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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. When you're ready to talk about 2021 America and not 1860 I'll be here.
  2. But CRT "history lessons" aren't focused on teaching about events or truth but rather is fixated on the oppressor and oppressed relationship and suggests its still the basis of the fundamental attributes of current society. It assigns blame to people that were not alive at the time these events took place. And it characterizes and stereotypes them with the behaviors and attributes of those bad historical actors of the past. It focuses on past racism through the lens of a racist theory & ideology.
  3. I don't disagree. But that system is no longer supported or enabled by the law of the land. This is 2021, its not 1950 segregated America. Something many refuse to acknowledge as they simply will not accept things have changed. Like communism in many places It has been abolished. And children, and their parents, alive today that had absolutely nothing personally to do with that era of history should not be made to feel guilty or responsible for the acts and actions of people they never knew. And they should not be subjected to an ideology that pits them against their friends and classmates by stereotyping them into groups under a new "separate but equal" (or unequal) doctrine. So now with the liberal time machine we've moved in reverse to hate inspired beliefs like CRT where the idea of judging the individual based on their personal merits and actions has been replaced by a new system of separate but equal where the individual is judged by a stereotype of their race and the actions of people that are dead and gone. Anti-diversity in action.
  4. Maybe my educational experience was something unique but in junior and senior high school we learned about US history including slavery, the civil war, native tribes and their lifestyles and customs, along with the traditional European centered history lessons along with the history of people in Africa and Asia. Nobody whitewashed the events of the early period of US history and the injustices or wrongs of the system of slavery and the genocide committed against Native Americans. The implications of these policies and their history was well understood. And while I was just a youngster entering kindergarten school during the civil rights movement we were living it. Dr. King, Malcolm X, George Wallace. They were real living people and not historical references. Based on that reference point I cannot get my head around the idea that today's kids being sent through the public school system are totally clueless to this history and have no knowledge of the wrongs committed in the past against people of African and Native American descent. As for CRT the read of it I get is just repackaged Marxist theory. Instead of the oppressor bourgeoisie and the oppressed proletariat its a copy/paste to the oppressor whites and the oppressed blacks. Its a highly simplistic and childish notion trying to explain a complex situation. But its also part of what I've come to call the "Woke Virtue Signalling Point System" or WVSPS. What I find most interesting is how the majority of virtue signalling is performed by white people. If its Blacks and Native Americans beefing about something I'm listening. But White people complaining about the plight of Blacks? Did they elect you as their spokesperson or something? I don't think so. Most of them are upper or middle class highly educated whites that have absolutely no life experience that can provide them with understanding of what inner city people face. The fact they've studied it and read a couple books however converts them to instant experts on the subject. The only minority people they see in their neighborhoods are the landscaping crews that manicure their lawns and property. The thing is, whites, and specifically straight white males are at the bottom of the Woke hierarchy. They are the ultimate oppressor. They're might as well be Trump supporting white supremacists. But the way to move out of the woke basement is to publicly take on causes of the oppressed or assume another identity other than straight white male. So white school boards and unions advocating for CRT, get points, white politicians support transsexual bathroom rights, get more points, white politicians knee down in the Capitol and support BLM, get more point. It's ultimately all a horseshit charade as most of them believe nothing of what they claim in public.
  5. The fact is the DNC was directing Antifa to cause trouble for the previous administration and goad them into open confrontation. Which they would use to cite the authoritarian intent of the Trump administration. But they never took the bait. And when poll numbers showed public dissatisfaction and gains in likely voter support for Trump because of the riots the DNC ordered Antifa, and BLM, to stand down. That's what happened. Even the douche bags at CNN stated at the time they need to stand down because their destructive rioting is hurting Biden.
  6. Sounds like paradise. Meanwhile, the Atlanta Fed has revised its forecast for real US GDP growth for Q3-21 to 0.2%, down from 1.2% 2 weeks ago, down from 6% 2 months ago, and down from 14% in May.
