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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Yep. It was Sullivan. Josh handled it perfectly by saying “Ok”
  2. Tough catches with a broken leg/foot, whatever. Let him catch some f’ing footballs.
  3. But he doesn’t like vaccines and is on Twitter. Pass. I’d rather have a guy that demands millions with an ACL as sturdy as licorice.
  4. Can’t remember, Dawkins penalties yesterday. Were they all holding calls or false starts too? Maybe the Jets picked up on #2 above?
  5. While I appreciate your instincts to protect those who may be new to this site, please read the original post where I invited others to post their own “tells”. My observations are just that - an individual take on a topic of interest based on probabilities. Other posters may contribute with their own discoveries as it relates to RB habits, lineman, etc.
  6. Interesting. I’ll take a look today. I have watched Leslie Frazier before and if he folds his arms and puts his right hand up with index finger on his cheek, usually indicates they’re rushing 4 and dropping 7 into coverage. Usually. That’s not a guarantee obviously.
  7. When you watch the game each week, you pick up on little mannerisms and “tells”. Like watching other players at a poker table, you can pick up ticks or gestures that indicate what they are doing or about to do. I’ve been compiling various “tells” for the Bills the last six weeks and you’ll see what I’m talking about if you pause the game or watch closely: 1) When Gabe Davis lines up wide, if he adjusts his helmet before snap, it’s a run play. The CB might as well run toward midfield. 2) If Dion Dawkins pops his head to the left BEFORE the snap, it’s a passing play. He’s checking for DE’s position. 3) Watch Josh Allen in the huddle. If he’s illustrating the play with a lot of hand movement, five times out of 10 it’s an RPO. The defense knows this. 4) On defense, take a look at Edmunds. If he positions his right hand on his knee/thigh area, he’ll drop in coverage. Pretty easy for the opposing QB to hand off through the G gap. 5) Singletary…if he cheats his left foot to 11 o’clock, he’s gonna be pass blocking or running. Our quality control coaches should do a better job so average Joe’s like me can’t figure this stuff out. Tell me if you pick out any more tomorrow or as the season progresses.
  8. Your first beer in 2007??? “Hold my beer” 1983 (8th grader)
  9. Any chance these “flu” players had/have Covid? My son has felt like crud for three days (chest congestion, cough, achy). Took test last night. Negative. Takes test today. Positive. Would like to know the Jets aren’t coming up here to spread CV. I’d recommend testing the whole team every 12 hours. If one positive test, forfeit.
  10. @Simon should rename this “Recycle Bin” so when a thread is repetitive or, in this case, completely off topic, it accumulates garbage and can be recycled once/month. On that note, anyone have any good pizza dough recipes? Looking for Buffalo style crust (LaNova type)
  11. It’s like a Thank You card that’s blank inside. Make it your own.
  12. “Karlos Williams is hungry for more!!” He’s rested and ready!! Oh wait…I read that wrong.
  13. I know he was "demoted" from President of Football Operations to some other role...but as you said, he's tried to bring in vet QB's several times since Manning...when will the Broncos understand, Elway is a stubborn blockhead and should concentrate on selling cars (example - they didn't want to trade Beane their #3 overall pick because their guy Chubb was still on the board...they could have drafted Josh Allen. LOL LOL)
  14. John Elway has to be behind it somehow.
  15. Yeah, that would be the correct bargaining approach. Let him reach out.
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