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Everything posted by transient

  1. Am I missing something? Are there people trying to answer this seriously? And... are there other people who are actually somehow bothered by it? Oy Vey!
  2. So, since '94, my Bills #32 jersey seems to have lost its mojo... think I'll start rocking the Patriots #81 for a while. Maybe kill two birds with one stone. Sorry. Poor choice of idioms.
  3. People must have loved you when "The Sixth Sense" came out, huh?
  4. Less than 35% of TBD calling for his job head job head job at the end of the season. (We are not that angry of a mob, are we?)
  5. My take by description of the event without the benefit of seeing it, most likely thing is it's a day to day sprain. Likely to heal quickly, but can't practice on it and risk further injury. Kolb probably knew it the moment it happened, and threw his helmet in disgust because the praise he's given EJ over the last few days is not lip service. He knows any advantage he has over Manuel because of his experience is tenuous. Kolb, by reports, had his best day of practice yesterday, and any momentum that he he'd gained is now probably lost. I'm sure he realizes he is not the favorite in this close QB competition, and regardless of what he says, I'm sure it's weighing on him. If it was something he could practice through without risk of further injury, I'd hope someone in his situation would work through it. If not, there is no actual competition.
  6. Maybe Astro IS your dad. I know... right? Mind. Blown.
  7. Did I miss something? When has Sullenman ever written anything that was actually about football, or sports at all, for that matter? I thought he only produced poorly written opinion pieces that, while attempting to elevate himself above both the subject and the reader by way of relentless unqualified criticism, only serve to highlight his contempt for people in general and his utter lack of professional achievement. Sports in general just happen to be a convenient vehicle to allow him to continue to bang that drum.
  8. How does it feel to be interviewed by man-sausage royalty?
  9. I'd settle for the Pinstripe Bowl at this point.
  10. From a modern era championship standpoint, IIRC, they're actually a lateral factory of sadness (you need to go back to the 1948 Indians). Taking into consideration the NBA, NHL and MLB, they're a proportionately larger factory, but with more opportunity to bust that goose egg.
  11. And a B word ain't one... probably because we spend too much time on a message board. Are you suggesting that in addition to being their shill, they make him do a funny dance?
  12. He'll forever be remembered as the player who ended Favre's streak, and that's about it. And, yes... upon re-reading, it is an odd thread.
  13. Good thing AVP isn't still here. They didn't call him Pil for nothing.
  14. Bringing it a bit closer to home, Talley was listed at 6'4" 235 lbs and Bennett 6'3" 240, and while it was a bit of a different game in the late 80s early 90s, it wasn't that different.
  15. They should be more careful with their pitchforks.
  16. More trueerer wordz was not everer speakeded. Signed, All the less than semi-literate former athletes now working for ESPN and the like.
  17. Making things more convoluted, the argument could be made that without his cheating, he is able to achieve nowhere near the magnitude of good that he has done through his charity. So, in essence, there was a net societal gain from Armstrong's mighty douchebaggery at the expense of a few men in Lycra shorts and those who needed a hero who could pedal a bike better than anyone in history. Braun has no such silver lining that I can see.
  18. You may want to raise your standards, or check your decimal. Batting "one hundred" sucks.
  19. And, he plays both sides of the ball... wait a minute... ?Blatnick... ?Blatnick... Oh ****, I was thinking Bednarik. Who the hell is this Blatnick guy?
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