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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. More testing = more cases but don't expect to see a corresponding increase in hospitalizations and deaths with Omicron. NYC says Time Square New Year's Eve festivities are still a go with a more limited crowd of 15K in the corral where all participants must be fully vaccinated and masked along with being required to demonstrate they can hold their breath for 3 1/2 hours.
  2. The poverty stats I saw from 2018 (a year I could find with lots of breakouts) suggests that 20.8% of Black Americans live in poverty. So the belief that Black Americans live "largely in poverty" is false. Native Americans (who have been here longer than anybody else) are at 25.4%. Children at 16.2%, Seniors at 14.1%. Asians the lowest at 10.1%. Explain that. Does the theory provide an exemption from White oppression and racism for this subset of the population? The single largest demographic living in poverty is women with children without a husband in the household at 25.7%. Can you make a case that racism is the cause of that condition?
  3. The thing is, CRT isn't all about the teaching of slavery in the South or the history of slavery. Its about teaching a subjective interpretation that theorizes that White People are inherently evil as evidenced by slavery. And that Blacks, once being enslaved in the US, are permanent members of the oppressed and victim class of people and that carries forward in its original form today. But the enslavement of Black Africans didn't start when White Europeans reached West Africa. The enterprise of slavery existed for about 800 years before they arrived. An enterprise managed by Arab slave traders and African kingdoms and tribes that captured and sold their fellow black Africans from competing tribes and kingdoms into slavery. When the Europeans arrived in West Africa it signaled the opening of a new market for the slave trade which was already established. I'm all for teaching history but I suspect CRT advocates joyfully and selectively teaching racism and the evils of White people won't touch or discuss the subject of the complicity of Blacks in the enslavement of people of their own race and the moral and ethical questions surrounding that involvement. Such an examination might lead to an objective conclusion that Blacks, and the Arab slavers, are no more or less moral or ethical than Whites when it comes to slavery. And the idea that White people have a monopoly on racism and slavery is a completely false and intentionally inaccurate "history".
  4. US Army develops COVID vaccine.. https://www.defenseone.com/technology/2021/12/us-army-creates-single-vaccine-effective-against-all-covid-sars-variants/360089/
  5. I don't know anyone that went to the hospital but my 17 year old nephew had a bad case of COVID April 2020 but he has asthma which I suspect was an underlying condition that contributed to the severity. He recovered in about 10 days without any adverse impacts. Personally, I've had what I believed was a common cold 4, maybe 5, times since the pandemic began, the last one just a couple weeks ago. If any of them could have been COVID I don't know because I didn't bother getting tested or going to the doctor because it was basically nothing I haven't experienced before. It's lead me to conclude masking is ineffective because it makes no sense to me that I can get a cold with a mask but at the same time it protects me from COVID. What's the science on that one? We also had the need to utilize the hospital in late August 2021 when the alarm bells were going off locally about Delta. The news reports made it sound like ambulances were lining up around the block 24/7 at local hospitals to admit seriously ill COVID patients. We got to the hospital at 6 AM for my wife's outpatient procedure. The place was empty. Just us and a couple people working the admitting desk and a few security guards. As the staff recommended I don't wait inside the hospital because of protocol I went outside. Didn't see a single ambulance or vehicle pull up to the emergency entrance. While its all anecdotal my observations cause me to wonder why the news made it sound like the world is coming to an end and I observe nothing at all happening. Maybe its because if you scare people bad enough you can get them to do anything?
  6. Liz is a member of the deep state/permanent war/security state establishment. Jen is also a member of the deep state/permanent war/security state establishment. This membership supersedes any party affiliation. That's how our government and its one-party system works.
  7. With almost every team impacted, after tonight's games close out week 15 the league should consider postponing week 16, shutting down for a week, and pushing the remainder of the regular season and post season back a week. But I expect they won't...
  8. My hand wringing post of the day is a question. I've been wondering of late what happens to all those COVID nasal swab test DNA samples taken at these "free" COVID testing centers? Do they get thrown out or end up in some FBI or security agency database somewhere?
