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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. Getting late in the process. Can't see it happen w/o a salary restructure and you're done to hours at this point. Maybe we'd be better off with an Addison, young and cheap for 4 years and can still impact this season. That said, if Ed Oliver is part of the deal, I'm in.
  2. I am still stewing about Mayhem Maybin. I hope they pick a fat guy on either line.
  3. Without a OL pick in the top of the draft we're only marginally better on the OLine. Beane is doing his OL thing again, quantity not quality. If what we have now is the starting line up we'll be throwing 40 times a game and relying on Super Josh to move the chains on 3rd and short. I am hoping for a new OL starter in this draft. RT preferably, but will be happy for a C or IOL that can actually move the LOS a few inches.
  4. Right, I just thought he would run or pass past the 1st down marker....
  5. ...and we're never going to make it unless you guys pick it up! Can't somebody report Arizona to Buffalo flights or something?
  6. Not idiots, but you need some self awareness. You've missed 12 games in the past several seasons -- so owners know your career can end on one play and so can their investment. Fully guaranteed was not in the cards. Plus the agent thing. Talks get plenty personal and fast when it's face-to-face. You need that buffer and frankly someone who knows more than you about high level NFL negotiations. Lamarr just overplayed his hand. Maybe having OBJ will be a nice consolation prize.
  7. So neither one knows when it's 4th down to run or pass to the 1st down marker?
  8. The Bernard pick still baffles me. A Milano clone that makes zero sense unless we go an actual 4-3. I hope to be surprised because wasting a 3rd rounder on a guy who won't suit up for two years is such a miss.
  9. We have the luxury of some vets to allow for that. Getting younger and faster in the secondary is a smart move. It's why I thought we bring him in and if he's better than Rapp, move somebody else.
  10. I agree their scheme allows for fewer elite athletes in the secondary to be effective. Last year was riddled with injuries but w/o a near elite pass rush, our secondary was sliced up by good QB's and Burrow in particular. Rapp looks like a more willing tackler but I'm still thinking Tyreek and speed guys will routinely burn him on YAC. We'll see.
  11. He's slow (4.77 40), the LA fan board regularly took him to task for being out of position in coverage and lacking recovery speed. Then again, those are fans and in McD's system he could be okay.
  12. If he's better in coverage than Rapp, I'd get him and move Rapp. Rapp is a box safety only.
  13. I skew older and at any age your post is asinine.
  14. This. JK's OL was head and shoulders over what we have now. No denying that Thurman was a stud, but left to right, JK's OL was clearly superior.
  15. Just need to see a D that doesn’t puke up 65 yards in 13 seconds.
  16. London was short, but 242 pounds. 225 is big safety size.
  17. Yoda's quote means who cares what they tried or didn't try? It's not getting done. Another early exit this year and nobody will give a damn about how hard they tried.
  18. Is is looking that way. But repeating what hasn't worked so far seems a strange strategy. McBeane has to have another wrinkle to come.
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