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Everything posted by HARCO186

  1. I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT THE LABOR PAIN, JUST SHOW ME THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!! If we win by 3. I see blood. If by 7, then I see a head. By 10 is a head and arms By 13 is a body By 14 is a leg in there By 17 we have a BABY!!! More than 17 that sucker is already drinking a beer and asking to go again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Dude what are you thinking???? How can one say this stuff and mean it? 1. Trent isn't a great qb, but his stats are better than henne's and sanchez's (the experts say no because he had the worst OC in the NFL last year). 2. Eat your words when CJ and company explode and have great gains ( we were 16th last year w/ a bad o-line) 3. Might agree w/ o-line only because they must prove themselves, but I feel they will improve because they are more experienced. 4. Keep reading buddy Foschi isn't on the team anymore!!!! Do see them as average at best though. 5. Lee is aproven player and a #1 on most teams, Buffalo never had a coach that ever knew how to use Parrish in a slot.... 6. The defense is by far very questionable, but we haven't seen them yet in a 3-4 to even grade them.. ( this makes me think you live in Bristol CT, ESPN guy huh?) 7. Poz is a beast when healthy and will show it in a 3-4... Just to let you know the other guy is named Davis, he's not a probowler, but pretty good.... 8. I know 28 int's last year is a c+???? We have two of the best in the business... These guys are good! 9. Our safeties are extremely good and dangerous. They go hand in hand with #8.. 10. I guess special teams don't count in the NFL either or are the Bills so bad they get held back????? Info, we may lose a step or two, but will have one of the best return teams in the NFL both kickoff and punts. Recovery will be missed a bit. Lets not talk about FG's or punt averages... One of the best in the NFL
  3. Well if we win this Sunday we will be at 50% of most critics win record..... Just 15 after that and I think they get another one there!!!!!! That's what gets me the most. Buffalo will win Sunday and I think the fins get their asses handed to them most of the game. The final will be 35-28 Buffalo, but the last quarter the fins score twice to make it closer..Buffalo has a point to prove and will go all out Sunday, while the fins won't know what hit them. Any statis on Jake Long??? Is he still hurt or is he practicing yet?
  4. Were I live (in between the pats and the jets) I have many fans of the AFC East and they are talking so much garbage, but at the end of it, they all say the samething if CJ gets the ball, their team would be in for a rough ride. Many say he looks like a young Sanders.... Even the expert Bills bashers say the samething. This guy has "it"....
  5. I agree. I feel that the pass rush will be a hybrid with more blitzes from the inside creating a bullrush effect to draw the qb out of the pocket and throw on the fly. This creates a fooled pass rush when a team has no pass rush. This is why Chan likes a 3-4 vice a 4-3. They can hide the formation better. I'm not YET concerned but feel it needs attention next year when we draft a stud on defense..
  6. I think it will start off slow with a few screens to keep the fins from blitzing everydown. I think we run heavily and try or if not hit Evans deep after the second or third drive. We show many different run formations with a few screens to bring the secondary up and cheat a little and smack them in the mouth on deep route. I think Spiller will have many negative yards to start because they will push him out, and he will have a big break for about 30+ yards and take it to the house. Parrish will have a great day with about 100+ yards because he will be picked up by the LB's who won't be able to run with him. Out TE's will have a small part because they will be held in to help the line and give way to a run package. We will pick apart Henne and show he is the one who sucks not Trent. Trent will get sacked a few times, but has a great day running the offense to a 180 yds passing and 3 tds, (parrish with 2 and Evans 1) Spiller has 1 TD and our Defense generates a pick and Lynch drives home a td in short yardage.Miami has a good run and gets 120+ yds running with 3 tds and a play action pass with a td on a slant. Final Buffalo 35 Miami 28......