  7. Prices and costs are rising at higher rates than incomes and any perceived income gains are just "money illusion". Nominally you make more dollars but in reality each dollar buys less. Your standard of living is falling. But its been falling for a long time. That's what inflation does. All the government's borrowing and spending is sucking the American citizen dry. Through monetary policy that steals their incomes thru inflationary currency devaluation and discreetly transfers it to the government. Its quite a nice racket. The government's stat claim inflation is about 5.5% but if you strip out all the substitutions, hedonistic adjustments, and assumptions they apply and compare apples to apples its running above 13%. Meanwhile, the rich with excess incomes park cash in financial instruments which benefit the most from all of this and the gap between the wealthy and the middle class/working poor gets larger and larger. If you call yourself a progressive you should be dead set against this arrangement the government has going with the markets and the central bank. And while I disagree with Liz Warren on almost everything I do agree with her in regards to this topic.
  8. Much of the angst on the left is the result of them historically never having to deal with opposition to their agenda as is now occurring with parents insisting having a role in determining school curriculum's. They've been the Alpha-Predator discreetly imposing their ideology on powerless child. Now that adults are questioning them in a setting of a relatively level "playing field" they are having difficulty coming to grips with this new reality. I guess when you're used to pushing around 5 year olds while forcing them to believe all kinds of stereotypes and negative things about themselves and their friends and school mates being confronted by actual adults that can take you on and overrule you can be a new experience. The message is get used to it. A bigger question to consider might be have we reached and past "Peak Neo-Liberalism"?
  9. You must be living in a different NJ than I am. 2 1/2 increase in income in 2 years? In what field? I might be interested in a career change.
  10. I'm shocked that you aren't troubled by the fact that inflationary policies and pressures hurt the working poor and people on fixed incomes the most. As the cost of essentials rise and their incomes don't. And they are under-represented when it comes to home ownership and investment assets. This is a demographic I expect you would advocate for here. But rather you highlight on how the most well off are benefiting at their expense. So are you suggesting the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer is a positive outcome of Biden's administration and his policies?
  11. I'm certain the committee will spend a lot of time on addressing questions to law enforcement and request Mr. Epps' personal testimony on the events of the day and his involvement. NOT.
  12. Don't be afraid little guy. Satan, I mean Dr. Fauci, is going to abuse, torture, and kill you in some senseless medical experiment he funded in some obscure north African country because the prick knows its unethical and likely illegal to perform domestically. But pain and suffering is what he gets off on. Your fellow puppies are relatively safe now because In 2020 he moved on to a global mass human infection experiment.
  13. People tend to trust the medical community but shouldn't be shy to ask questions and challenge their conclusions. With COVID or anything else. I took my own advice last year when my wife was admitted to the hospital with a critical, but non-COVID, condition. ER, ICU, step-down care the full treatment. I felt the doctor's treatment regimen was causing complications and prolonging her stay. And that they were over-medicating her generating more serious problems than the one that put her there in the first place. Like mental confusion, pulmonary embolism to name a couple. I know her better than anybody else, including the doctors. So I raised those issues. Well, the response was they were the "experts" and how dare I question their wisdom and experience. They know better. Let us do our jobs and don't question us. 2 days later another doctor rotated into the patient rounds, assessed her condition, and agreed with my conclusions. Then changed the treatment protocol. I was lucky that I got a doctor that understood the specific needs of patient replacing one that didn't. And she was released a couple days later and fully recovered at home right before Christmas last year. The lesson for me was ask questions, be skeptical, do some research, and don't automatically assume every medical expert is an expert. This experience has contributed to my conclusion to not automatically buy into the COVID narrative hook, line, and sinker being peddled by the agencies and their experts.
  14. This is a lesson in the perils of the 10,000 mile logistics supply line and the virtues and benefits of self-sufficiency. Maybe the lesson will be learned and some of the productive capacity that was off-shored to save a few pennies and enrich large mega-corporations will be re-established if for nothing more than national security reasons surrounding critical components and materials? Our current shell of an economy is dominated by billionaire Silicon Valley tech oligarchs that produce nothing other than moving data and information around while skimming 5% off the top.
  15. The administrations execution to this point is hardly flawless. While the Presidents cabinet and key appointments check off all the diversity boxes its an extremely mediocre group. I can't name one person in his cabinet that I could cite as a high performance individual. Assigning tasks the the VP is an exercise in futility. Harris has neither the skill or smarts to pull off any of her assignments and is generally a no-show. A house plant would be a better lead. At least the plant would do no damage. And while the team is demonstrably incapable of solving any problems they have shown a high level of competence in creating them. Add in that the Congressional "majority" has done nothing to date. And the $3.5T "human infrastructure" bill that nobody knows what's in it.
