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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. My mom dragged my father, sister and I to see this psychic dude in Geneva. It was more like a show with an audience where he went to each table and made his “predictions” and such. When he got to my table my mother asked him what my sister and I were going to do for professions when we were adults (we we’re both in high school). The man told her that I would be in a job that required a uniform, and that my sister would do something where animals were involved. My sister is a regional Vice President for a pharmaceutical company in the NE, and I am a psychologist. At least dad took us out to dinner that night.
  2. ☝️☝️☝️ Dude sounds like a real ass hat. Pass. In fact, I think the author of this article was sniffing glue when he/she wrote this piece 🥴
  3. I don’t think the zone has been less effective because of ACC competition, I think the zone is less effective because we don’t utilize the proper personnel. We’ve had Dolazaj playing center for the past 2 seasons. Dolezaj is wonderful, but he’s not going to cut it against any good teams. Also, Girard is a terrible defender, Buddy is just average, and Griffin has been so up and down (more down than up). Yeah, he definitely has this blind loyalty to JG3 and Buddy. I don’t think he has earned that though. He has an obligation to win games. He just doesn’t care anymore, and the university would never, ever get rid of him. Hop is having an off year in Washington. I hope he eventually comes back to CNY, but he’s still recruiting very well out west. We’ll see 🤷🏾‍♂️
  4. Well, to be fair, Syracuse was in the final 4 just five years ago and the elite 8 just three years ago, so I think this take is a bit much. That said, yeah things have been pretty bad the past few seasons. For this 2-3 zone thing to work, you at least need a big shot blocking center in the middle. Boeheim has had immense trouble recruiting bigs. I have been a Boeheim apologist/defender for a long time, but I’m beginning to think he just needs to retire. His stubbornness is maddening.
  5. I’m assuming it’s the starter who didn’t start in the 2nd half, but Guerrier was awful last night too.
  6. My mom always told me if you don’t have ANYTHING nice to say.... Kadary Richmond is far and away the best player on this team. Also, Marek Dolezaj is one of my favorite players of the last decade. Kid always brings it. That was painful and disgusting 😔 G’nite ‘Cuse nation 🍊
  7. Duck Fuke!!!! A win tonight would go a long way in terms of improving our tourney resume. I still think we have a decent chance to get in. A win over Duke and Georgia Tech just might do it.
  8. Griffin is maddeningly inconsistent. They do play better when they penetrate and dish though. I wish KR3 had that little Josh Pace “lob shot” in his arsenal. He gets to the paint so easily, but if no one is open he seems to be reluctant to put it up. I’m sure he’s handcuffed by JB on offense.
  9. The tide turned both on offense and defense when #3 entered the game in the 2nd half. I called it as it was happening, as I was talking to my buddy who needed ‘Cuse -2.5 to finish off a 4 team parlay. IMO, enough can’t be said about the difference Kadary makes when he’s in the game. Totally different team.
  10. In my prime I was one of the best ILB/TE’s in NYS at the Pop Warner Pee Wee level. I had a high-motor, quick first step, and was quite adept at fitting it up and getting in space. Definitely a process guy. We would have gone to the Dome to the championship that year if Dewey Love (our star tailback) didn’t break his arm. Scrap ass Clay beat us in the finals, after we beat them by at least 4 TDs in our regular season tilt. I hung up the cleats after that 💔💔
  11. Then you have to upgrade the DT (0-1 Tech) position also. This defense will require a DT beside Oliver who can consistently command double teams. Those type of players don’t come easy. May need to be a priority in the draft. Maybe Kawaan Short or some other FA is the guy. I’d still sign Watt on a 1-2 year deal with 10-12 million AAV though.
  12. I mean, with Star hopefully coming back, I’d rather have Watt if we can get him in the 10-12 mill AAV range.
  13. We still have a decent chance. Don’t give up now. I think a lot of “experts” have us first four out right now. A lot can be done to improve that. We shall see...ND on Saturday is a good test.
  14. Ugghhhh....Louisville again with the ‘rona 😒 Hope we can make this one up because a win over Louisville would tremendously boost our tourney resume. As far as I know, they were ready to play us w/o 3 players (2 scholarship/1 walk on). Wonder what happened?
  15. Well, there was the girl he “allegedly” punched during his sophomore season, but yeah, squeaky clean other than that. We need another player like Devo, IMO. Someone to give the team some life, talk a little *****, make things a little tense. I love me some Devendorf.
  16. If he continues on the same trajectory and doesn’t ***** up, yeah I think he’ll be 5*
  17. I don’t think he’s a Tennessee lock. I think he’s gotten enough National attention, even prior to his sophomore season, that he’ll get offers from a lot of the big schools down south and elsewhere. Expect Duke, Kentucky, Florida State, Kansas and a bunch of other programs to offer him within the next 6-12 months. Unless there’s something I don’t know about, I’d just be surprised if Cuse were able to land this kid. Again...hope I’m wrong.
  18. Word around the campfire is that Blue, while a tremendous prospect, is kind of a little prick. I like that. A little Devendorf type edge to him. The chances of JB and crew plucking this kid out of Tennessee, however, are slim to zilch. I hope I’m wrong though, and would love this kid in Orange. Can’t hurt to offer him.
  19. No, actually the PLL is tremendously successful relative to other leagues’ attempts at professional lacrosse. Professional lacrosse will never be a “main stream” sport, and that is the reason why the MLL is now merging with the PLL. The MLL went way too big and failed. The PLL is selling out small-medium sized stadiums with their touring model, they have a lucrative TV deal, and they’re making tons of $ off of merchandise. Bringing in 33 year old Chris Hogan for training camp is making a mockery of the sport, IMO. Since the MLL is essentially being absorbed by the PLL, there are approximately 200-220 former MML players vying for 24 spots in the entry draft. If Chris Hogan gets drafted, he will take a spot from many, many players who are younger and far more talented than Chris ever was...even in his prime. If Chris Hogan gets drafted, it’s not because he belongs...it’s for publicity and will not be good for the game, IMO. It’s a very comparable situation.
  20. This is a typical PLL publicity stunt. The Rabil brothers are very good at marketing, and the PLL has become the best professional field lacrosse league in the world. That said, Chris Hogan has no business being on a PLL roster...let alone being drafted and invited to training camp. He was a good, not great college lacrosse player 13 years ago. If CH does make a roster it’s all about publicity and selling a ***** ton of merchandise.
  21. Without additional photographic evidence...yes, yes I would.
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