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Everything posted by HARCO186

  1. You can look at it this way also - The team wanted to see who can do what and who was the weakest link. Trent showed that by not being able to perform under pressure. - The team wants Jackson and Spiller to stay healthy, but when Lynch is coming up as a good trade, then why not show case him to make him more of a trade value. Very smart with management. - Buffalo may have their QB in Brohm, but don't want him to get overwhelmed because the o-line needs to be fixed, and will over time. Look for Wood to become the center and the new pickup to be our guard in the future. - Chan wants to see if he has reliable depth at all positions. Next draft, we just may see a lb or lineman being picked. (offense or defense) - This would show that they have a plan, they just don't want to show what their plans are until they do it. I see a very strong team on the horizon..... CHAN the MAN will GET R DONE
  2. I know everyone is second guessing the release of Trent. I thought and still think that the management knew that Nix was going to be our next GM and that Chan had a big part of becoming coach when the management was told by Cowher to take Chan. I feel that people had an eye on Brohm when he was drafted by GB. I feel Nix made a call to grab Brohm to be a Bill for the next coaching staff last year. Chan likes Brohm but knows that this year is not the year to bring in a new qb when the team is rebuilding. Why put the futeure qb in situation to get hurt by oppsing defenses? Have them sit back and watch and learn the system, let the o-line improve, and then after a year, let them start. I felt this way from the beggining and still feel like Buffalo has a plan to make Brohm the qb by next year. Fitz just outplayed Trent when it mattered. Fitz will stay on the team as our backup and will do just fine. The team will restructure and even get a better line by next year and I really think that Brohm will be the man by next year. It makes sense to have him sit back and watch. Why else would anyone pick him up last year when we had no GM or head coach last year. Buffalo will at the very best get the 5th or 6th pick next year. That will leave us again with no top qb, but should land us a great offensive lineman or a great lb. Either way I feel that the team is having Brohm ride the bench to better understand the system and teach him what to do to be our next qb. What do you think.
  3. I would agree except the Bills Front Office had no reason to keep Trent on. If they kept him, then everyone would say here we go again, wait until Fitz screws up then Trent will come back in. I stated long ago that the team was using Trent to get the line better for Brohm. I always felt Nix wanted Brohm and was brought in even before they made news that Nix was in. I bet that Nix had some arrangements before he signed or was giving suggestions as a consultant before he was asked to take the job. I also feel that when the Bills went to Cowher, he not only recommended Chan but set it up for the team. They were and are using Trent and Fitz to school Brohm. Fitz is an awesome backup and the staff knows this. By next year we will see Brohm as our starter in my opinion. For the team to go draft a big qb, we will not be in position to do so. Look at all teams that will need a qb next year, and what their records will be. I have us at best 5th in picking at the draft next year. There most likely won't be a qb that we want by then. Brohm was picked by most to have a better ability than Rogers in his draft time. Most said he was a Jim Kelly in the making. I really see Chan the Man using this year to develop Brohm and having the o-line develop as well. Next years draft will be a solid LB or o-lineman as our first pick. Chan did a great job by cutting ties and not leaving everyone guessing what if's...
  4. I agree 100%. I think they go after a defensive player. We need more Lb"s and can always use a d-lineman or even an offensive RT.
  5. The arguement on that article is not one person said Trent looked bad in OTA's or in camp or even in preseason. People on this board said Trent looked good in DRILLS and in practice. Trent was hands down a better qb than the rest. Well once the bullets started flying, Trent looked scared, and wasn't able to handle the load. I feel it was not just a decent move, but a very bold statement by the management. Like it or not the Bills are not a playoff team. Maybe at best 8-8 is what I have always said and even that might not happen. Chan the Man found out first hand that Trent just lost control or the game was too fast for him. Chan wants to make it clear that he's not wishy washy. He went who played the best, and they failed. So he cut his losses and is now moving on. That tells me he doesn't want anyone to get the wrong idea of if Fitz fails will we go back to Trent. Trent is the flat tire spare who is just not useful anymore. GREAT MOVE CHAN AND BUDDY. Let the team know that they have a chance and if it's not good enough, then time to move on!!!!!!!!!!
