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Everything posted by 34-78-83

  1. I believe it was Jim (Mouse) McNally but I could be mistaken it's been a while...
  2. Bills have the better QB, O-line, TE's, RB's and Safeties. D-line (don't forgot Von, Floyd and Groot) and CB is a wash/tie Fish have better WR's, LB's Bills Roster > Fish Roster
  3. Dawkins ( despite preseason performances which mean nothing) is an above average LT in the league. Not a star. But not a jag. This is proven. Morse is an above average Center… same rationale as above with Dawkins McGovern excels in pass protection. He has a track record. He has been playing well on the Bills. There is film review if this is you know how to use YouTube. This is the Bills addressing a need. Torrence has looked like the real deal thus far and is winning the job ( tough to do as a rookie on this team!). He has looked good on film reviews from both games so far. Ie. Even Brown has had some better play ( see the Torrence video above) than the torches and pitchforks people realize. Given that, he still has a lot to prove and also needs to stay healthy. The Bills have a good reserve G and C in Bates. What does all this tell us? Josh DOES have protection and the team has addressed it how they could this off season considering their contracts and cap situation. Is it the ‘91 hogs or the ‘93 Cowboys o line? No… but in today’s NFL, this line up is pretty competent. Not perfect by any means, but competent. And someone also astutely pointed out that at times, Josh makes things very difficult on the o line… this is true. This is not something Josh necessarily needs to change its just a fact and part of the equation.
  4. Its repeated nationally, by many tuned into the game in its current state, because its true. Aside to that, that's what my discussion with SC was about... Hoping for improvement in the Bills Starting O-line, while realizing that depth is not always possible. The "excuse Beane" part of the discussion is a childish approach that I don't really try to get involved with.
  5. Yep.. and much like with mister Mahomes, Josh and the offense would be near unstoppable (its close already w/o) with a top 10 OL. I can only imagine how unfair it would look out there.
  6. Good points and I agree. We must also remember that the entire NFL is short on quality depth at O-Line positions in general. There's not a ton coming up through the pipelines in college football.
  7. Mental health issues aside, I just still can't believe how many fans (and gulp, some GMs!) actually thought Johnny was going to be even a decent NFL player. There was never a chance of that. It was abundantly clear. It wasn't just because he didn't study film.
  8. Good write-up Gunner, thanks! I was there, not in my normal seats in 335 but down at the 100 level around the 40 yard line ( always fun to check other views in the pre-season ). Only thing I disagree on was that Elam had a bad day. He was pretty solid out there, and his flag was a bit ticky tack as you said. Kyle Allen has the tools, but was not making it to 2nd and 3rd read very often. Was so happy for Shakir on those 1st two tough catches, then the wind leaves his sails on the easy drop Very happy with Cook and Murray and the starting O-line was solid.
  9. None of us would expect any less. Its his thing and he seems to get off on it.
  10. Poyer being out today is presumed to be a Vet rest day.
  11. How is Josh even as low as #8 this year on the NFL Top 100 list? I don't understand. I know, I know, that's still really high on the list and its whatever and just a list but seriously...
  12. wait, what about Bills vs Vikings? (0-4 vs 0-4 in Super Bowls) 😀 ... looks like @Limeaid already got that
  13. To @Einstein's credit (😱), pointing out the perfect throw there in the small cover 2 window is the truly amazing thing about that highlight. Wow. Sherfield has been looking consistently solid in camp though, yes. Our depth Wr's are definitely improved.
  14. This thread is incredible. Long after it has been clearly established through play on the field that Brown is fine, we must press on in pursuit of the "real" paranoid Bills PTSD laden truth!! But but but, sideline tweets said!
  15. Ironically, Brown was looking really good yesterday after a piss poor display the day before. I'll wait and see on the injury thing because I saw the comment as well about him flying by on a scooter bike right after (The team wouldn't let him do that if he was seriously injured) the alleged injury occurred. I also heard no discussion of it today on Bills radio/stream outlets from the "in-house" guys like Chris Brown, Sal, etc. although maybe I missed it. Crossing fingers. I think Shell, if need be, can man the RT spot and be serviceable.
  16. Wow that's a great rep for both of them! I love when that happens in the camp setting,
  17. I think when the dust settles, and barring any long term injury (knock on wood), the Bills will have the best secondary in football this season.
  18. Ah, the gripes that have already been addressed resurface each and every practice day here at TBD as if they are brand new! - Elam is very skilled at sticky man coverage and is still picking up his technique playing in zone scheme. No, he is not better than Tre, that was last year while Tre was still working back to 100%. Yes he is more talented than Dane of course, but RIGHT NOW Dane can play the full scheme steadily. Elam will still get plenty of time on the field and hopefully put it all together this season and take the 2 spot. - Williams is a talented player, but probably overwhelmed on having to make all the D calls right now. That's why he is growing behind Milano for the time being. Not a wasted pick... What's wrong is to count on a 3rd rd draft pick to come right in and do all that. Does it happen? Yes. Not with any certainty though. All NFL teams have areas they aren't elite in. There's a salary cap. The last closest thing to a team without flaws was the 2011 Pats, 2007 Pats and 1991 Redskins. They are extreme outliers. The 2023 Bills have an elite roster as compared to their peers.
  19. Happy Birthday Marv!! 98 is incredible...
  20. This ^^^^^ Other than an outlier here and there, ALL defenses in this day and age are going to "collapse" against a juggernaut offense having a day in the playoffs. There are PLENTY of examples outside of the Bills D. I will say this... the "eye test" can be of great value for those that understand the game at a very high level (yes, sometimes even more valuable than stats). ie. Folks who truly understand schemes, match-ups, film, etc. The problem here is you can't just say "I know from the eye test" on an internet forum without getting into some depth of detail about why you "know" what you know from a football perspective. It takes proven accuracy and trust over time to be able to appreciate someone's eye test results. Most will stick with trusting the eye test of folks like a Greg Cosell , and not necessarily Joey Donuts from N. Tonawanda.
  21. This! Also because today was 3rd and long situations day where they move Groot inside.
  22. For short form tweets etc, that's fair, but we both know that typical readers are going to go ahead and do what they do and think either the sky is falling or their guy is going to be the greatest ever. I'd suggest to the typical reader to consider the other variables like down and distance/ situational football before jumping off their bridges :), and find their content from those who provide that level of detail.
  23. The thing I've noticed that gets left out of these flash reports is context. Very few of the reports are providing that. For example, one practice day, most of the action was in the red zone (ie. tight space and timing). On another day, the team worked almost exclusively on 1st/2nd down (ie. advantage offense), today it was mostly 3rd and long situations (ie. advantage defense). Context matters.
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