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Everything posted by mattsox

  1. Yeah I'd be crying too I guess if I was used to being 14-2 and unstoppable. But come on. Everyone has a down season. I'll take their situation over ours anyday!
  2. 1. Yes 2. How about we give the guy some talent and see if he can get things going first. 3. ABSOLUTELY!!! I agree with you here the most. If I hear Buddy's sleeping the first day of FA, I'm going down to OBD and puking on his desk. 4. No. We have too many problems. If Luck is going to enter the draft, you draft him. Otherwise, it's a wasted pick on a QB. Get A LB or DE in the First Round. 5. Agreed. Players in Round 1-3 Should be impact players that come in hear with passion and contribute Immediately
  3. Not even worth discussing. Tebow is more name than player. He can't play NFL Football and be successful. Your better with Mallet or Luck..
  4. Clear answer is we keep Roscoe. We need as many offensive weapons as we can get. Chan likes him. I'd be surprised if he walks.
  5. Answer is pretty simple. We must draft good players. We could have had Matthews, Orakpo and Mangold. Players we needed. And there are a ton of top talent we let walk, which was a bad idea. 2010 class looks like poop so far, for drafting so high. I have no Idea how we keep screwing it up. We've become Detriot in that sense. If the best player on the board is a Running Back when we go to Draft this year, I'm done with this team.
  6. I don't know who this guy thinks he is. He is a good player, but He seriously needs to re-think his approach. LOL, this guy's ridiculous. I don't know if it's for show or what. Didn't he also refuse to go to some team function after they won the Super Bowl?
  7. I'm all for that, but if Carlos Dansby and Julius Peppers are UFA, we should be throwing them money to come here. It's ridiculous he didn't even speak to either of their agents. If an impact FA is there we need them come on. We're 2-9. We've been competitive, but we need playmakers!!!!
  8. I wish Galisano would sell them. I'm sick of his crap, and Larry Quinn and The Front Office. Let's clean house and build a winning Franchise. We got a face in Ryan Miller. Now go out and get the big guns this team needs to compete for a championship on yearly basis. Galisano hasn't done nothing to make the team better. As a matter of fact I think they've gotten worse over the years... As long as he's gonna pump money into the team and is committed to bring us a Stanley cup I'm all about it. Sick of the status quo and you should be lucky to have a team garbage spewed at us fans on a year in year out basis. Enough is Enough. Either Compete with the big boys or move it outta here!!!!
  9. The way we're competing, I'd say he's done a great job with a bunch of nobody's. We're starting to turn things around, maybe not in the W-L column but definately in the Attitude column. I can't wait till next season. Again I hope they go Gung-Ho in FA and have a great draft and get this team in contention for a championship.
  10. Luck is not coming out this year people, and he is the only one worth a damn talking as a first rounder. I say we build up the Front 7 and O-Line, since that is where we're getting killed. Gotta Run and Stop the Run!!! That is how you win NFL Football games
  11. Regardless of play. We need to draft O-Linemen, or seriously look to see who's available via FA this offseason. We need depth at all positions, most notibly LT and RT. We need to do a better job of Running the ball, especially come Nov and Dec.
  12. Agreed. Love how Williams plays, and we better do anything it takes to keep him here. Not sure about the Pro Bowl, due to the fact we're 2-9. But he is most deserving...
  13. Kelsay is a 4-3 DE not a 3-4 LB. George Edwards should have done a better job evaluating the players and realized the 3-4 is not gonna work with the personal we have. But kudos to him for finally waking up and realizing the 3-4 doesn't work. We are finally getting a halfway decent performance out of our D. Sure hope we draft LBs early and often in next years draft. Not sure who is available via FA either, but This team and be a force next season if they pay out the $$$ to get good.
  14. We've def gotten better this season. Hopefully we'll bring in the Biggest Impact free agents at the positions we need to upgrade and get some great draft picks and then maybe we'll get to 11-5 next season. Buddy, you better not be sleeping come Free Agency this year. NO SLEEPING IN THE OFFSEASON FOR YOU!!!!
  15. Yeah, too much focus on a negative play. God didn't drop the ball, you did Stevie. Next time make the catch. End of story...
  16. Absolutely. I love them. We look like professionals. I hate the trend going around the league as well as the Bills wearing home jersey with away bottoms. I hate the whole solid color look thing. Makes the teams look JV. Dark jersey, white bottoms Home. White Jersey dark bottoms away. The NFL has been too liberal on this for the past 10 years. Wish the owners or league would make it manditory.
  17. I think half the people on this board could blow up Jonathan Scott let alone Aaron Maybin. He should have had a career day against him. Not sold on Maybin yet, but the guy does need to play ball.
  18. There is alot more parity in this league then I thought. The way the Bills have been playing the last month and a half. We have the potential to win out or lose close. If we win 3 out of the last 5, that would be an accomplishment.
  19. Go Stevie Johnson!!!! Sick of the No Fun League. Atleast he competes and makes it fun for us fans to root for someone on this team in this transition year.
  20. Come on! our Tight Ends suck and suck badly. Remember when we had McKeller and Metzelaars. 2 Great TE. That was the hey day of the Bills. Even Riemersma was a Pro Bowler. He added so much more to our offense. TE is a valuable position. It adds another dimension that the opposing team has to prepare for. If there are no Impact ones in this years draft then, Hell I'd go out and trade for one in heartbeat if we could.
  21. I also noticed this. Not sure what's up with him. It seems some kickers hit a wall after so many seasons. Gary Anderson where are you? lol
  22. Yeah, I actually thought Langston was a decent RT. It was DJ who canned him at the beginning of last season because he was overpriced to play out of position at LT. Gotta love DJs decision making process,
  23. Awesome. Glad to see the Cornell Brown experiment was an open and shut case. Go Bills!!!
  24. They Beat Detroit and Cincinnati. That is all. When they beat a Playoff contending team wake me up. Let me know how much faith you have in Fitz after Pittsburgh. This one's gonna be ugly... Exactly. If they win out or win against Playoff contending teams the remainder of this year, then we may have something. Our team is piss poor. Make no bones about it. They need alot of churn in the offseason and bring in some bigtime playmakers via draft and Free Agency. Buddy will draft the best available player on the board and get us some good talent.
  25. Is it just me or has it been horrible since they reinstated Instant Replay. Seems like they are really blowing calls the past few years.
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