  7. I second that!!! A jinx for sure.. If we lose it's because of Promo for sure now.....LOL
  8. 1. Miami-win 2. @ Green Bay- loss (closer than you think. Buffalo is a great pass defense, if they win the turn overs, maybe an upset game). 3. @ New England- loss 4. Jets- win, Jets are having issues with Sanchez, rely on run too much. 5. Jacksonville- win Buffalo is a better team 6. @ Baltimore-loss (The Ravens are my super bowl pick for AFC) 7. @ KC-win Buffalo pulls big offensive game and Spiller has game of the year on this one. 8. Bears-win, Martz’s offense will not help Cutler and 4 picks by Bills in this one. 9. Lions-win-tough game, but we will pull this one out. 10. Cincy- loss- They win the north this year… 11. Pitt- win, they are not as good as expected, surprise pick upset of the week. 12. @ Vikings-loss 13. Browns-win, Browns are not good 14. @ Miami- win, Buffalo has momentum and will sweep 15. NE- win, Finally, after 14 straight losses the monkey is off our backs… 16. @Jets- win, Buffalo pulls the upset to make wildcard over Pittsburgh as final team to get in…. This is what I say will happen. In reality, the better chance is #14 loss, # 16 loss, #11 loss. If we beat Pitt this year, we can make the wildcard. If we lose, then we go 8-8. Either way we have a better successful year. ** I have read about Pitt, NYJ, NE. They all have issues. Miami is doubting Henne, Sanchez is struggling so they feel the Jets can just run the ball, NE cannot run the ball this year!!!! O-line is weak and some big questions are being made about them, plus they have no pass rush either on defense. Pitt has no Ben for first 4 games and will be in turmoil when he gets back. They are saying if Pitt can at least win 1 game without him they may be okay. I couldn’t believe this when I read it, but that’s what they are hoping for.
  9. I put that out a few weeks ago that we should do this. I'm not that good with a computer so I couldn't get it going.. Great job on this!!!!!!!!!
  10. Bob, You are not authorized to have common sense on this board buddy sorry... Get with the program and argue that Urbik might become a tight end on third down....
  11. Two reasons why Buffalo shouldn't build a new stadium: 1. The area doesn't have enough resources to bring in business to fill new luxury boxes. (How many fortune 500 companies are in Buffalo??? Sorry but facts are facts). 2. Too many politicians would want to have a dome, and take away home field. I don't know about how people feel, but I haven't lived in Buffalo in 22 years and people I talk with cringe when you mention Buffalo in December. That is a HUGE mental block to get over. Plus if a new stadium were to be built what would the location be? The falls area? Downtown? Again please see #1, there isn't enough top businesses to fill the luxury boxes....
  12. Now that you just sumed up why the Bills can win which is my point because all that is true. What happened last year happened last year with another coach, and system... You don't make sense by saying they will not win by stating the obvious about the jets and the fins.... For the record I stopped hanging out in basements 21 years ago when I grew up and joined the service.... I did that when the Bills were Super Bowl Contenders. Ask grandpa or dad about those days. They did exist
  13. I never knew Henne and Sanchez were established qb's???? Didn't the jets just have a new system installed last year with a great running back who they got rid of this year??? I thought the jets just went out and got new receivers this year along with miami???? I think recess is over buddy and you might want to get back to class....
  14. Who do have going to the playoffs??? Well homie 5-11, and 6-10??? So what your saying is that the Bills aren't any better a team than last year right? 1. Fact we beat the jets last year with a make shift o-line a new OC, who never held that position. You honestly think the jets are superbowl bound this year as well?? Why because they made the wildcard last year because Indy benched everyone??? Get real... 2. Miami has worst trouble than the Bills with there line. They just picked up a player because they have no depth at line and Jake Long is hurt.. Fact, Henne is having issues understanding the offense... Trent has better numbers than him..... 3. The pats are having management trouble with the team, and even Brady is not happy... They can't run and have no depth with defense and the pass rush is questionable at best... ( that use to be their strong point was their defense, not Brady). They are depending heavily on Brady, which is not a good thing seeing they have changes on their o-line, which is why they are having issues running.... This is why I said we can sweep two out of three. My prediction is 8-8, and 9-7. I put out there that we can win those games and it is achieveable because of the notes... Whay do you say 5-11??? Let me guess. 1. We have a bad qb. 2. Our line sucks. 3. We have no defense because we switched to a 3-4. 4. We never improved our roster??? Give me a break... Trent is better because our coaching staff has the skills to help Trent out and he is better for it. Plus he has a offensive coach to help him with decisions. Our line has one new guy in Green, but they have played for a year now and show this. Our defense is new, but in nickel situations use a 4-3 with a flanker/rover, so we may strugle here a bit, but feel not as bad as people say because the BILLS ARE A RUN FIRST TEAM, which keeps the defense off the field!!!!!!!!!!
