never plays. I mean come on, A Boldin was a 2nd round trade, and we drafted James Hardy that same year I think. S Holmes was a 5th and we took Easly in the 4th that year. Those are two of the better WRs in the entire NFL, one was a former SB MVP, even if we did strike gold on those picks they prob still wouldn't be as good as AQ and Holmes. SJ - AQ - holmes is a drity WR core. not bad for a 2nd 4th and 7th
  8. Honestly, players with that type of mentality, that make excuses and try to justify their sucking, should just be cut. Our team sucks because that has been th attitute for 15 years. Just more excuses. We don't need players like that. We dont need players who go 15% like Mario Williams. We need guys like KW would play all out every snap. Hungry guys like Kyle Moore. Shappard is clearly part of the problemw ith his play, but even moresoe with his attitude.
  9. This is just another dumb decision by some California politicians. LA cannot and will not support an NFL team. It has been proven three times.
  10. Ive never heard of a MNF game being blacked out. I doubt Thursday is any different.
  11. Its easier if we start by stating who is worth keeping around. DL: KW, K moore and Carrington as backups LBs: none DB: Byrd, Gilmore and Brooks bc they are rookies. Rodgers as a Dime guy. So we need 6 new starters in the front 7 and prob another two starts int eh D Backfield. Thats not too bad....right....roght?
  12. Yes I could use some help too. Sincerely, Dave Wannstedt
  13. The NFL has to apprve the move though. Considering all these big market teams cannot sell out their stadiums while teams like BUffalo still do I think will keep them here. Jax SD TB they never sell out but Buffalos and Clevelands do. Three teams have failed in LA, I think the NFL learned their lesson.
  14. Yes I did watch all his games last year. And unless you skipped most of the Bills games last year then you didnt watch all his games like you say. If you are evaluating him as you would a Brady or some pocket passer then yess he was bad and when you look at his stats he looks even worse!. Thats what I have always said! I am evauluating him as you would an option QB, because thats what he is, and he was incredibly good at that. And YES they won games that way! I like college football better than the NFL bc there are many differenet offenses and they can all be successful if executed properly. Tebow is a square peg and the NFL systems are a round hole but he has won games when they let him be the square peg. Regardless, Fitzpatrick is not even in the top 32 of NFL quarterbacks and we need to try SOMETHING!!! (I am not implying Tebow is in the top 32) And for the record, there is no such thing as a 'meaningless game' to Tebow. That says a lot about the guy, especially when this team that hasn't had anything but meaningless seasons for 13 straight years.
  15. If the jest fire Rex I would send the team plane to JFK and have it waiting for him to come straight to Buffalo and get him reservations at Teds AND Mighty Taco. but really Gailey on O with a new QB and Rex on D we may actually be OK. (I know he is a 3-4 guy I think we are well suited to make that change. I mean, whats the worst that could happen - we go from 31st worst D to 32nd worst?)
  16. Fitz is at his best when he just tucks it and runs. Vick is better at running than Fitz. Teach him to slide and maybe the fumbles stop. Our OL is much better and he is much more accurate than Fitz - and can make deep throws and throws to the sideline. Vick/Tebow/Matt Moore/Flynn/Hasselback/Clausen/Mallet/Cousins I'd give any of those guys a shot plus TJax who we already have.
  17. Thats what I'm saying. Tebow helps you do those things and thus helps you win. Actually, I think those scores show that how Tebow won those games, worked. Denver controlled the ball, ran down the clock, and didn't turn it over. Its going to be a close game when you play that way and a majority of NFL games are won by 3 points or less anyways. Thats normal for it to be close. If they controlled those things and DIDNT win, or won WITHOUT those keys factors in their favor, then one could chalk it up to luck, but not with those factors behind him. And as you point out, Denver lost when Tebow turned the ball over. It would seem that Denver won when Tebow did well and lost when he did not - therefore, they also won BECAUSE of Tebow and not in spite of him.
  18. Where are you going with this? The games where tight with both high and low scoring, The bills have great RBs, better than Denvers, and the Bills coach passes too much and should run more, but even still has put up a lot of points. But no, I do think that having Tebow at QB would cause Gailey to call more running plays. I'm not really sure the point you were trying to make....?
  19. I remember that game. Tebow won me my fantasy league with that game! I was in a real tough bind with my QB being injured and played Tebow for the win! Got me like 30 points or something lol.
  20. What bothers me in this discussion is no one seems to acknowledge what Tebow would do for our running game. That is why he turned Denver around - he got their running game going (and he was pretty good in the clutch, making him the anti Fitz in that scenario. O, and he didn't turn the ball over) It offers up a whole new offense to Gailey with the zone option play. That means the backside end and LB cannot chase down the running back, because they have to honor the QB pulling the ball and running the other way. Essentially, the QB can effectively block TWO defensive players, taking them out of the play. Washington has been doing with with RG3 with great success and Carolina has had success too with Cam Newton. Sure Tebow throws funny, but so does Fitz. But Tebow would open Spiller up for even MORE yards per carry and maybe then Gailey would have less confidence in throwing it 40 times a game and commit to the run more - which would be a total blessing.
  21. Look on the bright side guys, we finalyl have an offensive line! First time since the early 90s we can say that!
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