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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Do you honestly feel you can make sweeping statements like this after a man has played 2 whole NFL games in his life?
  2. Maybe we should ask the Right Tackle of the Raiders (you know the one that took TKO down by the neck in the endzone?) if he is a concern as a pass rusher....
  3. The big thing I noticed re: the 7 sacks as R. Rich stated had to do with the interior of the O-line. On atleast 4 of the sacks, it would appear on a quick novice glance that either Jennings or M. Williams were playing poorly and giving up their man too quickly on circle rushes. The reality upon closer inspection though was that the interior line was getting pushed back into the area where the pocket should have formed for DB to step up into. Since that area didn't exist, the outside rushers were able to end their path in the quarterback's lap. On the rollout sack, DB should have unloaded the ball. On one or two of the remaining sacks, it's seems that DB held on too long while waiting for a deeper route to open up. Shelton had a missed assignment too as mentioned....
  4. I'd say it's more of an indication that the rampant negativity has gone way overboard, and has turned from constructive reporting to yellow journalism. Media entities who have no real understanding of the game making claims about positions on the team that they have no idea how to evaluate. Evaluating a qb is one thing, but things have leaked well beyond that.
  5. The more pissed off and frustrated guys in the local Buffalo Press get (Allen Wilson excluded), the happier I am. Right or wrong they're obviously gonna trash the team regardless of the situation.
  6. I know a hit and run when I see one, but you can't fault a guy for defending himself
  7. Sorry I don't buy that crap for a second. My Kind? Was it the objective football analysis that I provide that provoked you? Or maybe my strong support for the team we here supposedly love? I'll be here when you come crawling back from the pathetic alternatives your life offers you. So sorry for actually contributing to this board from time to time you embarassing excuse for a football fan.
  8. I think Ole RJ took an injury or 3 in the red practice jersey ;-)
  9. 1st of all , Henry actually DID score from the 1 yesterday, skinny rookie TE in the way notwithstanding. Unfortunately , the whistle blew prematurely. 2nd, I'm amused by all this either/or stevestojan with these 2 backs. They are both quality runners and need to be implemented together over the course of a game. 23 TD's in 2 years does indeed reflect having a "nose for the endzone" BTW.
  10. hehe, I was wondering if you were gonna bring this up. No ,we're still on fair and square. My previous statement about his play yesterday does not mean that I now think he played poorly last week, because he didn't.
  11. Henry played hard in both games and ran effectively considering the O-line play and the fact that the 2 opponents are 2 of the best teams vs. the run in the league. The INT yesterday was a bad throw, high and hard. This is not the area you should be focussing your hopes for change on IMO. McGahee has looked good so far too, but no better than TH. Me, I'm hoping for 2 things: Milloy's return and some pass protection.
  12. Well considering the point is all about winning, they really would not have a right to be upset. A win is a win. (IMO)
  13. I'll tell you what Nodnarb.... If this team DOES go 8-8 after what we've seen so far I for one will play quite pleased. Is that pathetic or what?
  14. Ive never been an "apologist" for Drew, I always try to use facts. And the facts is that Drew played a poor game today. I can't say anything to support him today.
  15. It hurts even more because Henry scored on 4th and 1. No challenge...
  16. As bad as we've played today, I'm telling you guys that Henry Scored... Why no Challenge?????????????????????
  17. Henry was just in!!!! Watch the fuggin replay!!!!!!!
  18. Drew's been pretty poor today so far. I've got nothing good to say about his play to this point. Touch has been poor. Decisions poorer.
  19. Gantrules..... Love you X's and O's ! I'm 180 degrees away from your opinions though, lol
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