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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. Jon Gruden is drunk. Going for a 4th and 1 on their own side of the 50.
  2. NFL record!! And he keeps a streak of made FGs going since 2016. NUTS.
  3. Agree with that. When he threw the INT on Sunday, I was a little dissapointed that they went to 4 straight runs when the Bills got the ball back and it was in the 2 min drill. I thought alright, one run to get them to use a timeout but then they just kept going. Got lucky with the muffed punt. Josh needs to throw to get out of his slumps.
  4. Here's a question, did you watch the Steelers/Raiders game? Cause watching it back now the game was very close, much like last weeks Bills game. The Steelers D was keeping the Raiders in check. The Raiders had zero running game and Derek Carr basically just took what they gave him outside of a long pass to Ruggs.
  5. They also spent the last 3 drafts addressing that OL and they got absolutely demolished. Austin Jackson will be dreaming of AJE for weeks.
  6. Andy Reid and KC firmly believe in using the preseason to get into rythm for the regular season. Saw an interview with Mahomes saying how they like to come out prepared and dominate September. And until last night, that's been the case as they hadn't lost in September with Mahomes as starter. Even while teams weren't playing starters, I believe Mahomes played in every preseason game this year.
  7. Some teams did choose to play their starters in pre-season. Example, Mahomes and the KC offense played a lot in the preseason. I'm not saying that's what causing this but Andy Reid is a firm believer in using the preseason to get into a early rhythm. I think it's a combo of things. OL being bad isn't helping and Josh said on Saturday Daboll was putting new plays into the gameplan. Which they had to use pregame to practice. That isn't going to help. Agreed this team goes where Allen does.
  8. Interesting that Daboll added a bunch of new plays on Saturday. Seems like that could add to confusion and confidence. Also found it interesting that the Bills went with some Power I formation looks. It felt like 1985 Bears. I'm not sure what to make of that, I've not seen that from Daboll really at all since he's been here.
  9. I also find it interesting that Daboll was adding plays into the gameplan on Saturday. This surely has to add to the confusion for Josh and not being comfortable. Suprise that he revealed that little nugget of information.
  10. I found it rather frustrating that after the Josh INT they went to 4 straight runs. And this was in a 2 min drill. Was saying to myself, you have to let him throw, he needs to work it out!
  11. The bend he had on the OT on the hit that knocked Tua out was ridiculous.
  12. Anyone else find it weird Dabolls gone to 1985 Bears Power I this week? Feels like he's trying to get it on "tape"
  13. It's definitely Deer-in-headlights Josh at this point. No confidence at all. He looks like someone ran over his dog.
  14. Completely biated Brissett there, passed the receiver off and Brissett thought he was wide open.
  15. Looks like Diggs slipped and fell in the route... got back up and was WIDE OPEN
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