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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Wowza. Just to break that AZ list down for everybody: OUT: DT1 DT2 RG1 QUESTIONABLE: FS1 FS2 CB2 RB1 TE1 If I am Buffalo, I come in the same way we did against SEA and dare them to try and keep up with half their starting D either out or injured this week.
  2. Joug Flutie Jrew Bledsoe JJ Manuel Jyle Orton Jibran Hamdan WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!!!
  3. People also look at this NE team like they “just lost Brady. And not that they lost 10 starters due to opting out with Covid. Conveniently forgetting that they had the best defense in the league a year ago. Brady doesn’t play CB. They are bad this year, but I don’t expect them to be DOA next year at all. I’d take the over on .500 for 2021.
  4. THIS!!! How many double digit sack seasons do we see from 3-4 ends total. There aren't 12 guys in the league who play 3-4DE with double digit sacks. Bruce did it 13 times. Come on guys.
  5. 100%, that was part of the “so much to unpack part”.
  6. Religion (or lack there of) is everybody's personal journey, I don't really care. I do always think religion in sports is odd. Two teams pray, one team wins and believes god helped them. Did god not help the other one? Why is god influencing football games and not famine and/or disease? I had a weird moment last week where I saw Big Ben thanking god after the win. So much to unpack there. Of all things god could be doing Sunday afternoon, I hope helping Ben Roethlisberger win a football game is not one of them.
  7. You really can't put it into words how gigantic his neck is. I imagine it has to be smaller since he is retired and off the juice.
  8. Fair point. With no disrespect to JA's grandma, that story was dragging on and on with every single player they talked to. I think this happens for two reasons 1. The press is always easier on good teams. When most things work they will look over what did not. 2. Pegula has been pushing for the press to be positive for a long time. They hate being criticized locally. The distance of zoom may make that easier with editing, mute, and the always handy, "forgetting" to email the log in and password.
  9. You have never met my sister. We are all well into adult hood and I think we would still try and trade her.
  10. Ah ya got me before my edit. Added another first.
  11. At least a first and premier pass rusher or corner. I would have to think about: SF 1st 2021 and 2022 SF 3rd 2021 Nick Bosa
  12. That was wild. I expected some more context, not a gotcha moment or anything, but that statement to be relevant to the conversation. Dude just said that unprovoked...for no reason...He then mentioned "it's just play calling really" and goes on to say "we just wait until half time and coach tells us what he sees"... Unsure if he is trying to get him or his OC fired, or is he just oblivious that this is not what he should be saying to the national media?
  13. Right, having Diggs has been awesome, and he’s been a stud. I think there are 6-10 guys who could fill those 4 slots. So I am not too upset that Diggs didn’t make that this. I could make an argument for all of them, just not Justin Jefferson. He’s been a surprise but not top 4 elite. Poyer on the other hand isn’t getting enough credit for keeping this defense operating/trending back towards average. He has been everywhere, the glue.
  14. If you’re going to do it, all blacks v. all white.
  15. I could make an argument for a lot of what they selected so I won't hate on it too much. (Except for listing Justin Jefferson as a top 4 WR in the league GTFO) The big miss here is Poyer I think. Leaving him out is criminal. Nice work DW!!!!!
  16. This is remarkable. I have been critical of Josh the first two years, I thought he could would get better, but didn't think that the leap would be this large.
  17. I mean, a QB having the ability to audible at the line isn’t a unicorn. Most do. Feels like seeing a cover 0 blitz and checking out to a screen is a pretty standard decision. Keep doing it until they stop it.
  18. A lot going on. But in 2020/2021 content is king and ESPN hasn’t produced good original content in some time. It’s not that First Take is terrible so much as every single show they produce is exactly the same thing. They’ve watered down their own product. They need to keep the bar high for 30:30 but they also need to produce more of them. It seems ESPN should have jumper on the NFL camp show forever ago. Now between hard knocks and everything else it may be over saturated. Unsure if there is an NBA version. But if they can make it compelling I am a casual fan so I would probably tune in. Also, instead of trying sue Barstool for PMT, they should have been able to create that content themselves. At this point it would be in ESPNs to try and buy syndication rights for Macafee and PMT and drop their 37th versions of the same show mid day.
  19. I don't remember this game but that is wild. Looking at the box score, Cassell had a pretty good day. Winning the game, 3 TD's, no picks, highly efficient at 300+ yards on 34 throws. Seems like the OC and starting QB were on the same page. What a weird sequence of events.
  20. This was actually my gut instinct as well. I cut the chord so don't have a DVR and have not looked back at the game online yet. Unsure if my feels=reels. I noticed Klein and Edmunds being at the point of attack. Even yelling "yeah Klein" at my screen. Normally I see Edmunds behind a play making a tackle or chasing. Sunday he was in front of it.
  21. Also Brady’s cap hit in 2018 was 22M. So this theory is debunked pretty quickly
  22. I’ve been critical of Edmunds. He had a VERY good day. No complaints here.
  23. Maybe possible they are seeing something in practice but want to confirm it live. That something could be good or bad.
  24. I would generally agree. I would probably grade NE somewhere above slump but below good. Maybe a C. I could be convinced a third letter grade in either direction. Where I’ll probably disagree with you most is KC. Mahomes was something like 21/26, the weather wasn’t just super bad for Josh. He was 9/21 66 yards through 85% of the game. On top of that 1 completion for 15 yards was from the freebie Diggs throw underneath before the half. That freebie pass aside that makes the methodology of the passing game 8/20 for 51 yards. Discounting or not, that’s abysmal efficiency. Unless you’re playing in hurricane Katrina or that Indy snow game, there’s no answer for that other than “our QB played really poorly”. Especially when the other dude was 21/26 225 and 2 TDS.
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