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Everything posted by mattsox

  1. I agree with you. I keep Youboty though and don't draft Secondary
  2. That could only help the Bills, as sad as that is...
  3. If that happens again. I'm done with the Bills. I'm not coming back till New ownership takes over and cleans house...
  4. LOL, Let's coach him up. sorry too funny. Maybin's a lost cause. Move along.... nothing to see here...
  5. Wow how many 64 Packs did you eat? You play to win EVERY GAME!!! Good Teams find ways to win all games that matter. YOU don't lose for the sake of losing. UGHHHH!
  6. I understand where you're coming from. It probably will never happen, but it sure needs too happen. There is not enough talent in the league to sustain 32 Teams...
  7. So sick of hearing about this. LA doesn't give a damn about the NFL. No NFL team should be there. That being said. I wish the NFL Would cut 2 teams, go back to 30, then back down to 28. I'd say Jacksonville, Tennessee, Houston and Carolina should be gone. Get rid of these stinky south teams. Have a retraction draft and let the teams with worst records pick from those teams players. I think this would make the NFL more competitive then watered down. There too many teams man. Waaay too many.
  8. LOL, let's make an offense called the Wild QB, I'll put 3 QB's in the backfield, get rid of the RBs and see what happens. Get Vick, Tebow and Webb from Minnesota. 16-0 Baby! I'm a Genius. I should Patent this Formation.
  9. I predicted the same. Yeah. Fitz def has come on better than I thought he would.
  10. Wow, yeah. They gotta build up the O-Line in the offseason. We can't go on like this having no rushing game. We need some big fast men on the OL to push around opposing defenses and open some holes up for Freddy and CJ. I'd say LT should be one of our top priorities. LB is still a big one there too. Right now I'd rank our weakest postions as 1. LB 2. LT 3. DE 4. TE I'd say those are our Top 4 positions of Need. 1. We totally need to overhaul the LB core. Looks like Moats is a player, and I'd keep Poslouzny just for need. But we need 2 more starters at that position. 2. We need a LT we can count on. Someone who will be a rock for years to come. 3. We need a Pass rushing DE. Someone opposing OL will have to gameplan for. 4. TE is a valuable position which would add another dimension to our Offensive game plan. Make us more dangerous. Just getting about 5 quality players at these positions could turn us around quickly to the 9-7 range.
  11. You said it. First Start. Let's see how he does after 16 Games first Huh????
  12. When did the Bills ever say they were shopping Evans? I missed that memo...
  13. Yep, 100% agreed. These buffoons have had their time to right the ship and they did crap thus far. When new ownership takes over that's the only way we can build for a championship. I have absolutely no faith in the "Good Ol Boys" mentality at OBD....
  14. Couldn't be more true. Wish we had something to BILLieve in here. Next season will be the truth. We'll see if they really want to compete for a championship or are they just gonna wallow with the Detroits and Carolinas of the NFL.
  15. Agreed. This guy must be High. I think we need to upgrade the position, but via draft and prospects you bring into camp. Not by sending in the clowns to Buffalo...
  16. That was a famous play. I believe they called it "The Shot Heard Around The World"
  17. Exactly, Let's see how he does against the Divisional opponents.
  18. Agreed. I don't think they draft for need. They draft best player available. If it's another RB, I wouldn't doubt they'd draft him.
  19. One of the Greatest Special Teams Coaches in Buffalo Bills History!!!!!
  20. Fitz is a good fit right now. I don't see him as the long term solution though. I believe we need Andrew Luck. I believe him to be the answer at QB, but I don't think he's coming out and with the uncertainy of the 2011 season, I don't think it will happen. That being said. If He comes out you get him, if he doesn't go with Fitz and build your TRENCHES UP!!!!
  21. I wonder what Aaron Maybin will be doing at this time next year. Probably hiking out your trash...
  22. Haynesworth is an @$$. He can't even compete in the league anymore, overpaid sack of **** is what he turned into. Yeah to Shanahan for making him sit in the corner for the rest of the season. I'm sick of all these players with attitudes. Him and James Harrison on Pittsburgh is just as bad. I'm sick and tired of players who "Play by their Rules" It's time for players like Haynesworth and Harrison to grow up and play like men, abide by NFL conduct or Retire from the NFL. I'm sick of the NFL coddling these type of players by only giving out fines. Agreed. Watch out for the Skins in 2011 if there is a season next year. Wrong. Shanahan isn't arrogant. He plays by his rules. He's the boss. It's like you going to work. You do what your boss asks or he shows you the door. It's no different. McNabb and Haynesworth, are coddled by the NFL. Shanahan is the reality. He's the boss. He may be old school, but He's in charge. If McNabb and Haynesworth aren't doing what he wants, he'll show him the door. Don't think it's arrogance. It's called MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY!!!
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