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Everything posted by bmur66

  1. I have questions. I'm no x's and o's guy but when 40 is rushing the passer and it's a running play who's responsibilty is it to cover his spot? Several times I saw 40 getting a guided tour past the QB and the run going to where he was. It's like "setting the edge" is not something they do?????
  2. Would have went all in on a big time RB and starting caliber safety. Damn the torpedoes.
  3. No more hickeys. No more nothing unless he wins. Someone get in touch with his girl.
  4. Baldy makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!
  5. I am sure The Beanemaster weighed all the options. They all have their price. I will just have to trust that it was too high and hope that Poyer can get healthy
  6. I guess they would rather have Hines warming the bench more than Moss. I don’t think this trade moves the needle much.
  7. I was hoping for a starter quality player and not “cheap depth”. This is the Bills year. Not the time to be frugal.
  8. I was an idiot with a red camaro at that age. I drove like one too. I didn't have millions though. By the way, I have heard thru friends whose kids went to college with Greg R. that he was really a good kid.
  9. I have had good times at Bills games ruined by drunken, beligerent, beer spilling idiots on more than one occasion. I enjoy all of the tailgating antics and festivities but the inside the stadium experience not so much anymore. I on occasion get invited to a box suite and that is fantastic. Otherwise I prefer to watch the game in peace on my own TV.
  10. It's 6:50 AM. I hope Beane had his coffee this morning.
  11. Just watch Josh Allen and do what he does. 😆
  12. Because sometimes people forget to retorque the lug nuts after 50 miles.
  13. I am glad he is sticking around lurking in the weeds. You all got it wrong. That 13 seconds is what is going to get this team over the hump. They were not ready last year.
  14. If Singletary had to miss some games who would be comfortable with Cook and Moss?
  15. He definitely looks like he belongs out there. Good things to come.
  16. Did anyone see video of the locker room. McD had to stand outside the doorway to address the team. Vintage 70's. I think I saw paneling and shag carpet.
  17. I hope he got some kind of award. Never should have seen the field in the 2nd half. Lil Dummy is his name from now on.
  18. And none of the DE’s could get a hand on Mahomes. Close but no cigar.
  19. Knowing that upgrades were made at all of these positions makes me feel very good about this Sunday. It’s like all of the off season moves we’re made based on this one game. This is awesome. Why the negativity? I saw Allen, Diggs and Davis being interviewed after the last game. It was all light and fun until the upcoming Chiefs game was mentioned. The smiles immediately left their faces. This game means a lot.
  20. I gotta say. Addison, Hughes, Star, Phillips, Wallace all could be improved upon. Seriously.
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