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Everything posted by TheBrownBear

  1. Lol...how quickly we eat our own. yeah, he's sucked, but it's only been 4 games and he's coming off a torn pec.
  2. Our linebackers and defensive philosophy suck. Other than that, we have good personnel. With the right defensive coordinator, this would be a legit top-10 defense.
  3. he's the GOAT, he can call it like he sees it. Wake me up when we win the division or he retires. Until then, this organization is very much his b*tch.
  4. Well, we'll likely finish with 7 or 8 wins and end up with a mediocre draft position. We'll draft BPA and that won't be a QB. We'll probably take a QB in the mid-rounds (think, Trent Edwards) to groom behind Fitz. So, I'll say Fitz starts the 2013 season at QB and gives way later in the season or in 2014 to the new guy.
  5. lol. Well put. But I seem to remember washed up ol' chidi having more of an impact than stupor mario.
  6. he's always been overrated. He's a poor mans phil hansen. He's not an elite pass rusher.
  7. I hope you're a 10 year old kid or something. Otherwise, I feel embarrassed for you. If it bothers you that much just stop watching. I either do something fun with my boy or golf on sunday. There's way more to life than bills football.
  8. personnel is fine. It's coaching and the loser culture of ralph and obd. I haven't watched a game this year and won't until there's a new owner. It's a waste of time and emotional energy.
  9. We've beaten two of the worst teams in the league and were dominated by a middle-of-the-pack team in our only true test. Based on week 1 and our 6-10 record last year (not to mention losing our 2 best offensive players), we are ranked right about where we should be. I suspect this will be proven true when New England smacks us down once again on Sunday.
  10. Looks like 1-5 to me. 0-6 looks like a real possibility, especially since we'll be on a 3 game losing streak when we face Tennessee at home, so we might have mentally packed it in by that point.
  11. Wow! To be honest, this is shocking to me. Has he been that bad? Anyhow, thanks for the memories Brian. You were one of the lone bright spots during a dark period in Bills history. I'll never forget some of those awesome fakes he had early in his career. He was a great athlete, not just a great punter.
  12. Lol...it's just a game guys. Just accept the fact that the officiating is going to be substandard until the regular refs come back. It will all play itself out and be resolved soon enough.
  13. agree. Hard pressed to score any more points in this game. I see a 10 point Browns victoy.
  14. This has to be the blueprint for a successful season.
  15. Sadly, I think you're right. The guy has lost all confidence and just looks confused/lost out there. Compare this dude to the guy we saw during most of 2011 and the beginning of 2012. It's night and day. He lost his confidence during the first Jets game last year and he's been mostly terrible since then (notwithstanding, strangely, the other Jets game). We need to do whatever it takes to acquire a top qb in the coming draft or it will be groundhog day all over again for the foreseeable future.
  16. What do you guys think? Drop Malcolm Floyd for Alfred Morris?
  17. Throwing on my sunshine pumper hat: - As others have said, it was only 1 game. - It was a road loss to a quality opponent. These are going to happen to the best of teams. It was a game we could afford to lose. - The team showed some pride and at least fought back in the second half. - Spiller looked great. Having said that, count me among the very concerned re Fitz, our WR corp, the defensive scheme, etc. I'm not as concerned as others with the secondary. It's a young group with a lot of talent. They will improve as we move through the season, and I think they can be a strength before it's all said and done. I think a big key is we can't afford to fall behind early. Fitz obviously is incapable of carrying the load with the feeble weapons he has. We need to keep games close and run the ball as much as possible. My big worry is that Chan is incapable of adjusting his philosophy.
  18. I'm going to say Fitz as well. He's shown flashes of true greatness in the past. I say this is the season he puts it all together and becomes a legitimate top-10 NFL QB. (Though, I'd feel a lot more comfortable about this prediction if we had gotten him some wide receiver help).
  19. AFC EAST: New England AFC NORTH: Baltimore AFC SOUTH: Houston AFC WEST: Denver WILCARD 1: Kansas City WILDCARD 2: Pittsburgh NFC EAST: Philadelphia NFC NORTH: Green Bay NFC SOUTH: Atlanta NFC WEST: San Francsico WILCARD 1: New Orleans WILDCARD 2: New York superbowl AFC: New England NFC: Green Bay WINNER: New England
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