  15. Too many people say 2-14, 6-10, 5-11. What do those teams have that we don't??? I do Cincy being better than the Steelers only because of what Ben did. Palmer will have a decent year and they always have a good "d" along with the Steelers. The Steelers just aren't the run team they once were and it will show. The Bills can easily sweep both Miami and the Jets. I'm not 100% sure it will happen, but they can do it, simply by using the rover as a blitz or specifically be put on the back, will force the teams to throw. I don't think the jets nor the fins can do it....
  16. These must be some 0-16 guys stating this..... Sunday I better see a babies head, that's all I know...........
  17. You hardly ever hear about depth on other teams. We can sweep 2 out of three in our division alone: Miami, Jake Long is hurt and Miami just signed a Dallas backup in case Long can't go, read about it. Miami staff doesn't like Henne, but the owner calls him the next Marino so the staff is using Henne until he proves useless, you can read about that as well...Miami has a run game that's it, Trent is a better qb than Henne, and the stats back that one up. The Jets are like Dallas, expected to win big, but don't have answers why they can't score in preseason??? Jets only went so far last year with luck, and a good run game. Do you honestly think LT is the LT of the past???? If so, I think you may be smoking something a little funny... We can sweep the Jets and that's not smoke, it can happen, remember we beat them with a make shift line and a new HC in the middle of a season last year... What makes them so great? They have a good O-line, but Sanchez will have to throw this year more than last and he will strugle.... New England has no run game this year, and they have Brady throwing all over... We can pull a win out this year. That gives us 5 wins just in our division.. Now honestly tell me we cant beat the Lions, Bears,Browns,KC, and the Jags? That alone gives us 8-8. The Steelers lost faith in Big Ben and he's not even a captain anymore. His team voted against him. Pitt is not the team of the past sorry but we can beat them. That gives us 9-7 in reality..
  18. It really gets me fired up when these teams are considered better than us as well. I picked us to sweep Miami and I get laughed at for it. If you read more on that page one will find that the staff know they are in trouble with Henne, but the owner says he the next Marino so they keep him due to politics. They want Penneington in there but can't do it until Henne proves he's not good. Trent may not be a pro bowler, but he is better than Henne, and our line is better than theirs. We just have to take away their run plays and we can sweep them hands down.
  19. You have got to be joking right? Taking a look at the schedule: 1. WIN- Miami- having issues with Henne. Most in Miami want Pennington to start but the management will give Henne the start because the owner refers to him as a Marino. Jake long is hurt so Miami just picked up a LT from Dallas. 2. Loss- GB. They are just better.. 3. Loss- NE. We will give them a run because they are weaker than past. They are having big issues running, and have no pass rush on defense. 4. Win- Jets. Sanchez is struggling, last year was a fluke.. 5. Win- Jags. We are a better team than these guys. Jack Del Rio will get fired this year. 6. Loss- Ravens. They can go to the big dance. 7.Win- KC. Chan has a point to prove, the team will not let him down either. 8. Win- Bears. Martz can't help Cutler, he will throw many int.. 9. win- Lions. We are better than them. 10. Loss- Cincy. These guys are better. 11. Win- Pitt. If we do pull this win, we will be in for a wildcard. Pitt will have issues because the team is not backing up Ben, and he will be back for this game. 12. Loss- Vikings. Say no more 13. Win- Browns. Say we aren't better than these guys.. 14. Win- Miami. You got it a sweep because we have momentum going, and the fins struggle w/ Henne. 15. Win- NE. The pats have too many old guys and no new guys and it hurts them at the end. (I live in NE and get the news about them all the time). 16. Win- Jets- Buffalo pulls the upset to get a wildcard over the Steelers. This is wishful thinking, but in reality, take away sweeps on the Jets and Fins and give us a split and we still can hit the wildcard. Read about the others that I put a win next to and you can see how I came up with this. Buffalo can easily make this happen, I see a 9-7 record in reality.....
