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Everything posted by HARCO186

  1. With KC being the best run team in the NFL, Chan will keep it on the ground and give our defense time. Fitz won't have a great game, but it won't be bad either. He will put up good numbers but this will be the game Jackson and Spiller really earn their checks. A very low scoring game with lots of running.
  2. Fitz has a great day and now people are saying go defense. Bell has a good game and now people say defense. I think it's early yet to put in suggestions on a draft. What if Moats starts lighting up the qbs and has a great game of 3 sacks and a fumble recovery? Do people start saying go with cornerbacks and safeties? This is all I'm saying about the threads. I do agree that the defense needs a huge lift and a pass rushhing wrecking machine or a LB that will hit holes like no other. I think Chan is using this year still to bring Brohm up to speed and teach him to try and take the job away from Fritz. Jackson and Spiller will be our backs for a long time, and just maybe Bell turns out to be good. The front seven on defense needs to get much better really fast. I think free agents will come knocking and we will build through the draft. Troup will help next year, but Williams and Troup are not what we need up front. Stroud is fine, but we need that one two punch in a 3-4. I think Chais starting to build something very special in Buffalo. Even if the Bills don't even win a game, looking at it from the outside in, the Bills are looking different. 3 years and the Bills will be top contenders again.
  3. I like to start a topic on team cohesion and chemistry. The last few threads have been if Fitz is the man and are we set at qb. You know looking at the threads and even my own, I’m getting caught up in the moments. Steve Young started out with Tampa, and then was traded to San Fran. Brett Favre was traded to Green Bay. The Saints have their qb through the Chargers. My point is what if it’s not just the team, but the chemistry of the team and the system that makes the team. Chan has been known to make a great qb out of nothing by using the skills he has at hand. Is it a coincidence that now the team is playing with a Fitz at the helm? I believe Chan deserves this credit and rightfully so. Just maybe he has a smart qb with the right football iq to match the wits of a great offensive guru. I’m not saying by anymeans that the Bills are superbowl bound, but just maybe now we have that chemistry that has been missing. We just might have the chesion that is needed and the chemistry to really build off. I for 1 in my opinion thought that Chan was going to do this with Trent. Then someone posted a great thread stating that just maybe Trent had an illness, (no it was a serious judgment and not just picking). Maybe Chan was doing all he could to get Trent right, but realized he couldn’t do it and cut his losses. Now he has a QB that is not scared to take a hit or throw a ball in a not so good area. Fitz just doesn’t care and seems like he trusts his coach. He has nothing to lose, he’s considered a career backup (I even call him that), but what if he does posts great numbers because the system he’s in fits him like a glove? I really think instead of calling Fitz out and saying he’s the man, I believe mad props need to be given to Chan for yet again taking a backup QB and making him one of the most talked about in the NFL. We are on the verge of witnessing one of the very best things we know of in football and that is the start of a bad team because an elite team within the next few years. Please note I said elite in a few years, so no bashing on that one.
  4. I dont think Chan will go out of his way to get a qb, but the Bills really need a a defensive player in the worst way. The front seven look like a second rate college team at times. It's not by fault, but too many 4-3 players instead of 3-4. I really see a d-lineman 1st, LB 2nd, TE 3rd, D-lineman 4th, oline5th.
  5. What I like is Chan stood up and said hey we messed up and we have to change and it will take longer. It takes a man to do something like that, but a great man to stand up in front of media and admitt it. Chan will make it happen..............
  6. I live in CT now, but lived in ME since 96. I get it from both pats and jets fans..... But my hatred runs very very deep with dallas. Ironic how dallas fired Chan when had Wade.... Now Wade is looking at beoing gone, and the Bills are on the ups. Granted we might have a worse record than last year, but we are on the ups.
  7. I'm sure all of us that read the posts here can at least agree to one thing for sure. The Bills will not make the playoffs. One thing that will make my entire year as a Bills fan is know the Bills have a better record than the Cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!! Those guys were predicted to by some to go to the big dance, and if the Bills get a better record, in my eye will be like making the playoffs. What is the one thing that will make your year as a Bills fan?
  8. Now that people are seeing the Bills have a offense that can score. Chan has made that happen, what if the Bills kept Fewell as a D coordinator? What would the record be now? Who do you feel should be a top pick next year? Know that the Bills Defense has no pass rush, even worse than last year's. Also the run defense is worst this year. Everyone has said get a qb and a tackle. Now the Bills offense has shown life in more than one game, are the so called fans who want a tackle or a qb still asking for one? Is our needs still in that order, or do people see that a great defensive player that can rush the passer and stop the run become pri #1? Think about what the difference would be if the Bills had a pass rusher who can make a qb give bad throughs or cause a sack or int. I will be the first one on here to say the Bills with the their first pick in next years draft go with a defensive player to stop the run or create a pass rush first. Only way we go with a qb first is if we get a great free agent coming up next year. Does anyone know of any great defensive players that will be free agants this upcoming year? If so let's start seeing who we might pick up......
  9. You know think of it like this. What if Buffalo kept Fewell as our defensive coordinator? The Bills won a lot of games because the D kept them in it. The Bills hardly scored and we would only have to put up 20 points to just about win a game. Now we have an offense that is showing it can score, if we would have kept Fewell what would the record be now???? No the team is in need of some offensive tools. A career QB would be a starter, a better TE, and yes even a new wide receiver would be good. The issue now seems to be a great pass rusher. Next year what would everyone say if we selected a great nose tackle or a great end to rush the passer?