  6. How can we say bad moves? Spiller had 2 td's yesterday, and is a great pick up. Kelsey is a hate kind of guy, but I think he has abilities and is not great, but not bad either. I don't think he should be covering a TE. Nix picked up Wang, Troupe, and others. We never had a bad draft, just because we didn't pick up a qb or rt immediately. Look at Trent. The management seen good things and THOUGHT that it just might have been the old staff not coaching. They just cut Trent. A coach can't cut a player without management being involved. Give Nix a year or two before we start asking to lynch the guy is all I'm saying. They never said we be a playoff team this year.
  7. I'm not 100% sure, but I like to collect stuff for the man cave and find it hard to get some Bills gear. Even Mcfarlene doesn't recognize the Bills. Why don't they have a Bruce Smith or Thurman Thomas or a Jim Kelly figure? I can see why not a new player, but to only have Bledsoe and or Magayheeee who now plays as a backup for the ravens drives me nuts. They are coming up with a Tebow and he's not starting yet???? Can anyone tell me why they don't have the classics that are the only team in the history of the sport to go to 4 superbowls in a row????
  8. You know Jim Kelly felt the same way when he was drafted. Look at him then and now. He's a Bill all the way. Most people look at Buffalo as a run down dirty city with nothing to do, with a winter that runs from October through May. I know because being in the military for 20 yrs I meet people who talk about Buffalo all the time. Buffalo is a city that grows on people and has more sunny days on average than Memphis TN. It has all four seasons and the snow fall isn't half as much as people make it to be. Try living in ME and see who gets more snow. I'm sure his agent will be putting in words about every possible city and team. The ups and downs, and how the team operates. Buffalo gets a bad rap know matter what the situation, and it starts with the people. Buffalo has a great fan base, but the people in Buffalo complain about everything, and other people in cities hear this. Through in some politicians who can't even land a second hand sports store and you get bad raps.. If people wanted a guy to come to Buffalo, then they should welcome them and let them know. Not say how bad Buffalo is and saying a smart person wouldn't want to come there, then what's that make you and everyone else? Not smart people because we cheer for one of the worst teams?????
  9. 37-9 pats get a safety in the fourth because the third teamers need to try and stay on the roster. Just saying...............
  10. You know I agree with you, but I want one thing. WIN A "F"ING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "F" all the rest, and SHOW ME THE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I think this is way too early to have a post like this, but I know who ever it is, then many people here will say that we should have taken the opposite and some will even have some strong points to back it up. I think with that we will pick either this guy or if this guy is gone, then it will defenitely be that guy, or vice versa, but either one will be taken by us.....................................................................
  12. As always Promo I love it!!!! I detect a hint of sarcasm tho???? Thanks for the laugh
  13. I still dont get it????????????? Just joking, that was very good and have believed the same thing. One other person described Trent as might having an illness, and they were not joking. I agree. Sabre fans might remember Clint Malarchuk. He was the goalie who got his neck slashed open back in 88-89. He was great goalie until the playoffs. He never won a playoff game. No one could figure it out....
  14. Could not agree with you anymore. I give Chan the Man a pass on this year, but by the start of next year we better have a better line and better qb! He had no idea what he had until it all started. Even most people said he brought Trent back to life even in the preaseason. The bullets did start and he choked. Chan couldn't have seen this, and most likely had to give Trent the best chance to show what he could do. If anything I give Chan credit to believe he could revive Trent. He now knows that Trent just isn't cut for the big boys, and he seen it for himself and didn't take anyones word for it. Now Chan must make do with what he has. He made his bed, he can sleep in it.
  15. If you look at it, there are 4 teams that most likely want a new qb next year. Oakland, Arizona, Cleveland, and the Bills. In the draft there are really only 3 picks. As a Bills fan, what do you wish for? A bad year, and a possible homerun qb, or a decent year and move up or pick a good OT? That is Buffalo's options now so only time will tell.
