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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Tremaine can chase more money elsewhere...he's used to chasing things.
  2. I would rather listen to an @ExiledInIllinois 12 hour lecture series re. the Lake Ontario Watershed than hear that grating voice ever again.
  3. Sooo true. They’ll consult medical journals and Twitter doctors just to lecture us on what we don’t know.
  4. I said the same. The ending when Spacey stops limping and gets in the limo. Stunning ending.
  5. Pretty sure we’ll be the away team, unless they decide we’re home, in which case we wouldn’t be the away team.
  6. Smoker went out some time in the night. Woke up at 6am to spray it and discovered my pork butt had an internal temp of 81 degrees. Got it going again.
  7. Put a pork butt on at 225 an hour ago. See you guys in 9 hours.
  8. Any word from @tester? Haven’t seen her around lately.
  9. I count 9 teams that need QB help (could conceivably draft a QB). #thankful4ja
  10. Reminds me of a time @Gugny ordered mild wings at Bar Bill. Being the lightweight that he is, he drenched two wings in Ranch and then pawned the other 10 wings off on @Beerball @CountryCletus and me for the rest of the night.
  11. “Hoop Dreams” (1994). Gives a great peek into recruiting playground players to private schools and how they cope with the limelight. If you haven’t watched it, highly recommend.
  12. According to Herc (who seems experienced in this type of work), it looks like a patient can be intubated while conscious but requires an anti-anxiety med to prevent them from pulling the tube. ",,,you don't ease a patient back into normal brain activity. As long as the patient is able to protect their airway, you extubate. The longer someone is intubated the more chance of complications/mortality. You reduce sedation at least once per day and test the pt's ability to respond. This is called a Spontaneous Awakening Trial, SAT. Are they able to follow commands? Does the patient get agitated and try to pull the ET tube out or other lines? How are their vitals when sedation is reduced? Does HR go too high? Respiratory rate? Oxygenation? There are many things a nurse is watching for during the SAT. If they fail, you resedate them. If they pass the SAT, then a Spontaneous Breathing Trial is done, SBT. For this, all sedation meds need to be off, except for precedex which helps with anxiety. We then get the RT to change the vent settings and attempt to let the patient breath on their own. Again, watch heart rate, resp. rate oxygenation. If this is passed we inform the doctor. At this time the doctor usually talks with the RT and RN and asks if they recommend extubation."
  13. Chiefs fans being…Chiefsy https://www.chiefsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=346826&page=135
  14. Who's asking for/demanding changes to equipment? Every post in this thread has considered the injury/event and asked if there will be any changes. I'm not advocating any rule changes or equipment modifications, but wouldn't be surprised if they discuss it in their off-season meetings.
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