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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. This is a rare no for me. Oh, the poor children!!! 🙈😢😱 What’s up with her mouth? Ewww...just nasty 🤢
  2. FWIW....hearing from my peeps that the coaching staff feels really good about getting a commit from this ‘22 SG/SF. I believe he recently had an official visit. Charlottesville VA kid who also has interest from UNC and Indiana...among others. We shall see. Hearing that he wants to make a decision within the next month 🤞🤞
  3. My first reaction was the Raiders and Derek Carr. Weren’t they one of the top bidders right up until the end?
  4. For those interested in watching Chris Hogan play with the best in the world, the Cannons will be playing the two time reigning champs, the Whipsnakes, today at noon on NBC. It’s my understanding that he’ll be playing short stick defensive middie, but he may get some scoring opportunities in transition. The Whipsnakes are absolutely loaded on offense, so it will be a good test to see if Chris can really hang (at least defensively) with the best.
  5. Wasn’t meaning to be a dork...haha. I just get tired of the narrative that the game of lacrosse needs guys like Chris Hogan to put butts in the seats. I know that’s not what you were referring to, and I agree that the MLL had it all wrong and struggled to sell tickets. I guess that’s why the MLL no longer exists. I don’t know that lacrosse will ever be a “mainstream” sport, and to be honest, I don’t know that I want it to be 🤷🏾‍♂️
  6. Yeah, saying “Canadian style” box lacrosse has become somewhat of a habit. Box lacrosse is box lacrosse...unless you’re playing field lacrosse style in the rink. Canadian style does refer somewhat to playing on the concrete, as that’s what the Canadians/natives did in the summer time in the rinks that couldn’t afford to keep the ice down year round. We have an indoor and an outdoor site. We have a older fella from Quebec who is considered “The Godfather” of box lacrosse in Vermont. He frequently does player clinics and coach trainings for us and often references the Canadian game...especially to the players. “Stop playing field lacrosse in the box!” he often shouts in the rink. Mainly referring to the style of play. More basketball style offense with quick passing, pick and roll game, lots of off ball movement and rotation. As opposed to more of an isolation offense that is more common today in field lacrosse. That’s what I meant. I grew up in Auburn, NY and we played field lacrosse in the hockey rink in the summer time. Playing with the Onondagas was eye opening for me in terms of what the game really was supposed to be.
  7. I love all types of lacrosse, but I really enjoy box lacrosse. Grew up playing on the Onondaga Res with and against the Red Hawks. A couple HS lax coaches and I are working hard to start the first USBOXLA sanctioned HS box lacrosse league in Vermont. Starting slow but picking up steam, and the idea is that our league will soon be a feeder league for semi-pro indoor leagues in New England and Quebec. Once the kids start playing true Canadian style box lacrosse they’re hooked. Faster and more physical.
  8. The bolded is simply not true. In their inaugural season they nearly sold out every event in their 12 city touring event. The only ones that didn’t completely sell out were the few huge venues like Gillette. A couple months ago, when tickets went on sale for the first 6 cities of this year’s touring season, most venues sold out within 20-30 minutes. When tickets for Albany went on sale two weeks ago, the first 2 levels of the stadium sold out in 16 minutes. Are you thinking of the MLL perhaps?
  9. I have no hate for Chris Hogan, but as an avid lacrosse fan (as well as former college player and current varsity HC) this is a BS promotional tactic. He wasn’t even good enough to be drafted in the expansion draft, by all accounts sucked in training camp, and wasn’t even on the active roster for week 1 of the PLL season. I can think of 30 professional players off the top of my head who are far more talented and far more deserving of making and playing on a PLL roster. The PLL is becoming like the WWE of professional lacrosse, but it’s now the only show in town...so get that $$ Mike and Paul Rabil!! 😒
  10. I thought this was a Ninja Turtles thread ☹️
  11. I’m sure it’s in this thread already, but Superbad is one that I can watch over and over. Laughs from start to finish.
  12. I can’t stand when people in my house leave their stank ass sweaty underwear wadded up in their pants when I’m trying to do the laundry. My son is the main culprit. He also always leaves his stinky socks inside out. Drives me nuts.
  13. That scene was hilarious. The best was Mare busting out laughing after he made his announcement. I really enjoyed this show, but I didn’t really like the story line over the last couple episodes. I think there were one or two too many twists/turns at the end. Still a very good watch though. My wife seems to think there’s only going to be this one season.
  14. I’ve been trumpeting about the 1:9:1 defensive scheme right along, and I have faced nothing but ridicule from these keyboard warriors.
  15. Gonna be that lunker defenseman from UMichigan me thinks.
  16. Just ask your grandma. She’ll give you all the context you’re missing.
  17. When I was in HS I waited tables with a guy who was a legend in my town. He was like 81 or 82 and was still waiting tables. Drank like a fish during his shifts. Would “ping pong” off cars in the parking lot when he was leaving work. Bragged about the orgies at the old folks home he was living in 😂 Anyway, he was famous (among the staff) when a beautiful woman came in for saying “I’d let her piss in my coffee.” Sorry. Doesn’t make sense w/o context.
  18. This makes me think a little bit about how important having a good LS is to a team. If your LS goes down during a game, I’m sure a C could snap for punts. Field goals and extra points would be much more challenging. Reid is an awesome dude, BTW. You need to see him “work the crowd” of autograph seekers at camp. Great personality. Always one of the last players out there signing.
  19. I’d let her urinate in my coffee!
  20. I blame Russian hackers. Filed mine electronically in early February and got my federal refund before the end of February. Not sure if I got my Vermont refund yet, but I tend to give them some slack. Bunch of hippie stoners. They move slow.
  21. I’d like this kid a bunch 🤓. Class of ‘22 sniper. Probably a 3 or 4 depending on how he fills out.
  22. Mare of Easttown on HBOMax. 3 episodes in and I’m enjoying it very much. Kate Winslet in the lead role. Crime drama. Good stuff 👍
  23. Really? I didn’t get this impression at all. Seems to me like Rousseau was among a small group of players they had targeted at 30 and were delighted when he fell there.
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