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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. That was pretty much Belichik's plan last night. Limit opportunities for his team to make mistakes and count on the Bills to make enough mistakes on their own to lose the game. Which they did and typically do right on queue against the Patriots. I mean at the end of the game how many times do you feel they gave the game away vs. got beat? Sure the team has some talent ans physical issues but given the Bills game plan is basically the same thing every week regardless of who they're playing how hard do we think it is for even an average coach with a decent roster much less one of the best coaches ever with a very good roster to game plan against? Tell me one thing the Bills did on offense or defense that might have come as a surprise last night? Nothing. I had it all figured out the day after Thanksgiving. And you did too! Its way too easy for the other team. What do you think they're planning for next week? 40 to 45 passes on offense and most likely less than 12 rushes. I can see the stats already. 12 rushes for 55 yards, 26-40 passing for 260 yards a TD and 2 picks. Predictable. One more thing.. Last off season a lot of fans were worried we were going to lose our coordinators to head coaching gigs. That didn't happen. Anybody worried about that this coming off season? More like looking forward to it.
  2. How many woke social justice leftists do you expect have been concerned enough about the Russian threat to enlist in the corps the past week? Rather I suspect they are content to stay safe and peddle Russian collusion narratives far from the front. And provide the opportunity to do all the fighting to rank-and-file soldiers that generally disagree with their socialist agenda.
  3. I'm getting the same feeling I had before the playoff game last season against the Ravens. Similar weather conditions and a run-heavy offense with a talented and productive young QB and a top physical defense coming in to Buffalo that's going run the ball at will and stop a potent Bills offense. That one didn't turn out the way it was expected to and tonight might not either. From the latest weather reports this is sounding more and more like a wind event without any game-time precipitation. I think the Bills show up big time tonight and I expect the Patriots defense to do the same but I think the offense under Jones struggles with the wind conditions, the crowd, and the expectations of suddenly becoming the front-runner.
  4. Hopefully by then the Pentagon brass will have completed their study of white rage and social justice indoctrination of the troops in time to develop some sort of strategy and response..
  5. Yes, millions of American's are secretly rooting for Putin to succeed at the expense of their own interests. Another leftist myth. The US government's strategic interest is in supporting and installing governments abroad that are friendly to its interests. Period. If they're democracies well bonus points for that. If not our government can work with the dictators as long as they remain committed to US interests. If they are not committed to US interests or waiver in their support of US interests then out they go! If you believe our government operates on some divine principles of good and right above all other interests than you really don't understand geopolitical alliances and strategic interests and the basic concepts of the non-binary and relative nature of good and evil.
  6. The US government supports dictators when it suits the purpose and American foreign policy is full of contradictions and inconsistencies. This is easily verifiable by checking current events and the history books. For example, would you consider the Saudi Monarchy a democracy? Where's THAT strategic interest in that situation? Be-headings, torture, public executions, attacks and killings of homosexuals, abuse and subjugation of women. Torturing and killing dissidents and reporters and chopping them up to put in suitcases to bring home. Americans are concerned with supporting democracy? All I hear in this example is silence. And as you should be aware the Ukrainian government owes much of its support to Nazi paramilitary groups that do much of the fighting. As the regular Army is frankly pathetic and incapable. These groups owe their origins to their predecessors that supported the German occupation during WW2. We know how that went. I don't hear any calls from the left demanding President Zelinsky condemn his country's version of White Supremacists. To the contrary, cries for more weapons and support. People should learn history, right? The strategic interest in Ukraine is to physically isolate and encircle Russia. All transgressions and contradictions are to be ignored. What I marvel most about is how the left actually believes they support democracy. Its one of their many mythical and supernatural beliefs.
  7. Funny thought. Since when does the Biden administration care about national borders? But maybe if we change the name of Mexico to Ukraine our government will care about our border too? Or conversely, the Russians should disguise their troops as Central American migrant caravans, coyotes, and drug cartel members led by groups of children crossing into Ukraine and the Biden government's diplomatic corps will be welcoming them to Kiev with open arms.
  8. Your cult's entire belief system is based on mysticism and magic. Facts and truth are forbidden.
  9. Other than Sevastopol in Crimea Russia has no strategic interest in Ukraine other than discouraging NATO from expanding and housing troops in the country. It's all posturing right now. On both sides. NATO is trying to pretend it is still relevant and Russia is bluffing a build-up to assess the West's response strategy in the event something "hot" starts. Can anyone clearly articulate the US security interest here? Absent any patronizing talk about supporting democracy. Can you find Ukraine on a map without the country names shown?
