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CA OC Bills Fan

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Everything posted by CA OC Bills Fan

  1. So, in your mind, the backup QB is more important than the (future)starting safety? Running back? If Josh is out for a huge amount of the season, a 2nd round pick backup is NOT going to lead us to the SB. If he's out a few weeks, the goal is to have a QB that can lead us to a 500 record. Of course it depends greatly on who we're playing for those few weeks. If the Bengals and Chiefs are there, likely we won't win with any backup. If lesser teams, Mitch has a good a shot as any.
  2. So, even though you're not club currently, since your seats will be club in the new stadium, that's what they'll be offering you? I'm just a section over from you, section 132, row 35, 14-17. With having to travel from CA for games, I can't imagine I'll be willing to pay for clubs, not so sure I will be willing to pay any PSL but still excited to have the presentation and to be at the decision point. Very interested in hearing how your meeting goes!
  3. You said you have no feeling about him either way but you had called him a prick in the prior sentence. Am I the only one that thinks you have already made up your mind about him?
  4. My slot starts 4 pm tomorrow. Only lots 1 and 7 are available for presale and the pass is for a specific lot. Lot 4 will be for single game and it looks like st holders can buy them now, $45. The presale ends on 6/16. So the window isn't short just starts by seniority. Oh, it said lot 3 is closed but made no mention of 5 or 6.
  5. I travel for work quite a bit so am in airports several times per month. I rarely will be wearing Bills gear, so of course I don't get comments. But, whenever I see someone wearing any Bills gear, I always say "Go Bills". Sometimes it leads to a conversation. I never bring up TBD or TSW. Most of the time I work into the conversation that I live in CA and am a season ticket holder. Living in CA, I every once in a while see people with Bills gear, same thing, always give them a "Go Bills" and typically that leads to a conversation. I'm more likely to be wearing some Bills gear when I'm home, I always wear a Bills cap when I walk my dogs.
  6. Not sure what you mean by "if Seattle eats some of that contract in the way the Bills did with Diggs". Buffalo didn't "eat" Diggs' contract, it's just the way the salary cap works where a signing bonus is paid up front but is amortized over the course of the contract. When a player is traded, what's left of the amortization immediately goes against the cap. This is the first time I've looked at overthecap, but I think I understand it. Metcalf would have a base salary of around $13 million this year and $18 million next year. Seattle would have a dead cap hit of $15 million / $7.5 million this year / next year. Unless they really want to get rid of him, I doubt they'd want to do that. But, I didn't think the Bills would have wanted to take the big hit they did for Diggs, so, what do I know.
  7. Yeah, I just read the terms that were posted above after posting my response to NoSaint. Even though Miller is one of the most positive people I've heard, I doubt even he believes he's going to get 15 sacks or even the 10.5 that he'd need to earn $8.645 bonus. But, perhaps 8 sacks to earn $6 million? Obviously, as unlikely as it is, we'll all root for him to get the 15 sacks and earn the full bonus.
  8. Not quite sure what you are trying to say about this. That if Miller refused the pay cut then they would have decided that to save Pegula money, they should cut him even though it would hurt the team's ability to sign players? From a cap standpoint, it would not have been advantageous to cut him. What have they done since Pegula bought the team to suggest he makes decisions based on his pocketbook? Here are the options the Bills had if Miller didn't agree to the pay cut: - Leave him on the team with the existing contract. $23.7 million against the cap in 2024. - Cut him now. $32 million against the 2024 cap. I.e., an $8.3 million more than having him on the team taking a roster spot. Do you really think with where the Bills are cap wise they would do this? - Cut him with a post June 1 designation. $17 million against the 2024 cap, $15.4 million against the 2025 cap. So, they save $6.7 million this year against the cap year. Possibly you think that the Bills were planning on this if he didn't take the cut. I doubt it. Still a huge dead cap hit each of the next two years. Unless they are convinced he's toast, I don't think this was much of an option. Instead of the above, Miller now will count $8.645 million against the cap, he'll earn a base of $8.855 with a chance to make $20 million with incentives, up from $17.5 million. For Miller, if he's toast, it's a HUGE pay cut. If he's back to his old self, he'll make $2.5 million more than he would have under his old contract. And, freeing up space makes it more likely that the Bills will sign enough free agents to mean he'll have help on the D line and that the Bills will complete for a SB. Knowing how positive a person he is, I suspect Miller fully expects to meet all of his incentives and therefore was rewarded with a pay increase instead of a cut!
  9. This is not correct. The cap hit to cut was more than leaving him on the roster. Miller was more going to be cut. He accepted a pay cut which only favors the Bills unless possibly of he reaches incentives. I'd guess he believes in himself and expects to meet them.
  10. That's absolutely the correct way to calculate since during the off-season the top 51 contracts of players still under contract with the team is how the cap is calculated. So, when a player is cut he obviously is no longer one of the top 51 and whomever was the 52nd highest now takes his place.