  9. I'm looking at long-term view of things. We've got Josh Allen, our franchise QB, here for at least the next decade. What we also have this season is an under-performing offensive line and a defensive line rotation that isn't working out well. Patriot fans believe they have their next franchise QB in Mac Jones who has played extremely well and competently in his rookie season. My suspicion is they're envisioning Tom Brady 2.0 and another 20 years of dominating the division. I believe their expectations will not be met. He might experience an incremental improvement in his game but coming out of a big time college program pro-ready he's already close to his potential and he'll won't experience the huge jump in performance of Josh Allen or his predecessor 6th round pick Tom Brady. Advantage Bills. Over-confidence is a dangerous thing. So its a good thing fans don't really have an impact on the outcome. Patriot fans are suffering from the consequences of success. They think last season was an interruption of the trend and not the start of a new trend. I suggest they are wrong but there's no reason to expect them to alter their outlook at this point without more evidence. What they also suffer from is the thinking disorder called linear thinking. Assuming a trend in place will continue forever in the same direction. They've grown so accustomed to the good times they think they'll last forever. The Bills are on the rise and will continue to be a worthy competitor for quite some time. They will fix and address their deficiencies in the off season and in the process hopefully not creating holes elsewhere. Along with this it appears the Dolphins may have found their game recently. It wouldn't be a surprise if they give NE a run for their money in the season finale. I suspect neither coaching staff that is preparing for the game is suffering from over-confidence. Expect a close game with one of two plays or mistakes deciding the outcome.
  10. Maybe the parents should learn to code to get higher paying jobs so they can provide the financial resources to care for their own children instead of placing the burden on the taxpayers? That's what the progressives told WV coal miners that their policies threw out of work.
  11. The Bills just need to play up to their potential, get some COVID list players back, and avoid the mistakes that lead to gift points they typically spot the Patriots. Just don't beat yourself.
  12. But isn't that true of almost every medical condition, disease, or illness? And by virtue of that fact a policy of vaccinating everyone and treating everyone as if they have the same risk factor is not based on medical facts or necessity. What is the social "good" of a mandate or requirement of vaccinating healthy children under 5 years old, or older children and teenagers for that matter against an illness that poses no health risk to them in order to protect fat, old, and sick people from potential serious illness and death? A mandate imposed by mostly fat, old, and sick people I might add. I'm neither fat or sick and not particularly old but I assessed my personal risk and decided to get the Moderna vaccine. I think my decision at the time was sound and logical and is something that needs to be applied in general across the population. Not the one-size fits all jab everybody every six months whether they need it or not. By all accounts Omicron is more contagious but much less lethal. South African doctors at the epicenter of the variant outbreak have stated about 2% of patients have required hospitalization vs. the 19% they experienced with Delta. Cases have been described as mild. My expectation is the current hysteria and drama over Omicron will prove to be overdone as time passes and more data and information is available.
  13. So with the same law firm Hillary can get briefed on what evidence Durham might have on her and how close Danchenko might be to rolling over. Client/attorney confidentiality and privacy you say? That means nothing here. If Durham is close to indicting Hillary and her campaign or if Danchenko is close turning States witness the Clinton's can order up a suicide with note included to silence whomever needs to be eliminated.
  14. You strike when the iron is hot and right now Davis is that iron.
  15. Months ago, the FBI has issued statements and reached the conclusion there is no evidence of any organized planning or collusion within the administration or between the administration and protesters on 1/6. But somehow a politically motivated committee run by a dictatorial House Speaker with all the rules and procedures designed (and the rules ignored too when necessary) to avoid any contention to their pre-conceived conclusions of guilt is going to uncover evidence full-time and experienced Federal law enforcement has somehow missed. Yet how preposterous this is, the faithful still cling to hope. Rather than being angry at the result they might be better served targeting their anger at the messengers of the false narratives they believe. But after several failures there is no evidence of a learning curve here.
