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Wayne Cubed

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Everything posted by Wayne Cubed

  1. Wrong guy in my opinion but Stephon Ross going to Stephon Ross. Chris Grier has had some awful draft picks.
  2. Just guessing but… If it’s Chargers, Sunday at 1pm. If it’s Patriots**, Monday Night Football
  3. Yea after his play this season he's definitely one of the best 32 players selected in the the 2019 draft and I would argue top 16, which doesn't put him far off where he was selected.
  4. Doesn't say in AP article. Could be a couple things, maybe they don't think it's needed to determine good football players. Maybe they think it can have negative impact on how a player is viewed? Like that the player isn't very intelligent?
  5. There's some other interesting changes to the combine from the AP Article. WRs will no longer run a wheel route, instead they will run crossing routes. Running backs will run option routes instead of corner or post-corner routes.
  6. AP Article: https://apnews.com/article/nfl-sports-e786d7cb0c9903cd7936c1a2118b2f7b?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_medium=AP_NFL&utm_source=Twitter That's kind of crazy. Always used to make for some very interesting discussions.
  7. IMO, this looks a lot like looking at raw numbers and trying to come up with conclusions without any sort of context. As pointed out by a few posters and off the top of my head, Philly, Indy and NE** were all bad weather games. That represents 10% of the available home games Josh has played in. Throw in Josh's rookie season and that's another 6 games, where it was a bit of a mixed bag and Josh was a rookie QB. Those 9 games account for 1/3 of the home games Josh has played in at home. This also takes away from the fact that Josh has had some elite games played at home as well. Seattle last year springs to mind. He went 31/38 for 415 yards and 3 TDs and he rushed for a TD as well. And as others have said how does Josh preform against other QBs who have played in OP?
  8. I don't have it to hand but remembering seeing a statistic about QBs that have had 40+ TD seasons and nearly every season to follow has seen a drop off. There's been one or 2. So I expected Josh to drop off from what he had the previous season. He hasn't been as great but he's still been very good and is within the range of what I would expect other elite QBs to drop off to after a monster season. Rodgers isn't near what he did in 2020. Tom Brady equaled his output from 2020, which at 44 is mental. Mahomes is down on 2020. It was most likely going to happen to Josh and that doesn't mean it's a bad thing. He didn't fall off a cliff. To me he's proved he belongs.
  9. I agree, I think he could catch lightening in a bottle but I think the Ravens would need a few things going for them as well. Jacksons MVP season, the Ravens went up against a pretty bad AFC North. Roesthisberger was out for season, Cleveland had Freddie Kitchens as HC and the Bengals were awful. They've not repreated that dominance in the AFC North since. And this season, yea they've got injuries, but they've been beaten up by other AFC North teams. There's a shot conditions could be right for them again, with Roesthisberger retiring... the Browns spinning their wheels. My only slight hesitation is with what the Bengals are putting together. They could end up making it very tough for the Ravens, for a long time.
  10. Honestly think they should get rid of Stefanski. The Browns have been a better team when he's sat at home on the couch with Covid.
  11. Jerry also actually got a holding call go for him. Unbelievable.
  12. There’s another. An important part of their DL. Feel better now?
  13. This is true. Problem is, if he was vaccinated… with the new rules he may have not been tested to begin with. Also, he now misses next week as well.
  14. So far the moved game has allowed Wyatt Teller to come back? Is that it?
  15. I think the weirdest stat is this: Allen attempted 54 passes, and probably a couple more that he ran... the Bucs DBs had 0 penalties against them. No holding. No PI. Nothing.
  16. I think with what happened in the 2nd half showed what he was calling, in the first half, was good. The difference was the OL was actually blocking. You have to also remember they call a lot of RPO and 90% of the time Josh pulls the ball. Those long runs that were successful in the 2nd half for Singletary/Brieda were all RPOs, that Josh didn't pull the ball.
  17. Controversial: I thought Dabolls offensive game plan this week was pretty good. Agree the 3 calls in OT weren't great. The execution by the OL absolutely sucked, in the first half. It's weird because a lot of the play calls were what was missing last week.
  18. I found the defensive performance very “meh”. If we were rating out of 10, I’d say 6/10. I think you absolutely have to weigh in weather conditions and the fact they only passed 3 times and just the entire situation. The Pats played an offense that was the equivalent of having an emergency QB in the game. If that were actually the case, how many points should they have held them to? I would have said less than 10 and certainly no TD. I thought they did a very good job stopping them early though, and give them credit for that. But beyond that, it was very up and down and I would have expected more considering the situation. The long drive for the FG was a killer. Saying all that, I certainly put more blame on the offense.
  19. Daboll was pretty much a nothing OC before Josh. Josh makes Daboll, not other way around.
  20. I've blocked that part of MNF out of my mind.... wow was that awful.
  21. This year is his last year of guaranteed money from Carolina. Easy for them to dump him after this year. I wonder if he becomes a FA.
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