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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. I agree with you guys. It's almost embarassing and seems to happen at every game I go to. Noise on Offense, not enough noise on D. Then when I try to get my section going in the important moments on defense, people look strangely at me or tell me to sit down. It's a whole different fanbase than we had in the late eighties/early nineties.
  2. That game was going to be 17-6 without Moulds' fumble. Game over. Was he supposed to recover that fumble or something?
  3. Tell us Mike how Drew could have possibly played any better yesterday...... He was within the team concept. He was decisive in the pocket. He was accurate and strong with his throws. He didn't turn the ball over. etc. etc.
  4. Good and accurate points Kelly. I agree with you on these accounts. It's amazing over the years how many corners you see going for picks on a long 4th down pass. It boggles the mind. Just plain stupid.
  5. You can thank rampant negativity, fickle fans, WGR, and a warm sunny "summer" for the 5.5 score :-)
  6. I'm really not sure which game you watched Rockpile or where your seats were, but the effort was there in spades. To see that commitment to the run against the best Run D in the league was a thing of utter beauty. It's a different offensive philosophy than some have seen here in a LONG time. Maybe that's it. I don't know. If you weren't impressed you're probably in for a long boring season. Me, I've been waiting to see this approach to our offense for a long time. The D was all over the field except for 2 prayers and that is a lack of effort? Moulds looks like he's back in ProBowl form but the fumbles he had were indeed inexcuseable. I agree on the TE hands comments :-).
  7. It was refreshing wasn't it? I must say I really don't know how to react to this loss. They did so many of the things well today I've wanted to see done since early last season. It's definitely a strange feeling. Honestly it feels like the throwback game to me
  8. Makes alot of sense Billy. I agree...Why not register ?
  9. I'm eager to see JP too, but on a day when I see Drew being Decisive in the pocket, getting the ball out quickly, showing very good accuracy with receivers, not throwing INT's, and managing the game well (which BTW is what we've ALL been SCREAMING for).....Bringing in a QB who will need at least 2 years to learn how to read NFL defenses is not even something I would consider thinking about.
  10. Your points are not one's that I can argue really. It's a feel thing. The people I learned the game from would have advised to punt and let the d play though, that's all, and I agree with them. 4th and 13 odds are about the same as making a basketball shot from half-court! And Lindell is about 33% beyond 44 yards.
  11. I stand on the side that even if you have a guy like Vanderjagt, the right call is the one that was made. Yes I've read all the theories about playing to win vs. playing not to lose but it's really a sound, dare I say "no brainer" decision amongst the friends , and past coaches that I've been involved with in my meaningless football career. Take a look at the odds of a team going 80 vs. a team going 60, you'll be amazed. With a D like the one we have , it was the right call in my camp, but I do realize there are some "risk-taking" (IE. Martz) type coaches out there who would feel differently. Bottom line in my book is that we gave up 2 absolute Prayer passes to lose the game. There were mistakes made as there are in every NFL game, but I really can't put the balance of the game on that call.
  12. What they didn't show on the TV view was that there was a defender behind Shelton in the endzone and a lob pass with no throwing lane would have proved a very strong risk for an interception. Taking the sack there was a good decision. People can look to three or 4 different plays in the game to blame the loss on if they want to and that can't really be argued, but ultimately it was 2 COMPLETE PRAYER passes that beat us today. It leaves a bad taste because we had the game won. It's really not a whole lot different than the Titan playoff game where our offense left the field with the lead and a miracle won it.
  13. Rich, are you and psycho Ward going to be posting your pics from Nick's online?
  14. It was a much smaller crowd than was expected but still just as fun and the plates were tasty!
  15. Agreed. It's not everyday on this board I find someone new to talk X and O's with. It's almost like that secret inner circle that Rockpile often mentions Food for thought: I think in the running game this weekend we'll see alot of guard pulling along with the Te's staying in tight at the first level in order to try to seal off the edges against JAX's weak DE's.
  16. I think I've found a new friend (re: gantrules posts in this thread) Oh how I love X's and O's in the afternoon.
  17. You said it Indy. Maybe a post from VA on this would clear things up....
  18. Looking forward to seeing you at Nick's Rich! My wife and I have your 12 year wait beat by 2 years , Lol ! 14 years and we just got married last month ;-)
  19. I Certainly wasn't feeling sensitive, really. Trust me. I just think it's really fun when someone tries to jump in and correct a post and the correction is actually incorrect. Just bored at work.................
  20. No, that would be if it was only for 1 game there Mr. Math wiz
  21. that's $ 145 with no food or drink!!!! Yipes!!! Good Luck.
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