  10. It's all about the money. Big Pharma has a stranglehold on the government agencies that regulate it and on the US drug market. A few treatments from the big players have been approved and dozens of others from small pharma's & biotech's have been stonewalled or rejected even in cases where efficacy and safety have been demonstrated in P3 trials. Already available medications have been met with outright hostility and ridicule. Most of it unsupported by facts and even in cases where success has been produced in other countries. Countries with far fewer resources available that have yielded better results with significantly lower deaths both numerically and per capita. HCL is roundly ridiculed and described as dangerous. Yet HCL accounted for approximately 20.4% of US prescriptions filled in October 2021 for Inflammation. Doctors prescribing a dangerous medication to their patients in great numbers where there are 20 to 25 alternative medications available for the application. Seems contradictory,
  11. Feeling threatened? And I believe you're just proving my point.
  12. Have you ever heard anyone on the right saying they need a safe space or they feel threatened? Only woke and leftists can be snowflakes. When they use the term snowflakes in reference to their political and social opposition they are projecting their own fears and fragile emotional and mental states onto others. So keep hiding in the basement but keep the lights on and don't be afraid of life.
  13. The thing is this. These parents are obviously missing a couple cards in their decks but what the authoritarian media and left always do is take one extreme example and generalize the narrative to a wider group of people. Now it's all parents that have children with access to guns that are the problem. Some big and wide ranging action is needed to control millions. Maybe all black SUV drivers should be flagged? Which is absurd. But imagine the outrage?
  14. 'I've got some waterproof all-weather Bills gear that I've worn in cold wet weather conditions. Don't sit on wet seats is my advice. While it's too early to be precise with the forecast what I'm seeing on weather.com is the rain/snow is in the morning & afternoon and as the day goes on the precipitation is supposed to let up leaving the wind as the biggest problem. So the rain might mess more with tailgating than being something to deal with during the game.
  15. Testimony will reveal the Trump team used secret decoder rings found in breakfast cereal boxes in order to communicate clandestinely with protesters at the Capitol. Representative Schiff expresses no surprise as he prepares the committee's subpoena of Captain Crunch.
  16. Is this the same Andrew Wiessmann that actively supported Hillary Clinton and was in attendance at her 2016 election night party? Give it up already..
  17. Bills coaches finally realize when playing against offenses that run the ball effectively they should drop their base Nickle personnel package on defense and play a traditional and heavier 4-3-4.
  18. Either with seriousness or satire, connecting the dots and raising logical and obvious arguments which question the prevailing narrative is forbidden. Heretics that question the mystical and magical and sometimes stupid beliefs or engages in free or logical thought shall be stoned to death in the virtual cyber world town square. This isn't a feature of liberalism or conservatism, it's authoritarian.
  19. The reporters were told not to ask about it by their media bosses after Obama asked them not to ask him about it.
  20. Now there's 5 Omicron cases found in NY and the media is amping up the fear porn is suggesting it's a cross between Ebola and the Black Death. So far sounds more like a bad cold from doctors reporting on a couple other cases in California and Minnesota. If that's what it turns out to be I'm passing on a booster.
  21. One of woke religion's core commandments and supernatural fantasies. A man "wishing" to be a woman shall be a woman. And magically through self-identification he becomes a women regardless of the facts that science and biology contradicts this belief. Mysticism such as wokeness is not built on a foundation of facts. But, it is forbidden for a white man following the same practice of self-identification to believe he is a black man. Regardless of the fact a white man is genetically and biologically more similar to a black man than he is to a white woman. This is the kind of lunacy these women swimmers have to deal with here.
  22. The bigger question is are the current vaccine formulas effective against Omicron?
  23. Another Omicron case found in Minnesota. "The person with the Omicron variant is an adult male, is a resident of Hennepin County, and had been vaccinated. The person developed mild symptoms on Nov. 22 and sought COVID-19 testing on Nov. 24. The person’s symptoms have resolved."
  24. Why are Congress and the DOJ withholding information from those they prosecute who have every right to this information? Because as always, the lying scrum bags are bluffing their way through most of it and when challenged attempt to "invoke the cone of silence" if they get called out.
  25. Okay. And maybe I have a completely different question. So how does a clinical researcher supporting a vaccine trial determine whether or not an effective immune response was generated by the vaccine in the subject? Unless you can measure some biomarker or antibody level before the trial to produce a baseline for the subject and during or after the trial how can you determine the effectiveness of the vaccine in producing an immune response?
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