  11. Just to be sure, after reading your post, I contacted the Bills via Chat. Also, I didn't cover it in the chat, but it's clear from the website that the deposit is refundable if you decide to not buy the tickets minus a $3 "processing fee". If you do buy ST in the new stadium, it goes towards the 2026 tickets. Here's the chat:
  12. There's no place I've seen that is saying or implying that current season ticket holders pay a fee or even a deposit for the virtual stadium experience. The article you linked is saying $150 deposit is to be on the season ticket waiting list. Then, once current ST holders are invited to the "experience", those on the waiting list will be invited.
  13. I hate to use the word genius, but BB is a great defensive coach, maybe the best defensive coach ever. And, he had the good sense to allow Brady to flourish for many years which many defensive coaches would never do. In the year Bledsoe got injured and they won their first SB, as I remember the Patsies were predicted to get the first pick in the draft the next year and BB would be fired. The defense would have kept them from coming close to that but replacing Bledsoe with Brady was the only way they became good enough to make the playoffs and ultimately beat the Lambs.
  14. Actually, I think it started long before this. When BB was in Cleveland, he benched a very popular Bernie Kosar for Vinnie F'ing Testaverde who at that point in his career was a complete bust. As it turns out, Kosar was done and BB was right and Vinnie had a decent back half of his career with the Browns and Jets.
  15. I get what you're saying but can't agree. The difference being that when the receiver has his toe OB, it's only relevant if he has possession. The OP is saying that merely touching it while OB isn't possession and therefore shouldn't be considered OB. However, I also see issues with this. Specifically, if a player OB pushes it to a teammate, doesn't seem he should be able to help his team to recover. Regarding the Steeler who layed down, I was watching that at the time, explained it to my son who was watching with me, and told him that it's a very smart play that I rarely see players having the heads up to do this. So long as the rule is what it is, I like seeing players play smart (unless against the Bills).
  16. Although correct, I'd expect the 5th DE to have ten to fifteen snaps in our rotation. Miller isn't back to himself, KJ is currently better, especially against the run.
  17. So Von Miller over Kingsley Jonathan. I think that's a mistake.
  18. I have seasons on the 30 is line, section 132. Got up this morning to drive to LAX to fly to Rochester for the game, had to leave home 3:30 am for the flight. Got to the airport and found out my connecting flight to Rochester got cancelled just as I got to TSA. No other flights anywhere around were going. I just listed my tickets for $100.
  19. Here's the link. https://buffalonews.com/sports/professional/nfl/bills/jim-kubiak-bills-qb-josh-allen-continuously-pours-himself-into-middle-of-the-violence/article_3614f8b6-b01a-11ee-903a-b78ef5fea4f2.html
  20. There is no flex on week 18, all games are listed as TBD because they will announce the Tuesday before when each game is, none are currently scheduled as to which day or time they will be played.
  21. I felt Brady called a horrible game and deserves much of the blame for the Bills almost losing. Of course the turnovers were the primary reason for the close game and no, I'm not blaming Brady for those. But, the jumbo package with Edwards eligible seemed to almost always get two yards but they kept calling it again and again. Allen had a 71.4% completion rate but they only passed 21 times. I'm looking forward to listening to Joe Marino's Locked on Bills to hear what he says about the jumbo package but I was groaning every time the referee announced "76 is reporting as eligible" on the second half.
  22. I going. Bought 12 tickets for family and friends. Unfortunately, I bought the tickets shortly after they went on sale so I paid way too much. Of the twelve, ten of us live in So Cal, two are coming from Rochester and landing in Orange County in under an hour.
  23. Completely agree with this. From my observations, most players aren't at their full post ACL form until 18 months or so post surgery. Many here were saying the same about Tre last year and sure enough, the beginning of this season, until he got injured again, he looked close to his old self. For Von, of course he's older and therefore a higher probability that he is actually done, but I'll reserve judgement on this until next season.
  24. I couldn't find the quote, but it seemed to me that when Ralph fired Tom Donahoe he came as close as I'd expect. He apologized and said it was an embarrassment. I think he was talking more about how the fans were treated, but it was not great football either.
  25. I just started listening to podcasts especially Locked on Bills two weeks ago. It's between 30 and 45 minutes. One day power week is a question and answer session. Sorry, not sure which day. But one of the days after the Vegas game I think it may have been the first question was to explain the difference between gap and zone blocking. I think the day before is his all 22 review where he said the bills seem to have stopped trying to force the zone blocking scheme. Worth a listen if you want to understand it better. Very interesting listening to these podcasts and how the different ones say complete opposites. Not on blocking, but other things. Joe Marino from locked on Bills said Bernard played pretty decent against the Jets, Buffalo rumblings said he was awful. Marino said they schemed to give Brown lots of help against Crosby and when they didn't he was taken to town. Sal said they didn't give Brown help. I don't watch those things closely enough to judge who is right, but overall Joe Marino seems to know his shxx so I tend to believe him more.
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