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Everything posted by HARCO186

  1. I think they will keep Fitz because he proved to be right and had good numbers with a shaky offensive line and a new coach and system. I also feel Buffalo will take AJ Green as the 1st pick. If you really look at it, Fitz doesn't really throw the ball to Lee. It's not their fault, but Lee has had way too many new qbs and I feel that Fitz doesn't have the chemistry with Lee. The Bills will have Easly, Johnson, Parish, Green, Spiller and Jackson to throw to. That will be a very impressive offense, and Fitz can read a defense like you said. The new assistant head coach will ask for a year to get his players in place so Buffalo picks a stellar WR for Fitz to work with. I agree, Bufflo will keep Fitz and in year two will get the defense they need.
  2. Hope, My last reply failed some how sorry. I want the Bills to go defense myself, but feel that Chan will go with Green because all reports indicate this kid is just all that. I don't watch enough to say one way or another, but feel Chan is letting us know he's taking this route. I won't be upset with it, but will be upset if we take another CB. I just don't see any reason to snag a CB at #3. If we take Green, I will not complain, but how many on this board will go ape s***.
  3. Just hope the Bills are in it, they might even win it then!!!!! Just saying
  4. Now the season is over, and we can/should be talking free agents and draft picks, does it really matter if we select a LB or WR in the first round? The reason for the question is do we not BILLIEVE in the management and the Good Ole Boy club? I mean Chan the Man said he wanted to see the baby and in my opinion, he cut ties that shocked many this year and did so very quick (Trent). This told everyone he is willing to try with everyone he had, but if they weren't cutting they would be gone. This led me alone to BILLieve that he knew what he wanted and what he was trying to achieve. People doubted Edwards as DC, and feel even George knew he was in too deep. Now we Have Dave W. and he is not the coordinator, but will change the d as needed. With all this said what if Chan grabs AJ Green as the first pick? Does everyone explode and go crazy? With all the boards saying we need this and we need that, what if we are all wrong and we go after Green. Think about this now. The Bills are not going to the Super Bowl next year, and I'm certain we can for the most part aree with this. If they take the best player available and snag Green and in round 2 grab a future QB to build him up, then the offense will be taken care of for the next few years. Think of it as snagging Thomas one year, Kelly and Andre. Then after a year or two, start building a stellar defense. We get one to two more decent FA to get the defense built a little better, then we have a competitive team. If Fitz has AJ,Evans, Johnson,Parish, Spiller,and Jackson then that would be a very very good offense. The opposing teams would not sit 8-9 in the box, and we would have a team that can hit from any point of the field. Now I know and agree that the defense sucked this year. Why would we go backards and get worse is a debat. The coordinator was in too deep for starters. That is being fixed with Dave W. He will instantly help out and get the right defensive on track. But with little to know talent up front how? I agree, but lets say the management agree that they do not have enough talent. They get a few defensive players in round 3-4-5. This will get some depth to build off. They sign a few free agents, like one or two defensive lineman, and maybe a LB, and we have a defense that is much better. Notice that when Phillips was fired, our defense got a little better. This is because Edwards looked for advice, and got it. With Dave W. on board we can have a better scheme in place and that will make the players better in itself. The point to all this is I would not doubt for a second if Green is available at pick 3 we snag him. Don't be surprised to see us go in this direction, and if we do then we all know the management feels we have at least one to two years before we really become a legit team to be messed with. Thoughts???
  5. The Bills are going to put in place a defense that is suited for us. That being said, if they get a true NT up front, then they may stay 3-4. If not, they will be a 4-3. Hiring a new defensive coach does not say they will go with his style. The team must go with what the talent says. The main unit of a 3-4 is the NT. Yes williams is a beast, but he doesn't clog the line like a true 3-4 NT would do. If they can't hold the front up, then you can have any beast as a lb, but they will get caught up and not produce. I really hope the Bills grab a solid NT if they decide to go with a 3-4. If not, then get a couple of beats for a 4-3. Either way we look at it, I strongly feel we need more of a defensive lineman first.
  6. It's a proven fact that in a 3-4 if you can move the NT, then you can move the 3-4. Buffalo did both with multiple fronts. I feel that Buffalo did the right thing by hiring Dave to come in and assist the defense. Not that Edwards is bad, but he needs help and most likely told the staff he needed help and even reportedly asked Wayne for advice. This is how they become good coaches is knowing when to ask for help to build off this. Wanny will make the right adjustments and help out tremedously I feel. I easliy see us taking a DL or LB in the first round and second. What defense we go to is not the question, but who we get will dictate what we run. Any one can say we are this or we are that, but if the talent says we are better off in a 4-3, then we will be a 4-3 and vice versa.