  10. Fitz is by far not below average as a BACKUP. People here should remember a guy named Frank Reich. He has the best comebacks of both college and in the NFL, but he was a full time back up and he knew it. Fitz is the same way. The Bills will go get a qb of the future next year, but keep Fitz in because he wont lose a game, but wont be able to win week in week out either. He will keep the Bills in games that's it. That is not below average by any means. He knows he's not a top caliber qb, but a career back up. To even be in the NFL is an honor, and to play is even more. Fitz is happy knowing he's a reliable player on a team that when called upon, he will be there. That is exactly what the Bills need as well seeing the line is questionable. Future qb of the Bills, uhhh NO! Great back up,uhhh Yes.
  11. I'm glad to see that someone put this out there. I for one was glad to see the Bills pass on the qb's. I believe they thought Bradford was the only guy to pick and Williams was the only decent tackle. Good post, I love it.
  12. Seneca Nation will not buy a NFL franchise because of the Redskins... All the tribes took the NFL to court over the Redskin logo (which by the way is a racial slure) but lost.How and why they lost is unknown, but this is why the NFL will not do business with any tribe. We would be better off as Trump as an NFL owner, which he is banned by the NFL as well (please see the USFL battle). I like the way you think though...
  13. If their coach was half as smart, they would sit the starters for a rest so they have 2 weeks off!!!! Sorry but we just plain suck this year. I don't think he said anything worth a thread. I had the Bills going 8-8 and was a Billiever. Buffalo is just a bad team that has to work it's way out of this. This will be a very rough year, hopefully the Bills start to show something for their work eventually.
  14. It's called no more drugs. He's just average at best without drugs, now they are watching him and he had to stop, now he's showing his stuff clean. He's just average. The real question is would he be an upgrade in our system. The answer is not only yes, but hell yes. That means our outside LB's are that bad. I would take him for a year to rebuild in a heart beat. League min., and cut him when get a better pick.
  15. The Bills will have a great chance at qb next year. As I see it, the teams that will need a qb are 1. Bills 2. Cleveland 3. Oakland 4. Washington 5. Arizona 6. Seattle 7. San Fran Take Cleveland and Washington out because they have qbs, but want to develop one. Of them that leaves 6 teams and at best a couple who would be willing to move up. I see at us having 3 really good qb's next year so we should be able to land one with the 1-3 draft picks because we will fall in there. With that being said, I believe they take Mallet. He is the biggest and has the best arm, but some say he has baggage?
  16. Scattered showers, high 51 according to the weather channel
  17. In order to get better and build a solid team is to have it all. A foundation, a plan, a total commitment, leadership. The Bills don't have all that and to point the finger is to point it at one person. I'm not saying RW is the bad guy, but it ultimately rests with him. He may or may not be putting his two cents in and making calls or he's having someone in the organization doing it. It takes everyone to be on the same page at the same time to get it done rght. I love the Bills, and will always be a fan, but feel that they are not on the same page right now. Even if they are trying to get there, their just not doing it. Maybe it will take someone new to own the team and just gut the front office and start out as a new team. I really feel RW should have cleaned house all the way and started out fresh if he wanted to bring the team to a winner. That did not happen, nor will it until the team is either transfered to a new owner or Ralph does go to his resting place.
  18. What makes me mad is that the players cry about getting hurt and that their lives are over when they retire and their making enough money. When teams played years ago, I could believe in having a decent retirement/end of career type thing set up. Some of these players are making so much money like Revis that shouldn't get paid like that. Don't people get the fact thet the fans paid for that dinner? A joke is one thing, but people often wonder why it cost $3k to take a family of 4 to a game with decent seats..... The players wonder why this will be the last year to play football with big checks, and no pay coming in next year.
  19. +1 agree to you on that. I feel Wood should move over and put the new guy in at center. Center does make or break a teams line.
  20. Ramius that is by far the best avatar!!! Just priceless. It even looks like Rex....
  21. I don't know about you, but if you look at our draft we did pretty good. Spiller might not look great now, but not one person doubts this guy. I feel the Bills took the best player on the board, not the best player they needed. Troup will become a decent d-lineman and Wang (who I watched in VT) is going to be better than some may think. This draft was not a draft of now, but a draft for tomorrow. To rebuild is to look ahead not look for today. Let me guess you wanted Tebow or McCoy? I think the Bills might just have a plan to rebuild a team, and they never said that the team would be a contender this year, but give them time.
  22. I was looking for words to say, and you said it for me. VERY WELL PUT. I feel he is a great guy, but just missing that one thing. You never know, look at Brett, and look at Young. Both were traded from their original teams and they turned out great. I highly doubt Trent will ever be a starter, but I feel is a good guy. I can see him working for the broadcast booth soon enough. A man who knows the game, but just isn't that good.
  23. I agree ten fold. I have stated even before the season that they brought in Brohm to teach him the system and let him take over. They dont want to through him into a bad situation with a questionable offensive line to get hurt. They are building the team up and will put Brohm in to get a tatse of what he will be doing. Everyone keeps saying we will go after a qb next year, but I believe that we will have Brohm as our qb and get a o-lineman or a lb instead of a qb.
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