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VADC Bills

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Everything posted by VADC Bills

  1. Doing it this way, teams will address their primary needs through the draft most of the time and fill in the holes through FA. What impact will this have on the huge FA contracts? Why pay top dollar if you aren't addressing a primary need. I would think players would rather have FA first. If there is a rookie cap it would make economical sense for teams to address their primary needs through the draft. As a fan there is a void between the SB and the draft, FA fits well in their.
  2. Why is everyone projecting him as a second rounder as opposed to a top 10 pick?
  3. Another poster displayed similarities between Miller and players like Matthews, Phillips, Harrison. All of these guys had to bulk up as pro's. Matthews played no football at 250 until he came to the NFL why would expect different from Miller? No doubt Miller will play at 250 give or take a few cheeseburgers and Miller was clearly more successful on a college level than the prior names. Why do you chose to compare him to failure (Maybin) when he has been very successful. Miller reminds me of Cornelius Bennett with his speed, size and moves. If you look at old footage he plays more like Bennett than Maybin.
  4. Keep in mind we will play 3-4 as well as 4-3 and with Stroud gone we need to have another NT in there preferably bigger and stronger than KW. The same goes for DE as well. We need speed and size on the corners. Troup and Carrington will be depended on more heavily this year but you have to have depth to increase the competition during the preseason and account for potential injuries during the regular season.
  5. Let's be honest. The only decent QB's that Buffalo drafted was Kelly and maybe Ferguson..thats it. So let the demographics fall where thay may on the good QB's they didn't draft.
  6. Miller is the true beast here, he has proved it over the years. Jordan and Watt could really add some punch to our defense but are they worth a 3 pick. Gabbert is total hype in which he benefited from Luck staying in school. Gabbert is the potential bust here. He has gone from a 2nd rounder at the end of the college football season to a top 5 pick with out throwing a pass. This is what great marketing can do for you. Miller is the stud if he gains 10 lbs he will be worthy of a top 5 pick. Dareus, Miller, Jordan/Watt will be the pick at 3.
  7. Personally as much as I hate give him credit, he is a great QB. I would say better than any QB the Bills have had including Kelly. I wish we had him but I would love to see Moats get a hold of him as well.
  8. +1 Marv Levy focused on having teams with high character and look where it has put us. We have the high character teams with no talent and not many wins to show for it. While character is a factor it should not be the dominant factor. These are football players. I remember from my college days the majority of the players were 18-21 years of age drinking and acting very rowdy after games. They just didn't behave like polished adults. If the truth was told you can probably question the character of at least 90% of the players being drafted if you want to. It's time that we start putting strong imphasis on weighting talent in the evaluation process maybe then we will start making playoff appearances.
  9. I hope not. Gabbert is no better than a 2nd rounder, and Rudolph is soft, can't stay healthy in college, he will stay hurt in the pro's. Neither one can stop the run. I'll pass on both.
  10. Gabbert was a consensus 2nd round pick at the end of the college football season. He catapulted to 1st round status when Luck decided to stay in school. I can't understand how you can make a jump from the 2nd to 1st round (maybe first overall) without taking a snap. Theres a lot of PR going on here.....buyer beware. I would go with any of the above QB's before Gabbert. I don't think the Bills will be that foolish but I wouldn't put anything past them.
  11. Fairley and Reed peaks my interest. I don't see as a bust. I see him as a solid DE. I would prefer Cam Jordan. Casey Matthews is PP 2.0 we have to stay away from him. LSU's Sheppard will be on the radar screen, time to replace Poz.
  12. Yes it does but it also says that between our DC and mlb they just can't figure it out. Dave W should help on defense this year. Nix has already mentioned that we need to bigger and stronger at mlb, I'm sure he meant smarter as well. Replacing Poz as one of our main mlb and adding some depth at mlb should take care of that. I expect the Bills to draft DE's and MLB's in the draft.
