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Everything posted by Jauronimo

  1. This thread was seriously an abortion before I began participating. Serious conversation ended on page 3. Since then the cycle has simply repeated ten times since newcomers refuse to read page 1. The only redeeming value of this thread, at this point, is parody.
  2. Thats a valid question and I've only asked the question in one thread, Mr. Literal. Just admit it, already.
  3. Thanks for clarifying. I don't think he understood my original question.
  4. Does anyone know if El Pegual can own the Sabres and the Bills? Seems like a pertinent question.
  5. The table is set. Portugal is melting down. If we can just shock the world and beat a nation with one tenth the population and one thousandth the GDP, we might have a chance to advance beyond group play.
  6. I don't like soccer and here's three reasons why you shouldn't either!!! Joking aside, I am also quite excited for tonight's USA debut. Ghana has been pushing us around for the last decade. I think its time we import a little democracy and bring these bullies to justice. I expect an entertaining game. Both teams strength is on the attack while both defenses are suspect, from what I understand. Should be an open affair. Whichever side finishes is taking the points tonight.
  7. There's a small handful of players that are on a shorter leash because their reputation proceeds them.
  8. The resemblance is uncanny. To what, I haven't the slightest, but its shocking nonetheless.
  9. Lincoln Field is moving to Hamilton where it will be domed and serve as the new home of the Bills.
  10. El Pegual is running the show now. The casualties and collateral damage will be tremendous. Its not for us to question. Only to believe that it will be worth it. Heil Pegual!
  11. Thats exactly what a troll would say. Are you sure you're not trolling? Welcome to the good side of the joke.
  12. DO you think El Pegual would move Penn State to Hamilton? Can El Pegual Gordo own both the Hamilton Bills of College Park and the Sabres? Now we're talking international, multi-jurisdictional matters. The tax returns would be ridiculous.
  13. Its a serious question. What is trolling? I haven't seen anyone even attempt to answer the question. Sorry if it has been addressed but I'm not going to sift through 22 pages to find the needle in the haystack.
  14. Great question eball. Were El Pegual allowed to own the Sabres and Bills someone would have chimed in by now. At the very least his name would have been included in some of the rumors circulating regarding potential buyers. If it was allowed, El Pegual would be the most obvious candidate. Pretty telling.
  15. As the preeminent philosopher Jayden Smith once asked "How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?". Next stop existential crisis. Sorry if I just blew all your minds, sheep.
  16. I think we're talking about two different things here. I'll try to be more clear. Isn't it true that El Pegual cannot own BOTH the Buffalo Sabres AND the Buffalo Bills simultaneously, per the NFL by laws?
  17. Let me rephrase. Won't El Pegual have to sell the Sabres to own the Bills?
  18. Your point would be better if QB's didn't flop every time a defender was nearby and pass interference wasn't a means for point redistribution. How many games have been decided by reviewing a spot or determining possession followed by a "football move"?
  19. Looks like this Neymar guy might have some game. And you all doubted him. For shame meazza and magox.
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