  16. The standard of care in the US is test positive then go home and wait until you get critically ill and then go to the hospital.
  17. Because asking for ID will inhibit ineligible voters from casting ballots and leftist zealots believe any means to an end that supports their cause to stuff the ballot box and win all elections can't be controlled or constrained by any rules based system. Evil must be defeated and nothing can be allowed to stop them. Any laws or rules that stand in their way are viewed as mere obstacles to be eliminated. When they invoke racism its just a tactic to shut you down and get you on the defensive. So they can sneak up behind you and hit you on the head with a big rock.
  18. Why issue a rule? That way when it all backfires into a disaster (or another disaster) Peppermint Patty can come out to the White House press briefing and explain the President bears no responsibility for private companies and public service organizations like police and firefighters not having enough staff which resulted in a lot of undesirable outcomes.
  19. You can reference contact with officials from Mongolia and Liechtenstein too if you want. That isn't synonymous with collusion. You got nothing. Give it up. The investigation is closed.
  20. So your beef isn't with me here. Its with Mueller. If you think he missed something then call him out. Demand they re-open the investigation. Write your Senators and Congressional Representative. As of right now they completed their work without indicting anyone for collusion or any other crimes. Because anything you or I know they know too. They spent about a year and 1/2 investigating with a team of Trump hating lawyers and investigators. But the investigation and the matter are closed. Nobody has been tired, convicted, or imprisons for any crime. I am accepting that. You cannot. Let's just focus on the 1/6 "insurrection" which I expect will suffer the same fate.
  21. Given the figurehead President's approval rating has been in a descending trend since Inauguration Day and continues its plunge towards zero your view does not reflect the consensus opinion. I suggest a disconnect exists between your perception of what's going on and reality.
  22. Now Fauci has been exposed and busted for $1.8M funding some research on Beagle puppies in that hot-bed of clinical research Tunisia. Seems the NIH sent the money which was used to tie down the animals and expose their faces, which were apparently caged, to infectious sand flies which ate away at the flesh of their faces. Some had their vocal cords severed so the researchers did not have to tolerate and hear their barking and cries. I guess we can add funding the torture of puppies to the good doctor's resume. What else has this sadistic SOB done? Don't worry. You can trust the health and safety of your children to this prick. No worries though, the MSM loves and protects Fauci.
  23. You sound delusional here. The moment of truth has arrived. Present some evidence. Not opinions, not tweets, not subjective or anecdotal stories. Real, hard facts that have passed the burden of proof. Produce the specific names of Trump campaign and administration people and the names of their Russian "contacts" along with dates they met and what they discussed? All things the Mueller team investigated and research but came up empty. Because none of it ever happened in real life. Your contention there is some grand cover-up is irrational given the facts. Everyone is involved in a cover-up. Even Mueller? And his band of Trump-hating lawyers?
  24. Not that you'll believe anything I present but the Clinton campaign generated and FBI enabled Russian collusion hoax. Fake intell which they knew was fake, fake justification for FISA warrants that everyone involved knew was fake which is a crime the FBI committed, investigation into fake events and connections which everyone knew never happened. Something zealots on the left continue to believe is real regardless of a complete absence of facts. But that's what zealots do, believe their own lies. That's why they cling to 1/6 conspiracy theory and this illegitimate and undemocratic committee (Nancy rejected all the minority names submitted she didn't like and ignored House rules on committee appointments) as a do-over. The danger is that another failure and fatal blow here to their psyche will be too much for the faithful to handle. I suspect they should prepare for another loss as nobody is charged for anything remotely close to insurrection. So now the focus will be away from the actual event with an eye towards drumming up some "suspicions" and "circumstantial" type conclusions regarding imaginary insurrection planning conspiracies Facts do not matter to the Committee. They'll issue some fake report and attempt to enact more authoritarian restrictions on individual freedom and label anyone opposing their conclusions as a supporter of tyranny. Which is ironic. Tyrants calling other people tyrants.
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