  20. I couldn't agree more. Too many teams look good on paper and then fold. Buffalo is doing things backwards, they look like garbage on paper and will be better on the field.
  21. I have been in the military since 1989 and retired this year. I have hung out with every team fan at the local bar and heard all the bashing from all over. (Really bad when we lost all the Super Bowls). This is by far the very worst I have ever seen a team get bashed so badly. To be compared to the Lions of 0-16 is just unreal. The so called experts claim we have a really bad o-line... Our line is not rookies anymore, and they have been together for a year, an o-line with a year together has always shown improvement. Not a person can dispute that a line gets worst when they play together for periods of time. Our qb sucks.. He has better numbers than Henne and Sanchez. Numbers don't lie, plus our qb doesn't have a made to order OC that started a week before the season. Some might say Chan isn't all that, and he may not have been with other teams... When Marv took over the Bills in the 80's, he wasn't considered a great coach.(In fact had a more losses than wins when he came to Buffalo). He had a team that believed in his system and great mangement that worked around what they needed. It took a few years, but they did it by work, commitement, and trust. One never knows what goes on behind closed doors, but I feel that same excitement about this team as I did in the 80's. These guys are buying into a system and believing in it. Not to mention, NOT A SINGLE PLAYER BELIEVES THEY ARE BETTER THAN THE TEAM. The jets have that issue and it will show up this year, especially when Sanchez is forced to throw, he will strugle. The fins are already expressing concern about Henne and are not comfortable with what they see. The pats are showing signs of weakness and aren't what they use to be anymore. The Bills will most likely go 8-8 this year and may even hit 9. That will be a milestone and show the league that they are coming. My take is they will be a true contender within 2-3 years from now just like the 80's. I just can't wait to hear these critics eat their words at the end. This alone gives the team an edge. An edge to show something and prove many wrong.....
  22. They stated several times that they were going 3/4, but in a hybrid sense of 4/3. I think they will mostly do a 3/4 base, but ask to hit gaps like a 4/3 with different blitzes and more blitz packages from the rover/flanker spots. We don't have a big guy to plug the middle so hitting gaps should help. Go 3/4 on passing downs so we can utilize the outside rush more that's all.
  23. In case you may not of heard, but They didn't build Rome in a day..... Just saying
  24. How can that be equal??? Detriot went 0-16 not too long ago and have had a worse record than ours for how long.... I think the inside scoop on this is the fact that Buffalo didn't/couldn't land a great name coach. That being said people out there are saying if the team can't get a coach, then how bad are they??? I think the Bills hit gold here people.... No they wont be #1 this year, but the playoffs are not out of reach. If it comes down to wild card, who would be the competition??? I feel we come in 2nd in the division. That means the north will be what Cincy or Baltimore. I count out Pitt this year.. The west is who Oakland??? They are in worst shape in my opinion. That leaves the south with maybe Houston (which for some reason respect). At best we should get treated with some respect, but like the fact we don't. That way those guys look like idiots with eggs on their faces... Time will tell
  25. I'd say a O-lineman, and a d-lineman along with a TE for sure. If a decent LB is there then they will grab, but not important. I can really see them looking at a nose guard to plug the line if one comes open though.....
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