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Everything posted by MarlinTheMagician

  1. Allen is a beast. He affects the game the way only a few quarterbacks in the league can. He is awesome. A leader and a hard worker blessed with awesome raw talent. It is a lot less raw now.
  2. Allen has growing yet to do - ball security, less reckless throws - but he is on the verge of being really great. So close. He is already damn good.
  3. I don't think lack of weapons is a valid excuse, he was throwing it all over and had happy feet.
  4. Sounds like a real gentleman and a driven competitor. With good measurables. Seems like a nice fit.
  5. Stupid move Ed. I feel bad for the young man. However, it is a serious mistake. You can bet Beane and McDermott will be watching him close and if it is a way of life he will be gone. If not, he can put it behind him like the Hughes drag racing incident. Ed's choice. A fork in the road.
  6. 1991 team vs. 2020 team, all players in their prime. Who wins? 2020 has 30 years of size/speed increases. 1991 team was a more accomplished team. Tempting to say its a wipe-out for 2020, but I think players like Bruce, Thurman, Kelly, Andre - their skills would still translate.
  7. Gore gave us his all, was a great teammate and help launched Singletary. Good luck Frank! HOF.
  8. Good point by the OP, but I think their stats actually understate how lethal the combination of the three can be for three reasons: 1. Playing with Diggs should materially help Brown and Beasley's ability to uncover; 2. It is unlikely that Josh regresses, and likely he progresses to some degree; aided by the addition of Diggs; and 3. More experience for other weapons Singletary and Knox, plus a healthy Kroft, should further pressure defenses and help all our wideouts uncover.
  9. Punter. But it feels great to have that as an answer! Bojo makes me very nervous, even though he played better as the season wore on. He seems still to be a shank waiting to happen.
  10. No, we were close last year, but not ready to win yet. We are now more experienced, and very talented. Of course, the players we are counting on do need to play to or near expectations. Some will, some will not, some will exceed - as always. How we do in that ration really will dictate our outcome, I believe. *ratio (sorry for the typo)
  11. This is not crazy at all, but give the kid a shot. If he shows good NFL awareness they may trade him for a pick with a trade partner in a more Fromm-friendly City. And we really don't know what he can or cannot do here. He could be a great 10 year back-up if he would accept that (which I doubt). Hell, he could be a starter. We just don't know.
  12. But maybe he knew he was in a dome, and would have thrown it with a flatter trajectory at The Ralph. I am all-in on give the kid a chance. The poster with the Maddux analogy is right. Little to lose. Does Brady have a stronger arm? Not sure he ever did. Is he faster? Taller?
  13. I am not sure why people are making definitive statements either. As I recall, the board exploded with outrage last year when we took Singletary in the third -- battle cries went up. "Wasted pick, running back in the third," and "he is a gadget player at his size, a luxury pick with our roster full of holes." And I was all like "yeah, did we really need a running back there." Then I saw him play! I trust Beane and the quality staff he has assembled. If he was sticking out on the Beane's board, I am glad that we got him in the 5th.
  14. I think the Seattle scout Nagy's comparison of Fromm to Dalton is very encouraging. I saw another scout compare him to former Jet Chad Pennington, another heady quarterback with a mediocre arm. No reason to believe any of our posters have more insight than those scouts (even if their comments are valid), so why not give the kid a chance? His film to me shows a leader and gamer and with exceptional pocket-awareness and decision-making. I choose to be optimistic, and if he can be the equivalent of a Dalton or Pennington (picked in the 2nd and 1st respectively), he is an absolute steal. Welcome to Buffalo Jake, go get 'em!
  15. Zach seems great. Love the part where he was talking about grinding and grinding to get to the championship. People like Milano, Tre White, Allen, Edmunds, Wallace, Lee Smith, Singletary, Hyde - I am confident he is going to be guided towards and introduced to a whole new level of grinding, and it seems he will take to it naturally. He has plenty of good mentors.
  16. Russell Wilson is at least one example where a QB can have it both ways. Looks to throw first, makes timely, killer runs , but does so in a way that does not leave him consistently injured. Let's hope Josh can do the same!
  17. Love the player's character from all I have gathered. I trust that he is a good player now, and I trust the Bills will make him better.
  18. Tre White will be able to tell McDermott and Beane whether he is radioactive in the clubhouse or manageable. If he is manageable, I would go as high as a 4th. He is a really talented and has something to prove. You know in New England they would turn him around and control his "attitude". Maybe he had an attitude problem because Marrone is a turd.
  19. I realize it is the structure of the question, but they are going to keep both. Betcha. It is not an either or, both are part of McBeane's early core. There are lots of others that could make room if needed, but I doubt it will be needed. Also, it seems people are presuming the same money. What if Dawkins is $18.5 million and Milano is $11 million? All the comments on LT being a "premium position" are of course right on, but filling it will come at a premium price. Question should be who is a better value, not who is more valuable!
  20. What a classy good guy! Left a message, sure enough, he called me back. I can't believe it. A gentleman with class. And a favorite forevermore for me. Wishing him every good wish to lock down that starting cornerback job as long as he wants it. I would not be against him given all he has overcome. Says the defense is really close knit. Loves living in Buffalo. Go Bills! Go Levi!!
  21. Beane and McDermott know what they are doing. Like the two receivers idea (one vet stud like Sanders or Green and one stud (preferably tall) to break in from the draft); Edge! One stud for the defense, FA or draft. I think we need two running backs - a hammer and a speedy scat/gadget guy. Punter! O-Line depth, maybe one upgrade; Corner depth
  22. I think if you switch our win in OPs analysis to we beat Balt and lose to Dallas, Pats can go 2-2 (losing to Chiefs and Texans), we then have the tiebreaker on Pats if we beat them, no? Slightly less unlikely. Pats not as all-world as usual, and perhaps we get up for Baltimore at home. Still pretty darn unlikely, I know. Browns game hurt indeed.
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