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Everything posted by CSBill

  1. How funny, and we all thought Urbik was the problem. Go figure?
  2. Spiller, especially if he has a year like last year
  3. "Vonn Miller reminded me of Maybin" . . . that's like a death wish upon him, come on, you can't hate him that much
  4. Reality check one: Ever watch ESPN? NFL Network? The Bills and about 23 other teams are trying to upgrade their offensive line. There are no quick fixes, and as another poster documented, drafting OL is a crap shoot. Second reality check: It takes time, lot's of time, to develop O-linemen. In my opinion, we have some decent people with potential, don't panic, give it time. Urbik is young, and new. How about we at least give him the pre-season before we show him the Maybin treatment. Third reality check: We do have Hangman, he is a capable insurance policy, who if needed, can come in and hold his own at center or guard.
  5. Not sure why some want to keep calling the Smith signing a "luxury" signing, as if that's a bad thing. He can play several positions, he seems to be pretty decent at all three (OB, receiver, special teams), and brings experience and maturity to a young team. He's a proven contributor on the field as well as off. I wish that we could sign several more players that can contribute in multidimensional ways like him. Moreover, it's not an "either?" "or?" decision, just because you sign him, doesn't preclude you from signing other players. If they said, it's Brad Smith and nothing else, I could see the angst. But no one has said that, we did sign a quality LB, and hopefully when it's the right guy, we can get the o-line and TE help needed. My point, enjoy the contributions and added dimension he brings -- we need more "luxury" pick-ups like him -- and keep hoping we can add the other needs as soon as possible. Just saying.
  6. Why not try Hangman there? probably not as strong, but I think he is quick enough and smart enough to get the job done. I know it's only two weeks of practice and one pre-season game, but I think the Urbik experiment, while a good idea (he is big and strong), is just not working???
  7. so you're saying Mike Murlarkey has been our best coach . . . I thought that was the case
  8. "don't know who Karen Carpenter is" how could you not know her ????? . . . well Bills fans, it's one preseason game, but "we've only just begun"
  9. Lot's of potential, but he did get beat a few times. On the long ball he turned to look at the QB (I assume), eliminate that and he probably makes that play.
  10. way to come out of the box swinging, can't wait for some more outstanding contributions
  11. "they remind me of the trio of crowell, haggan, and _______)" . . . now there was a trio to write home about
  12. For the Record: They will turn out to be pretty decent, provided neither is injured.
  13. So why have the Bills been so bad: only one starter from the first round picks of the last eleven years (not including Dareus). You don't build teams through Free Agent signings, you do it throug the draft . . . obviously something we have not done. Go no further than this list to explain the results of the last 10 years.
  14. Bottomline, we have other people who can do what LE did. Getting a 4th for him was OK. We would all like to see more, but it's hard to make the case he was worth more in light of what other receivers have been traded for lately. Moreover, it gives him a chance to go to the play-offs and maybe a Super Bowl. Good for him.
  15. Brady gets hurt in week two, Mallet takes over, becomes the forest player to ever be the league MVP and Rookie of the Year in the same year, and TBD posters moan and grown about not taking him when we had the chance for the next ten years. Or, he sets on the bench all year, looks good in a few mop-up roles, and we still moan and grown about not taking him.
  16. "fear the beard" - great job! thanks! Your report has driven me to this conclusion: I admit not liking the idea of trading Evans, but with the abundance of talent we have at wide receiver, it might be a good idea if we get real value for him.
  17. Greenie - 5 Golic - 6 Leam - 5 Total = 16
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