  16. AJ and Poz as linebackers will really put a fear into people. Say what you want about Poz, but the man is good and AJ just might be better. If we get rid of Lynch that wll really help us out on defense. I say let's do it big time. I like Lynch, and feel he is good, but if the man is not happy and wants out, let him go. AJ wants out of GB so it makes sense, that's why it wont happen though.
  17. With the #1 pick of 2011, the Buffalo Bills select Patrick Peterson, CB, LSU! Oh wait Jauron isn't here sorry.
  18. I don't see it as panic mode. I feel he did the right thing right now. He seen the OTA's and watched the preseason, and even those who were on the sideline said Trent looked better. Trent just chokes when it counts. That's the bottom line I believe. I have been bashed for saying how bad Trent looked, but it showed. Trent can be a great guy, but it doesn't matter if he's not getting it done. I don't think things will improve either, but it shows the coach is not scared to pull a trigger and that message needed to get sent, and sent fast. Someone put a post on here saying Trent may have a disorder, and it might very well be true, we will never know. I hope Chan takes this to the top. We also have to get our o-line in order as well. I believe that unit starts at center and needs to work it's way out! I also feel Chan gave his team the benefeit of doubt that they were poorly coached. Now maybe he knows it was both, bad coaching and bad players. This is why they call it rebuilding.
  19. I would and do agree mostly. The biggest B word or concerns that I have is WE ALL KNEW THE LINE SUCKED BEFORE. If you build a team, then start with a foundation. Trent is not the teams foundation, so it all starts with the line. On offense, the line should have been addressed first. I'm not saying the draft, but they did have options via free agents. I'm also not saying we shouldn't have picked Spiller, but the front office should have addressed the line. The line also starts at center. If the line is breaking down and not picking up on stunts, then the center needs to be held accountable. They scan for blitzes and scan for stunts. I feel the front office didn't do enough for this. Now the qb. Do we need to discuss how scared Trent looks when he gets the ball snapped at him? Trent is playing his last year as a Bill. I know rebuilding and I know that it takes time, but one cannot argue that the team has not done enough to build a foundation to build off of. When do they address this issue, next year? If the team felt we had a good enough foundation, then the qb was next. You can't argue this point, and it will be a tough year. Maybe the best thing for us Bills fans will be that they have a lock out next year and we have to get a team brought in so we can at the very least look like a NFL team. Even you have to admitt that it looked like we were a college team going against a pro team.
  20. It's people like you that make me come on here. Good guestimate though. I still think we will not win, but think it will be closer than most think as well. I just hope Chan the Man gets these Bills on track.
  21. I agree with you mad dog until you said that the Bills will want to end the season. No team would want to go into a season to come out for a high draft. I feel the Bills want a lower pick if anything. I also believe there is a reason why players become free agents. I'm not saying all FA are worthless or not worth taking, but feel that a team to build is a team that goes deep in drafts and builds up from there. If the Bills go after a draft pick or a person, then they will do that, but the reality is that going into a season with the expectations of getting a high draft is not only unrealistic, but counter productive. A team goes into a year with the belief of winning.
  22. Believe me when I say that I am not a Trent fan now. Barker would know because I was confused with him on another post over it. I DO NOT THINK HIGHLY OF TRENT;however I do think he is much better than Fitz. I would rather stay with TE than Fitz. I wouldn't mind seeing Brohm in there though, just to say he did get his chance. If Trent can show up in a preseason and practice over Brohm, maybe Brohm can show up when it counts???? Didn't Chan say we will see when the pads are on and people start hitting, Well then if all hope fails with Trent this year, which I hope it doesn't then put Brohm in. We have all seen Fitz and he is a decent BACKUP, but how many people have seen Brohm when it counted. Atlanta didn't count because the team wasn't a team at that point last year and he was just signed and didn't know the system.
  23. Hey we got one 31st vote!!!! Until we prove otherwise, we are the bottom feeders. I'm not at all worried because feel we are not the worst, but have to play much, much better to get out of the botom... Chan the Man has to open things up in order to get other teams from putting 10 guys in a box and a safety playing 15 yds back from the line. If we show the same outting as last week, we will be finished and a huge decision will have to be made in my opinion. One week was bad, but if we show the same two weeks in a row, then something will have to give.
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