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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. Alsaka I agree once again. Do you know just how nearly impossible it is to hold on a 1/2 second FB dive play? Especially when the FB goes down after 2 yards? That call was obseen.
  2. Great points Alaska. You saw the game much the same way I did. I agreed with all points emphatically but two (strongly disagree with the Moulds and Jennings points). Well stated indeed
  3. Oh, and mandatory extra film study sessions for TH...Every Day.
  4. I must agree. I thought for sure Josh would step it up this year, and all he's done is drop passes just like the beginning of last year. He is not a pressure player ( based on his dazzling performances in training camp ONLY)
  5. -I immediately put Wire on more notch down on the depth chart. Move Baker up based on more speed, potential and playing his natural position (until Milloy returns). - Josh Reed's spot has already been taken by Evans, but I move him down one notch further and move up Sam Aiken to the #3 spot as the "posession" WR.
  6. If the LOLB was indeed coming on that play as you say, then yes it would have been blown up anyway. It may have been a bad call considering Jennings and Teague were out alrerady, and maybe they should have just told Henry they were going to run the scissors play between guard and tackle again
  7. The Pat LB is allowed to come in on that play, due to a pulling guard. On the actual run play that the bootleg was based off of (which worked all day long), the Pats LB was attacking the HB (Henry) and leaving the QB free. The problem that happened was that Henry ran the fake to the wrong side like an idiot, which busted the play before it got started.
  8. It was too funny, but seriously that guy runs no less than a 4.4 !! I mean it :-)
  9. The other question should be How do you know he doesn't ?
  10. I played both (neither currently) and very much enjoyed both. I wouldn't hesitate to try either Poojer.
  11. Players I will not defend from yesterdays game: Coy Wire Travis Henry Josh Reed Also, the overall discipline has been poor for 3 games now re: penalties. I guess that falls on the coaching staff.
  12. This is not fantasy or Madden football fellas.... Hellooooo....
  13. 1- You do NOT know what he was supposed to do (based on their site read adjustment). 2- Moulds was involved in 2 miscommunication plays, not 4 (I have access to the game as well) 3- When asked about the TWO plays, Moulds and DB both agreed that one was Drew's fault, and one was EM's.
  14. I'm not sure if he starts there but I know he sees a fair amount of playing time. All I can say is I can't wait til Milloy returns.
  15. Well stated Mickey. Let me reitterate that Coy fuggin' Wire cost us atleast 14 points alone (of course we knew that was going to happen)
  16. Fact: Moulds ran the wrong route ONE time out of TWO (not 4) times he was involved in a miscommunication. Nothing like a little exaggeration to help a point.
  17. Hoping somebody dies is a little bit different than criticism
  18. You've actually just unknowingly made a very sound case for why getting the extra 1st THIS YEAR for our QB of the future and giving it up next year was a very good move.
  19. Point: All of those fans who have called for DB's head ad nauseum (which is like 80% of this board) cannot also at the same time B word about next year's draft and state that TD "squandered" a first round pick on JPL, getting him basically a year early and training him within the system a year early. You can't have your cake and eat it too....
  20. I can see how it would look that way too. Although if TH would have run the right way (as in faking the scissors play off RG that worked all day) that would have been the focus of the LB.
  21. TH still weighs about 205- 210. His mental deficiencies should the cause of your frustration regarding his play this season. Going the wrong way on 2 important plays today was inexcuseable. Slipping on the turf on 3rd and 2 was likely also a mental error as he couldn't contain himself seeing that huge hole infront of him between RG and RT.
  22. If I'm interpreting this post correctly, you are piece of stevestojan loser.
  23. That is exactly right. MW today = good to very good game. Other notes on the O-line: -Jennings is good Ouch did we need him in there late in the 4th or what? -Tucker did an ok job filling in at Center.
  24. Those defenders actually came inside of MW.
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