  13. You say you haven't seen Newton do anything that translates to the NFL. The real problem here is you haven't seen any of the QB's available this year do anything that translate to the NFL. Luck was the only one you could really put in that category. I disagree when you say Locker or Kaepernick are better athletes. Newton is clearly the better all around athlete here. He has the ability to extend the play, he is very similar to Big Ben which is probably the best comparison. Note, you don't alway have to compare an African American player to other African Americans, you can compare them to white athletes and vice versa if it's appropriate. You say Mike Vick is a not a big running threat??? He is a tremendous running threat, where have you been? He did not generate excitement for years with his arm. I remember Bobby Douglass quite well he was not the threat that Vick is although Douglass did date some very gorgeous playmates at the time. Douglass simply could not beat you with his arm or legs, Vick can. I do agree with your point that he had to learn to be more of a passer with time. I think Randall Cunningham and Flutie are examples of this as well. The real problem with Johnson, Losman, and every QB that comes out of college is their ability to read defenses. Thats why they would look good in the preseason and not the regular season. I totally agree that it is most important to have the QB that can make the quick read offensively and defensively. That is the big gamble about selecting college QB's NONE of them have experience reading pro defenses at pro speed..you just don't know how quickly they will pick it up if at all. So don't just single out Newton here. All of these QB's are very raw but Newton is the only one that has won championships at various levels so if you question his work ethics you have to really question the others. All he has done is win Championships. He seems as though he knows what to do to win championships...can you say that about the others? Your basics points are you think Newton is too dumb and lazy for the pro's. Given the challenges that all of the college QB's you have mentioned have had to face, Newton comes out on top. It's about WINNING so that doesn't say much for the others. With that being said I would prefer to see the Bills go defense with in the first round and even the second. I could be happy with Newton, Locker, or Keapernick, just not in the first round.
  14. +1 The last thing I want to see a 4-12 coach do is call out other players when he hasn't shown anyone he can win. Maybe most of the posters were very impressed with his 4-12 coaching...I wasn't. He is not Parcells so lets not act like him. I enjoy his frank and honest candor but as stated he should look in the mirror first. As far as I'm concerned this needs to be Chan's breakout season. All of the analysis and straight forward talk doesn't mean a thing if he doesn't win. A coach that calls his players out will eventually get called out by his players if he doesn't win.
  15. Chan calling out Evans??? I remember Lee catching all types of passes from every garbage QB's we had over the last 8 years. The problem was that he was the only wr that could run a deep route and catch the ball consistantly since Moulds so he was cast in that mold. No issues when T.O. was teamed with him. I still trust Evans to catch the deep ball and score more than Stevie Johnson or anyone else we have. I'm sure a team like the Patriots or the Ravens would love to have a deep guy like Evans. Lee doesn't call the routes or the plays so Chan needs to incorporate plays for Lee to get the short opportunities but even on those plays some one has to go long and be believable.
  16. I like the list, I don't agree with every evaluation but I don't strongly disagree with any. I would imagine this is how the coaches pretty much rate the players. It seems as though this opinion was influenced by the football that was played on the field and not how fast they run 40's or can run around cones. The best indicator of what these players can do is on film. I would take Fairley, or Cam Jordan any day.
  17. Skating on the family name. Too small for the pro's, a mediocre player at best...google Poz.
  18. This looks much better with Houston in there. I doubt he will be available. Rudolph doesn't possess the value in the area that we need to prioritize in the 2nd round. I would much rather see a mlb which Nix said was a definite need area or even a guard or OT that will open up the run game on a consistant basis or even a qb at this point. Rudolph may not be a wasted pick but we can get much better value. Carter is not bad for the 3rd round. Not too sure of the others players. I seriously doubt any trade down scenario if a cba agreement isn't made.
  19. I prefer to to develop my opinion on how players played on the field not at the combine. The combine is what makes a Maybin look better than Orakpo...not that he was. At the end of the season Fairley was regarded a more dominant player. I would have no problem taking Fairley no matter what scheme. He can flat out play. I like Dareus as well, I would have no problem with either one but Fairley is no slouch.
  20. I'm in full agreement, the signs are there but I don't think they would go top three with him. I think this guy is going to be one of the top DE of the draft. He has all the moves and looks like a man among boys when playing. Tough to block. In the reviews I read on the senior bowl Cam Jordan and Justin Houston were clearly the best prospects by far. By the look of your draft you probably read the same review.
  21. Felon???? You are saying Stanzi is the best of the bunch...You have obviously been hanging out with Charlie Sheen too long.
  22. I remember reading publications from Cincinnati after the Bills game last year and they were consistant in the thought that they should have kept Fitz. Even if they cut Palmer I don't think I would pick him up. Palmer was never the same when he came back from injury a few years back. We have already been down that road.
  23. I would much rather go 10-6 this year and not have to worry about Luck. I question his confidence. He will never be more marketable than he is now. I don't want to hear about the value of a 4 year degree. Have to question the decision making here. Is he mentally ready? I'm not sure that he is.
  24. My concern about Gabbert is that before Luck announced he was going back to school, Gabbert wasn't even considered a 1st round pick,suddenly he is a top 10 pick. He hasn't played any games between now and then, what has changed? I hope Nix and Gailey don't fall for the hype. Go defense.
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