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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. If Josh or the OC don't learn situational football - the necessity of moving chains when it's imperative to hold onto the ball - he will never climb the Lombardi mountain. At key times this year they threw long passes on third and short. Okay when the game is young, but not okay when our D is giving up 8-10 yards a play with the season on the line. You cannot go 3 and out. Sometimes you just need to move the chains and keep the damn ball. Dorsey and Josh are gunslingers and that is who they are. But you got to also be patient at times and matriculate down the field. Dorsey is allergic to the short passing game. Burrow killed us with it.
  2. Honestly we need a new DC and OC. Both have been bad. Spare me the season numbers. When it counted they were over matched. 13 seconds last year and 60 minutes today. 3rd and 2 on a key possession and we go long. No understanding of situational football. Looking deep on every play. We need an adult OC and DC with some aggression.
  3. They had 3 starting OL out and one playing hurt and they bullied us. Keep Groot, Daquan, Phillips and Von. The rest are JAGs. Do not pay Oliver.
  4. Beat down by a second string OL. Two first round and two second round picks on a D Line that can't rush or stop the run. The entire IOL needs to go. We'll at least we've gone from 13 seconds to 60 minutes.
  5. Geez really? Who knew? Here's a weakness we can exploit, stop going 3 and out with the season on the line in the 4th quarter by scheming some makable passes to keep the chains moving.
  6. The great equalizer is turnovers. Josh has 19 this year, most of any QB. It can't always be bombs away. Situational football at times calls for keeping a drive alive and eating clock. A few long drives ala the Rams game would be most welcome against Burrow & Co.
  7. Unless it's 3rd and long. Like to see a stat on hiw many 3rd and more than 12 yards we give up.
  8. Started the game saying just don't be the Chargers. At 17-0 repeated it. Then almost lived it. Apparently any pass under 20 yards is not allowed at OBD.
  9. Woulda, coulda shoulda. We cannot put a team down. Unnecessary drama.
  10. Play smart, don't get cocky, no turnovers and don't be the Chargers. Take care of business.
  11. The picks brought his rating down for sure. But he moved the ball almost at will on three sustained drives and started with a 14 point deficit thanks to Hines. Burrow and Mahomes are on another level, so yeah, our secondary gives me pause. The are depleted by too many injuries and a pass rush that isn't getting home.
  12. I am resigned to the fact our road to the SB will include a meet up with the Bengals. They are the team to beat. After watching our secondary get carved up last week by mediocre Mac Jones, it gives one pause.
  13. I don't know, I really didn't fear them if they played Tua. My bigger fear was having the guy taken out on a stretcher again and possibly ending his career. The two games we played the Fish were not our best and I feel we would have shut them down at full strength. We're going to see better QBs than Tua and receivers that match their two studs moving forward. That said, be nice not to have a white-knuckle game for once, but somehow, we seem to play down to our competition.
  14. The man's brain is like bread pudding at this point. Does he really want to reintroduce himself to Matt Milano? Frankly I'd hate to see the guy get hurt again. It didn't take much of a hit to give him the last concussion that is three weeks ago and he's still in protocol.
  15. Dorsey can't even spell "screen" much less scheme one.
  16. Just win and come away healthy. It's go time. Ending the Pats season is the cherry on the parfait.
  17. Save for the coin flip, which is unfair to the Bengals, this is the best of a number of bad choices.
  18. I know kids that just want to play football. Nothing else will do. So, you support them and try your best to keep them safe.
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