  16. It's a propaganda piece worthy of the best Pravda had to offer. Provide no facts or evidence of anything but draw unsupported conclusions for their faithful readers. Most of these "News" outlets have devolved into official propaganda extensions of government. They are not independent, they are not objective, they work under no requirement to tell the truth.
  17. Liberals will conclude: Joe Manchin is a racist, a Russian agent, involved in the 1/6 "plot", and is an un-vaccinated super-spreader killing young children and the elderly. DC needs to become a State and California needs to be split into 6 "blue" States. Senate rules need to be changed to pass legislation with a 40 vote "majority". Woke representatives are already working on a new definition of the word "majority" to mean "anything that helps us get our way". The President can issue executive orders for all of the BBB spending. It's all Trump's fault BBB is failing. Failure to pass BBB justifies riots to get those last minute Christmas gifts via looting reparations and to express displeasure with the Senator.
  18. That's because they are a mechanism for disseminating propaganda, have no ethical standards, and lying is a requirement of their function as State media outlet. Bagdad Bob, Tokyo Rise, MSNBC Rachel Madcow. If the Kings and Clerics of the Middle Ages had today's media they'd be insisting the Earth was flat and the center of the Universe while those disagreeing are spreading misinformation. And then burning them at the stake. Unfortunately for CNN and MSNBC burning heretics at the stake is illegal. At least for now.
  19. All kind of sounds like trial and error. Bless the parents that have offered up their toddlers for the experiment. Not that Pfizer is worried. They're completely indemnified from legal or monetary harm for anything that might go wrong here.
  20. Based on Asley Biden's diary which references Joe taking showers with his daughter when she was a young girl, I'd say he's got a leg up on Myer (considering his daughter has stepped up to defend her dad) in the sleaze bag department. That might explain why Joe sent the bloodhounds at the FBI to fetch the daughter's diary she left behind at a friends house where she was staying. I'll wager the fathers of young girls here might take a serious objection at Joe's behavior.
  21. Before you start hurling out insults try some simple math and get some percentages. Nationally there are 82,137 ICU beds. 59.5% are occupied by non-COVID patients, 19.7% are occupied by COVID patients, and 20.7% are unoccupied. The contention is the hospital system is stressed by non-vaccinated COVID patients. It isn't. Capacity utilization is 79.3%. Elective procedures are not be squeezed out if you take the time to check inpatient utilization rates. COVID patients occupy 9.2% of hospital inpatient beds. ICU is generally not elective.
  22. This story might have been true of early 2020 but has no relevance now. Recall at that point in time nobody was vaccinated. Current hospitalization statistic show hospital ICU's are not systemically overwhelmed by COVID patients. Un-vaccinated or vaccinated. Are there a few with capacity being stressed? Sure there might be. But that's the exception. And even in those cases the majority of ICU patients are non-COVID. Check any state. Generally the rates are high 70's to low 80's. The hospital ICU's are being overwhelmed with non-vaccinated COVID patients in late 2021 talking point FALSE. Maybe if the officials running the response and government stopped lying and withholding information there'd be less resistance and suspicion of their motives? https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/data/hospitalization-7-day-trend/maine
  23. This kind of sums things up the official view on policy discussions. The science is settled. Until it changes. But if you question it now, you’re anti-science, even if the science later agrees with you. This is how it works. If you suggest something that isn't officially sanctioned people will argue that you are wrong and uninformed. Then the government changes their minds and agrees with what you said. Then the people that used to argue with you now agree with what you said before. But will not acknowledge you were correct before. And maybe you might be on to something or know what you're taking about. Because you are anti-science.
  24. To be fair the cumulative death rate per 100K is more accurate. The above is a 14 day rolling average death rate per 100K. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/ Also, the health risks and demographics of a state are far more correlated to the death rate than public policy. This CDC site does an excellent job of displaying those risks. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fcases-updates%2Fcases-in-us.html#underlying-med-conditions
  25. Yeah, all market researchers and psychologists agree that insulting someone and then asking them for a favor or support is a terrible approach to get another individual to have positive view of you or your cause. The amazing part of it is how social justice advocates as a group cannot understand this common sense conclusion.
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