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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. I don't believe this affects scholarships already offered for 2015, but Syracuse is still heavily involved in recruiting Thomas Bryant. Problem is they have no scholarships left. If Bryant commits, I suspect Ron Patterson transfers. I don't think Chino transfers due to our lack of big men. BJ Johnson seemed to turn it up at the end of the season. Maybe KJ is a surprise transfer candidate.
  2. 12 scholarship losses over next 4 years, Boeheim suspended for 9 games (I believe they need to be conference games), 5 year probation (whatever that means), and financial penalties. I'm awaiting confirmation, but I am hearing no additional post-season ban.
  3. That depends. What type of candy do you have in your big white truck, Mr. Feely?
  4. Sadly, you are correct sir. I am 36 years old and I still can't grow a full beard. If I let it grow out for a few days, my wife refers to it as my "weird beard." On the other hand, I still have a full head of hair (no grays) and I've been told that I look like I'm in my mid-twenties
  5. Silverware scraping unnecessarily on a plate. Like nails on a chalkboard. I guess that's 2 similar things.
  6. Even if it's early and you're still tired? Let's not get carried away here, bub.
  7. -Fried food -going fishing with my Dad -watching my Son (5) grow up into a young man -when my Daughter (16 months) shows me affection without me having initiated it (she likes to snuggle with me in my chair and watch television....won't do it with Mom) -sports -coaching lacrosse -sleeping in until I feel like getting out of bed -good coffee -my mom's cauliflower cheese pie -boobs -Good beer -annual holiday poker game/booze fest with my home town buddies -people who don't ask to use my shower
  8. He had 2 consecutive 50+ reception seasons before Chip decided not to use him as much in the passing game.
  9. ^^ This Anyone on here trying to down-play Kiko's pure instinctual football talent is insane and/or ignorant. The guy is a football player. An exceptional linebacker. The guy always seems to be around the ball, and has a knack for making plays. That said, he does have his shortcomings. While a sure tackler, he sometimes get overpowered by bigger backs/blockers. Also...two ACL injuries on the same leg? Complete knee ligament reconstruction? Let's say I had my worries about his longevity. I think good trade, overall.
  10. Funny, he had 50+ receptions in both 2012 and 2013. In 2014 he had 28. He must have lost his versatility.
  11. His numbers were in free fall because the Eagles threw the football at a 3/2 ratio. Plus, rumor has it that McCoy fell out of favor with Kelly (and vice versa) due to personality differences.
  12. I don't understand your logic. What does Sanchez have to do with McCoy?
  13. I guess it depends on your lifestyle. If you're one to get out and about during the winter, then you're probably happy. If you lock yourself inside for 5-6 months out of the year, then you'll probably be unhappy. Some people just B word about the weather because they're miserable and have nothing else to complain about.
  14. No kidding? I work in elementary schools, and you'd be shocked at the number of little boys named Jameson running around. Have yet to meet a Chivas though.
  15. It's more about a lack of sunlight. Exposure to sunlight has been proven to increase Seratonin production/reuptake in the brain. People who suffer from depression have been found to be Seratonin deficient. Therefore, those long, dark winters can actually cause depression.
  16. That's the thing. There are about 6 teams with 50+ million in cap space IIRC. The Raiders and Jags both have 60+ million. That's a lot of coin to spend.
  17. I'm losing hope on Hughes. Now that Houston and JPP are franchised, Hughes is far and away the best pass rusher in the FA class. He is going to get waaaaaay over paid, IMO. I can see him raking in 13-14 million/year. Buffalo already has so much money invested in their defensive line, and Dareus NEEDS to be extended ASAP. I just don't see us re-signing Hughes at this point. Agree about Cutler...don't want him.
  18. I did 15 consecutive shots of Jameson at my best friend's bachelor party this past summer. The winner of the contest did 26. Still, not too bad for a 35 year old Dad with 2 kids. BTW....the winner won a bottle of Jameson
  19. Fairbanks, Alaska....in the midst of a cold snap (high temperature was around -50 for about 3 weeks). A blow torch wasn't getting the egg off my car. I drove around with it until March. Dang kids and their Halloween pranks!!
  20. It didn't work all that well, but what I could scrape off I added some peppers and onions to and made a delicious omelet.
  21. You did 3 years worth of puking on your 21st birthday!?!? No wonder you don't drink anymore. Yeesh....did your stomach come out through your throat?
  22. Sometimes the spray stuff just makes the poop smell worse.
  23. I have 2-5 drinks almost every day. Very rarely when the kids are awake (unless the Bills or Orange are playing), and never to the point of being drunk. I just enjoy drinking a few glasses of wine or a couple of beers to forget about my chaotic job and enjoy my evening. I'm not sure if that makes me a "drunkard" or an "alcoholic," but if it does I am comfortable with that. I used to put away at least a 12 pack per night in my college years and early-mid twenties. My body just can't recover from that anymore. Also, I think back to all the stupid things I did while drunk, and I realize (not matter how much I'd like to) that I can't get away with that stuff anymore. Getting arrested for public intoxication isn't cute when you're 36.
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