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Everything posted by dayman

  1. Josh Allen is absolute garbage. He should donate his game check to charity.
  2. I cannot stand watching Josh Allen tonight. I like the kid but I don't want to hear anymore nonsense about him being "the guy" or even good. He has made some plays and played ok in some games but he is not a good QB yet--in fact he's a huge liability.
  3. Josh is terrible at throwing the football it's that simple. Cringe worthy stuff so far today. Please get hot and start hitting throws lol please
  4. Keep Shaq and in bring in Von Miller! Phillips is great but he can walk that's why we have Oliver.
  5. I mean, we actually should have drafted Mahomes. He was cheaper (didn't have to trade up) and is still currently better. Don't get me wrong, I'm hopeful Josh continues to improve just saying he's no Mahomes yet.
  6. Josh needs to take a little off it from time to time.
  7. Considering Frank Gore is borderline useless I would agree. Anyone is more useful than he is.
  8. Well they blow out good teams sometimes and when they struggle and have an off day they win anyway. They can also score a gazillion points if they need to... We generally lose to good teams and sometimes struggle against average/bad team ... so we're a good bit behind. We played them close today due to heroic defense though and we are trending up!
  9. Might as well watch and still pretend like it matters if the Pas lose. Doesn't look like they are going to so far but still early.
  10. They didn't play that great today we should have been able to pull off a win but we couldn't block, catch, or throw. Sure, they have a good record and the MVP so you can celebrate if 7 point loss if you want...but that doesn't change our lack of execution.
  11. Defense is legit and team is competitive but it is fair to ask more of Josh. He wasn't good today and if he was we probably win.
  12. Josh missed some really big plays in the first half. Everyone had a bad drop at WR. Oline got destroyed. Josh took bad sacks at bad times. We ran the ball well at the start but abandoned it. Bleh. Showed a good play book against us...just blitz Josh. He can't handle it.
  13. Have you seen how far off his current passes are? Any 20ft tall WRs in the draft?
  14. We basically tanked last year. Throw that out and we're 18 - 10. Not bad.
  15. Vegas? Not so much. Talking heads? Surprisingly...picking us a lot! This is hilarious. I just ran through about 10 different youtube clips from different shows on espn/nfln/etc. that preview our upcoming game. I kid you not, almost half of those guys are trying to call an upset and taking the Bills! Nobody picks us to beat the Cowboys (who are average at best) and now we are getting legit respect ahead of the Ravens! A Ravens team that is as hot on this 6 game win streak as any team has ever been in the history of the NFL (averaging blowout scores against really good teams for 6 weeks in a row). Now, don't get me wrong, I think if things go well we can play with them. And sure, I agree there is credible narrative that can be used to support these "upset alert" calls: (1) Ravens too hot due for a let down and just played a tough game; (2) Bills healthy and on extra rest at home; (3) potential weather; (4) athletic D ideal for stopping Lamar. But still, it is ridiculous that we are getting this level of traction. Anyway, I hope we win and think we can I just wanted to point out this interesting tid bit. Go from literally no respect (everyone picking Cowboys) to (probably) too much respect by winning ONE GAME against an average team on national TV. Bottom line: We need to get on TV more often. This is nice.
  16. I think most of the experts would agree that the McBean combo has been great. Can't argue against it the results speak for themselves. We're 9-3 going on a 2nd playoff birth in 3 years ... yes, that's the Bills we're talking about lol. Only thing left to do is see where the ceiling is and how long they can sustain success.
  17. They say he's as tall as an oak tree and as thick as one too. Men cower before the thought of the giant beast galloping toward them in their dreams.
  18. @RochesterfanI have that scenario in there...it's the last one I mention in the TLDR section
  19. Just to make a really clear summary of how unlikely it is we win the division: 1. We are currently a game behind the Pats. 2. Last games for each team: Bills - ravens, steelers, pats, jets; Pats - chiefs, bengals, bills, Phins. 3. As we can see, if we win out we will at least tie them, if we win out and they lose to the Chiefs we win outright, and if we drop the Ravens game but otherwise win out and they lose to the Chiefs we tie again. All scenarios require us to win at NE which we never do, and even then we may still just tie. 4. So, lets assume we do gain a game on them and tie. Now it's tie breaker time and those go like this: -head to head (we would be tied) -w/l in division games (we would be tied) -w/l in common games (we lose b/c we lost to both the eagles and browns...both of whom the Pats beat) -strength of schedule (we almost certainly lose unless chaos across the whole league breaks out last month of season) SO, as we can see, the only realistic way to win is to win the division outright by record which means we almost certainly need to win out and beat the Ravens and hope the Pats also lose another game (most likely the Chiefs)...OR drop the Ravens game and hope the additional game the Pats lose is somehow the final game against the Dolphins giving us the second tie breaker (divisional record) before we get to the third tie breaker (common opponents). TLDR version: It won't happen unless we either win out completely and the Pats lose another game in addition to our game (most likely the Chiefs); or go 3-1 (not losing to the Pats or Jets) and the Pats lose to the Dolphins. PS: Rereading this after posting and wow, it is pretty hard to make a "clear" anything when talking about all of this lol. Hey, I tried. -
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