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Everything posted by thurst44

  1. Get it, can't win, don't try. Seriously, we have a QB who is top 10 in a ton of categories in his first season (including most accurate on the deep throw), and that's not even worth a chance. So, let's just let a guy who by most national standards is top ten at his position (PFF for one), one of the hardest to come by in the league. Bills had one of the best seasons of any team in the last decade running over the right side. I'd be shocked if he's not considered a cornerstone. You lose him and/or Incognito and the line could be an absolute disaster. And I'm so tired of all the crying broke here when if you actually look at it instead of whining "Bills suck," it's not as bad as it looks. Sportrac has them at 90k over the limit with the Top 51 considered, and there's so many places to save money. They're not going to be players, obviously, but Whaley's been pretty transparent; we're gonna focus on signing our own guys, and maybe one defensive signing (I'd guess Damon Harrison). As for Glenn, we should not pretend to know what's on his mind. But it's true, players always heed their agents and only seek the best money possible...that's why Jerry Hughes wound up leaving us last year after so many people here made the same arguments. Let's just see how this plays out, why don't we? You may be right. History would suggest we sometimes sign our players, we sometimes don't. Ditto the franchise tag...we used it on Byrd a couple years ago. Based on your arguments, 13.5m is a reasonable price since he would clearly get so much more elsewhere. At very worst, tag and trade.
  2. It's not a coincidence that the running defense suddenly disappeared when Kyle got hurt. I highly doubt Kyle Williams is going anywhere, certainly not to make room for Quentin Coples. He loves it in Buffalo, and would probably renegotiate his contract, and there are many other places for them to find space (McKelvin, Boobie, Clay restructure, Urbik, Easley). Let's not hope the Bills make the same mistake they made when they released Pat Williams at roughly the same age.
  3. Miami was supposedly in cap hell last season and went out and signed Suh to an absurd contract (and seemed to be linked to every free agent)
  4. Yep, b/c that's what happened when Ray Lewis was in a group who stabbed two people to death. No, wait, he stayed with the team and was the Super Bowl MVP, and would go on to have over a decade's worth more seasons with the same team, becoming a beloved team leader feted by the league and the media upon retirement. Not saying it's right, just that it's probably not that simple, nor should it be (for the record, I can't stand Lewis), nor am I not bothered by this story, and disgusted if he did it. Just b/c he is charged doesn't mean he did it, and the team should probably stick by him until it's fully clear what he did. Hopefully, the story turns out to be much different than it may seem now. Aaron Hernandez may have been released before proven, but at that point he was pretty much suspected of murders at a serial killer level.
  5. That would still be 14m worth of cap space, b/c otherwise you'd be taking the money from the savings gained by cutting (or in the unlikely scenario, renegotiating and extending) Mario. In this scenario, that 13-14m can be spent on someone else. However, as you and others have said, this may be a moot point as this money may not apply to the cap this year. Anyway, while they're right up to the cap as it looks now, there is at least some wiggle room between Mario's likely cut and a bunch of contracts (Clay, McKelvin, Wood, etc.) which can be renegotiated. Again, last year, the Dolphins were right up against the cap and were somehow players in FA. The Bills are not in a dire situation, as the "doooomed" chorus here would have everyone believe; it's just not really a fun situation where they can go on a spending spree. They can probably sign their own where they want (Glenn, Incognito, maaaybe Bradham), add some role players, and if one big ticket item is out there that they really want, they'll just do a ton of fancy restructuring if they can. That being said, I do agree that Whaley is not counting on these savings, and saw this reply after posting, so sorry to pile on.
  7. Talley, Bennett, Conlan, Odomes, Kelso, Hansen, etc.?!?!?! So, now we're even getting unnecessarily negative about the glory days of the team. The yardage stats are a bit deceptive b/c they were on the field by design more than any other defense, but they had an above average if not dominant defense, although, ok, they were "not good" in the Super Bowls, if that's what you mean. Yes, they got outcoached (and were also unfocused) for the Giants. They had a terrible start in the second, were definitively overmatched in the third, and started well and fell apart in the fourth. On balance, the AFC was the weaker conference, but the Bills more than held their own at that time (weren't they something like 13-3 against the NFC in the regular season), and the team deserves to be considered one of the better teams of all time (and probably would be if they had just won the first SB).
  8. They really are not at all. There's a lot of room for cuts which put them in a not great, but not impossible, situation (Mario cut/restructure, Clay restructure, bump in salary cap alone would likely put them 20-30m under). They are in almost exactly the same situation the Dolphins were last year when they went and signed Suh. Salary cap hell is when a team enters free agency 10-60m over and has to cut players they don't want to lose. Bills are clearly not in that situation. They are also not in the situation where they can be players. They will likely not be major players in free agency, as Whaley has openly said. They will likely try to re-sign Glenn, Incognito...others like Bradham, if their price tags are not overinflated, a few Ryan-friendly bargain guys (of the DeMario Davis variety), and I wouldn't be surprised if we signed one major defensive free agent, despite Doug's comment about not doing anything the first week, as he also said (if i am not mistaken, correct me if i'm wrong) one top-level defensive signing but no more is possible. But, yes, as others have said, they will probably mostly pick up role players after the market calms down, when you can get better value deals, and I'm sure there will be 2 or 3 major underachievers as that's clearly Whaley's stock-in-trade (check out the rivals top 100 recruit lists from 2003-12 and see how many current bills were on there). Vernon Davis would be unlikely too...terrible value at this point in his career and as one poster pointed out, he's not necessarily that connected to Roman.