  7. I think they are giving us the hint that they are taking Green or Peterson. They can care less about what the needs are and are strictly going after the best position. Peterson may become a steel if they agree on a rookie cap because if he is as good as they say, then go for him. Want we want and what we get are two different things here. I wouldn't reach for what we need, but would rather we take a DT, but if the other two teams take them then we go after Peterson or Green. I really see us taken either two at #3 myself.
  8. The hints are there and they want the best player available. This means if AJ Green or Peterson is there, we will take them. That's only if the first two teams go defensive lineman. The main question should be who or what is the teams pecking order as far as talent goes and why. If we grab the best player and it turns out to be Green, so be it. If we take Peterson, then so be it. It's not that I want them, but I really truly BILLieve in the coaching staff and in Buddy and Chan and feel they will do the right thing. They have made it clear they do not listen to us because they have a plan and are sticking to it. I just hope it's someone we have a need for. I for one do not want to see Peterson on the team, and to me Green is a long shot, but if they are the best player and can make a difference then that will be fine to me.
  9. It's more than obvious this is a crock of a story and seeing the tweet came from Johnson when he dropped the ball. Chan knows what he's doing and I find it funny he is doing his own thing. Forget the scouts and what they say. I can care less about that game anyways because we see what we see and the coaches and and gm's and scouts see another. This will continue all the way through the draft, and then we will be picked on again when we draft who we draft and not what every one wants us to draft. If we all listen to the critics, most say go with the best player until you pick someone they don't want you to get, then they say well the Bills needed this and picked that. Who cares, and "don't tell me about the labor pains, just show me the baby". That's the bottom line!!!!!!!!!
  10. As soon as I read that article, AJ came to mind as well. YES Buffalo has a defensive need in the worst way, but if AJ is really that good you take him. Just about every coach or GM will say that teams that draft by need end up having a bad draft. Just think if we snag AJ, what they will tell others. I feel if the two defensive guys are taken then AJ will be ours at #3 or Buffalo will trade down to get more picks. If AJ goes or Peterson goes within the first two picks only then do we go defense, if not we will take Green.
  11. If we went to get Plaxico, he can't play in Canada. It's federal law he can't leave the counry under parole with a felony under his belt and time in prison. The NFL would have to do a lot of paper work and it wouldn't be worth it.
  12. I agree with this ten fold! I hate the pats and hate Their coach, but what if he was in Buffalo? Tuna helped that organization grow to what it is today, and the diamond in the rough was Brady who was on the bench until Bledsoe got hurt. Everyone claims he cheated and he did. It's no different then what players do when they juice or anything else. They do what they can to win. I HIGHLY DOUBT HE WAS THE ONLY ONE. MANGINI was a Patriot until he went out on his own and tried to be better and he blew the whistle because I believe he was in on it when he worked for the Pats. No big deal but feel we all have to give credit were credit is due and that's just that.
  13. I bet your one of those hire Shanny kind of guys huh? Do we have to fire every GM in the country for you to figure out that Ralph pulls the trigger? Buddy will make changes and so will Chan. They both look ahead, and have a plan set on who and what to do. When you first walk into a pile of S*** and are told to clean it up, it takes a while to find out what exactly is the pile of s*** and what is actually part of the room. Chan never said we were playoff bound and never said he would turn things around last year. What he did say is he will look at what he has, and when the bullets fly is the only true time is deciding what you have. He found this out with Trent and pulled the trigger, he also saw this with Green and others. For the love of God, please give them time and see what they can do. The superbowl of this year hasn't even been determined and you are already saying we will have the 1st pick of the following years draft. It seems to me when you cleaned the s*** out of the room, some may have gotten into your Wheaties. Let's see if we even have a year next year before we decide it's lost.
  14. He quit on Marv when Donahue was fired. He thought Marv would come in and have too much say and his kid was getting picked on at school so his family wanted to move as well.
  15. Imagine if Buffalo gave up the draft pick for Haynesworth, and brought him in next to Williams and Stroud and Kelsey, and we stayed with a 4-3 system? Gailey said he is unclear if we are a 3-4 or a 4-3. In fact he said like many teams we are a multiple set, and getting Albert is no joke. Regardless of what he did in Washington, he is a wrecking crew up front in a 4-3. I could see Buffalo giving up a the 1st round on him. The issue is he won't come to Buffalo and play. It would bring an instant respect for Buffalo's front defensive line if he were to come though. Wishful thinking or dreaming though.
