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Johnny Hammersticks

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Everything posted by Johnny Hammersticks

  1. Is Bringbackfergy still at Tempo disguised as a bartender?
  2. My Mother hasn't saved a dime in her life. She may not have a choice. Sure as hell isn't living with me!
  3. Simple. I don't plan on living past 60. My kids are pretty smart and can fend for themselves just like I did. If I get old and medically fragile, I am going to pay someone to push me off a cliff in my wheelchair holding lit sticks of dynamite. It's the circle of life!!
  4. They should have gone after the company instead of the poor garbageman.
  5. That's scary. There should at least be a life jacket on the kid for chrissakes! This past summer we went down to the Outer Banks with the whole family. The waves there are pretty intense. My Son (5) was playing down near the surf looking for shells, and he was warned not to go out in the waves. My Father and I were sitting in chairs about 20 feet away from where he was playing. Well, a "rogue wave" of sorts came up and knocked my son off balance and he fell down. I jumped up just as it happened and ran toward him. I literally dove to grab his leg as another wave pummeled both of us. I just hung on as tight as I could before my father get there to help. By far the scariest moment of my life. A second later and he might have drowned in the surf. This guy is a moron.
  6. I wonder how the Jets feel about being the second choice?
  7. Word on Hardy is that he wants to play in a 4-3 defense. Hopefully we won't need him anyway Iupati reportedly wants a deal in the 8.5 million/year range. No thanks. There are other good interior linemen that would come much cheaper. No idea about Cameron. Not sure he'd fit Roman's scheme.
  8. I was certain that it would be in the 10-12 million range. Whatever team he signed with.
  9. I like my dessert savory, and in a tube form. More food should come in tubes, really.
  10. The lord works in mysterious ways.... (Said in Kevin Spacey voice)
  11. I like this idea a lot. Still bring in a mid-tier FA OT or G though.
  12. My daughter woke up this morning, and I looked at my phone...7:30. I'm thinking, although I feel exhausted, "It's my lucky day!" Then I look at my alarm clock... Spring forward sucks...
  13. Sadly, I agree. I loved Hughes as a Bill, but it appears his time has passed. Ungrateful bastard...he should show some loyalty given that we dug him off the scrap heap in Indi. He is going to make a lot of money BECAUSE he came to Buffalo. Be a class individual Hughes...I am still optimistic.
  14. I don't believe you can grow it. It is only dispensed by 20 hospitals in the whole state, and you have to be really, really, really sick to get it. Not just anxiety or arthritis.
  15. Looks like my source wasn't too far off the mark. Although I was a bit shocked at the number of scholarships lost. Interesting to see what they do with Gross... Someone is going to have to take their lumps for this, and it isn't going to be Boeheim.
  16. Provided none of the current 2015 commits back out, I think we will have a very strong team next year. Maybe for a couple of years if things go right. If we land Thomas Bryant (who is visiting Indiana this weekend ) I think we will be a championship contender next season. Also, I strongly believe that Hop can hold down the team for 9 games...not worried about the JB suspension. Loss of scholarships is really going to hurt in the long run, although as someone mentioned, JB only plays 6-7 guys anyway.
  17. He got evicted from the house across the street from mine. I saw him once outside the Subutex clinic near where I work. He was looking really, really rough....shaking, scratching, and staggering about. Thank god he didn't notice me as I walked past, as I was walking with some co-workers to have lunch. I have since spoken with his former landlord, and he told me that shower boy was doing some time. Violated parole. I wonder what the shower temperature and pressure are like in the crowbar hotel?
  18. Yeah, you'd get busted. NY state has some of the stiffest penalties for marijuana presently. Just made level for medicinal purposes in January 2014. It's my understanding, however, that the medical marijuana distribution is heavily controlled (not like CA). Here in Vermont it is decriminalized. You can have up to 2 ounces in your house for personal use, and can grow up to 6 female plants legally. Walk out in your front lawn smoking a joint, however, will get you arrested.
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