  9. The schedule is nowhere near as brutal as people here are making it out to be. We tend to look tend to look at the next year's schedule with the best possible versions of our opponents. Hence, no good team is going to tank, the Raiders, Jags, and Rams are "definitively on the upswing," yet the Ravens were somehow an aberration. You never know what your schedule is going to entail until it happens, until you know which teams catch the injury bug. Even now, I don't quite get the horror...yes, we play the Cardinals and Seahawks, but we also play the Browns and 49ers, who look like absolute train wrecks at this point in time. Steelers and Bengals were great this year, but the Ravens were terrible, and the Rams were falling apart by year's end (and who knows how they react to the hubbub of L.A.). The Raiders and Jags have a lot of hope, but it's the same sort of hope that an outsider might see in the Bills -- a lot of young talent, which doesn't always come together. It may turn out to be a nightmare schedule -- or it could be a cake schedule. We shouldn't pretend to know.
  10. Unless you mean pains we don't see, Kyle only missed one game in the prior three seasons. In ten seasons in the NFL, he's played all games in six seasons, and played in 14 or more games in eight seasons.
  11. You might feel differently if you lived in NYC, surrounded by obnoxious Jets fans (in fairness, they were friendly when i went to the game this year)
  12. They also had a decisive win against last year's second best AFC team. Every game is different. And what they've shown that makes one believe they can beat a good team (maybe well-coached, definitely not complete), is their defense is tireless, and only getting better. Yesterday, they were on the field for something like 75% of the first half, yet only allowed one short-field TD. They were missing their top 2 rbs and top wr, and will likely have two of them back. Also, it's telling they cut down on the penalties, particularly the stupid, unsportsmanlike penalties.
  13. Yes, agreed, but I have watched your comments, you're cool to judge Bills based on this many games in a year.
  14. Dallas was the team in immediate need of a QB and they didn't have a 2016 5th round to give. They traded it for Brice Butler.
  15. Tyrod hands off to LeSean up the middle for 9 yards. 23 first downs
  16. Maybe we should be a bit hasty about announcing the end of the career of a defensive tackle who's still playing at the top of his game (2014 pro bowler, 1st team all-pro) b/c he's 32, and perhaps flashback a decade to the 2005 off-season and check the conversations here re: a certain other DT who went on to play six more solid years, the first three going to the pro bowl. We have one of the all-time defensive lines -- let's not be so swift to architect its break-up. If the Dolphins can be flush against the cap and figure out a way to sign Suh, I'm pretty sure the Bills can find a way to keep KW in the fold.
  17. Remember early last year when David Yankey and Cyril Richardson were thought to be likely two top guards off the draft board, then they dropped to the 5th round...and within a year, both released around the same time (next to each other in that link). What a diff'rence...
  18. Baby steps: having 6 solid o-linemen is way better than what was expected going into the pre-season
  19. Am I missing another Henderson, b/c I doubt that the confirmed starting Right Tackle is about to be released. Did you mean Carrington?
  20. You missed quite a few: John Miller is the likely starter at RG If Cujo is not the starter at RT, it's because Seantrel Henderson is starting Preston Brown will again be a starting LB Duke Williams could still start at safety (although probably not) Ok, so you do mention the other rounds, but what does it matter where in the draft they get them...
  21. That actually compliments everyone involved...Gilmore had him covered well, EJ stuck it in the spot where Woods could make the play.
  22. I mentioned Stills (ok, should have said he had one promising season, but is not a star by any means, nor is he decidedly better than either of the two WRs they let go), forgot Jennings admittedly, but maybe b/c he hasn't had an 1000 yard season since 2010. I'm not saying the Dophins didn't have a good offseason, just that: (1) their hype in the national press is exaggerated to the point of being ridiculous, (2) I don't see how it was considerably better than what the Bills did, if at all. The Bills traded a guy who didn't play last year for one of the top 3-5 RBs of the past few years, picked up a promising TE, and an explosive WR, and gave up a whole lot less (A potentially great LB, but one who didn't play last year, and a decent starting safety). And I don't agree that the Dolphins have "undoubtedly" upgraded their WRs -- maybe they have, but also Jennings could be washed up and Stills hasn't proven he's a star yet. I do agree that Jarvis Landry could have a breakout season, but on that note, Watkins is likely to have an even bigger breakout season (and let's not forget Woods), so by that logic, the Bills, with Harvin and losing zero WRs have even more "undoubtedly" upgraded their WRs.
  23. Yes, where there are ALSO very few franchise QBs available. Seriously, outside of Wilson and Luck and maybe Newton (the latter two were never options for the Bills to begin with) how many QBs did the Bills exactly "miss out on" in the draft in the last few years? Maybe Tannehill is a real-deal solid QB, but if he is not anything more than middle-of-the-road, he's about to take up an inordinate amount of the Dolphins' cap space in relation to his skill -- and I'm glad we didn't trade up in order to get him (particularly considering we'd probably have benched him after his first four starts this year anyway -- he was as bad, if not worse than EJ) instead of a (hopefully -- ok, he's still got a lot to prove) shutdown CB, something which might be even more important to surviving in a QB-driven league. People tend to act like the league is full of team-transforming QBs and the Bills are negligent for missing out on them, when the actual number is really in the single digits. Yes, they should have drafted Wilson instead of TJ Graham -- but so should have every other team who is still in QB hell. Jacksonville took a punter instead of Wilson that year fercrissake.
  24. The additions aren't even that impressive outside of Suh. Cameron has more concussions than full seasons and Britt is a not-all-that-inspiring WR with one half of a good season (and not necessarily better than either Wallace or Hartline). But then, the pundits always seem to get the Fins wrong. It happened a couple years ago when they signed all those "great" players (you know, the ones they mostly released this year) and went 8-8, or in 2008 when they were supposed to be a doormat for the second year in a row, then made the playoffs at 11-5.
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