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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. In about 5 months people will be asking “Who was Tremaine Edmunds?” This kid is a tackling machine and will make game changing plays.
  2. I love Gunner. Sharing “the team is concerned about his weight” might have been misread by him in an email that said “Dear Gunner - We appreciate your order at the Bills Store but we don’t have any Dawkins jerseys in Medium size. He’s larger than that. Please feel free to re-order at your convenience”. That’s not really a source.
  3. Oh. I see. My sources have told me his weight has remained consistent and this is not anything to worry about. This is easy.
  4. You keep referencing how “the team” has had “concerns” (plural) over several seasons. Can you post a few links for those of us who were unaware of their concerns as you suggested (and as another poster has now taken up the cause).
  5. Let's let Dion and the trainers work their magic for another three months. He's been a solid LT for five years and a cagy vet (for younger guys).
  6. Glad he's getting another shot.
  7. So 2/3rd of the NFL QB's are dumb? I'd like to think Josh is a smart dude, but now I'm beginning to wonder. Or he's spending too much time chasing tail.
  8. Funny you use the word "clueless" considering our QB hasn't learned the playbook in the offseason. I guess he's not in the upper 1/3rd who don't need to wear cheat cuffs.
  9. Can't believe Josh Allen still has to wear the wrist band with plays on it...what is this? JV? He's obviously spending too much time on the golf course and not enough time learning the playbook.
  10. Is there a song title there, or just posting a YouTube album and hoping there’s a name somewhere? @ExiledInIllinois -5 La Flaca = The Thin? A name? @ExiledInIllinois -500
  11. “Oh my gosh, it’s too big!”
  12. We need to send Oliver to Mongolian buffet…STAT! Dareus belongs on the Wall of Fame based on appetite alone.
  13. At least we have a couple of big DKs
  14. Exactly. As I recall he was a beast his rookie year. Maybe even year two. All the “experts” had him as consensus #1 the year I picked him. He fell off a cliff. 😆
  15. Todd Gurley? That POS was my first overall pick in Fantasy Football about 20 years ago. I still have flashbacks.
  16. Is this an inside joke? I'd love to be part of one some day.
  17. But yet, Deep Voice speaks to me. As subliminal alarm that pokes me at midnight, like a kidney stone on my lumbering side.
  18. Since I have no idea what this thread is about…wtf? But still, it’s a testament to the upcoming draft. But still, it’s a testament to the upcoming draft. And yet, if the gif is any indication, I’m still confused…not sexually (mind you) but in a deeper sense…almost in a philosophical sense.
  19. Who the hell names their kid “Atlanta”??? Or are we now morphing this thread into any proper noun in your head?? - 5 for @jayg - 25 for @ExiledInIllinois for missing this violation
  20. Save the $12 mill. Go for it on 4th down every single time. No extra points. Always 2 pt conversions. What a waste of money.
  21. Then why the F#*! does Andy Reid have a monstrous laminated poster in his hand for the past four years. Eric Bienemie was OC in name only. Every Chiefs player has confirmed Andy was calling plays. You’re wayyyy off.
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