  16. You know I for one feel Buffalo will go after a true defensive stud and not take Luck in the 1st round. Fitz put up numbers that are decent enough that a team that has good character and good chemistry can do just fine. I also feel that Chan the Man will have the offensive line playing much better next year because even if they draft Luck, with no good line he would be toast. Everyone keeps praising Luck, and I also feel he is the real McCoy and will improve any team, but also feel that the Bills by drafting #2 and getting a true defensive work horse who demand attention like a Bruce Smith did will change the atmosphere of the team as well. What everyone around this board is looking for and not really paying attention to is what Chan and Buddy have been saying. It is a team effort that they want the chemistry along with the numbers. Chan has stated even Monday that he wants Fitz and will work with him for next year. These comments alone tell me Buffalo is going after a true defensive player who can change the game and set the tone for the defense. Chan also said he is not sure what they are going to do on the d as far as a 3-4 or 4-3, but they must get better against the run! If the Bills get better against the run, and solidify the o-line, then we have a better chance than just looking at one position. I think this is what the management will be doing. Only time will tell though.
  17. You have got to be joking right? I know many people say Pz is not all that, but in the NFL, who are the top 5 tacklers? I'll give you a hint, Poz is one of them, and Whitner is the other. It's not Poz's fault that the defensive line gets pushed all over and then he gets caught up and pushed back. Let me guess, that Williams is a pro bowler as well? The front defensive line is the key to any defense! In a 3-4, it all starts with the nose tackle. Williams is a good player, but not a 3-4 NT. We Do Not Have One! Poz can go sideline to sideline with just about any lb in the league. For fans to say get rid of him, then we are dreaming of having it all next year. I'm not saying he is the best out there, but he is not bad either.
  18. UConn's head coach took the job. It will be announced at 2pm today.
  19. That is great information I did not know. Although Luck is a great canidate, I feel Mallet is a good one as well. I might disagree that we need a qb in the first round though. I believe that a qb and the coach need to be on the same page and have a great understanding of each other (Chemistry). I eel that Fitz and Chan the Man may have that. Chan will build to our needs and feel that we strongly need a defensive pass rusher stud and some LB's to be better off. If the Bills can stop the run and have a much improved front seven, then that will make us even better competively. We can't blame Fitz for us not stopping the run, and we can't blame the coordinator. We can blame he management for not building a better front seven. Anyone of the front seven on defense and even offense better pay attention to what goes on because their jobs are most likely going to be gone. Not all, but I bet many are. I would be happy if we took a qb like Luck or Mallet, but wouldnot be at all surprised if we took a stud defensive player. Either way, Chan the Man, and his good Ole Boy Nix will be judged and most likely picked on know matter what they do. It will be a lose lose situation for them both until next September any ways...
  20. Because I'm not the coach. If it were me, I'd leave it to Brett is what I'm saying.
  21. What do you mean by STILL??? ARE YOU SAYING SANTA ISN'T REAL? SON OF A B****!!!!!!!!!! Then why is he giving me my wish that Brady is out this weekend?
  22. Brett has played for 20 years now and wants to go out there and play the last few games so he can say he did it. Brett should have never came back this year! It drives me nuts to see he retires one week and the other he's playing again. If Brett didn't want to play anymore he would have called it a while back. He's a competitor who wants to go week in week out. I feel it's more Brett than the coach. The season is lost, and if I were coach, then I say put in all the backups now so the vets can rest a little more for next year. I never wish bad on a guy, but if they want to go out with a bang, then it's their choice.
  23. Awesome! I agree with you big time on this. I am sooooo glad we didn't take Shanny, but did want Bill. Didn't know Chan the Man, so was on the fence. Now I'm a Chan the Man guy and BILLIEVE!!!
  24. It's not a knock on Chan to take time with Trent. I say this because he never worked with these guys and had no idea what he was getting into. He had to decide if it was the play calling or the player calling the plays or the player. He was given a pile of horse dump, and turned it into a respectable team. What Chan has done in one year is give us faith and a chance to Billieve again. I truly believe he gave every chance for Trent to develop, and get his confidence up. When Trent couldn't get past it, he just cut ties completely. He never thought twice, and it shocked a lot of people. Chan is a power house of a play caller and he knows what to do next and plans for it. It shows and it will turn around eventually. Just think if we still had Perry as our defensive coordinator. Buffalo didn't have that bad of a defense last year. It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. This year we have an offense that can put up points, next year we will have a defense that will make a difference, by 3 years we will have a very competitive team is what I'm talkin about...........
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