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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Didn't we all see this coming from a mile away? If you don't comply and get your ninth booster shot then you can't go to the market or socialize in public settings. Lucky for you though. As most people you know have already died from heart failure or other complications after the 6th and 7th boosters.
  2. While in office they do favors for wealthy citizens and corporations then after leaving public service get $10 million book deal advances for a book nobody will read and 6 digit speaking engagement fees to talk about things nobody cares to hear about. And corporate BOD seats while getting generous compensation and stock options. Quid Pro Quo.
  3. Like the fantasy that anyone in the campaign colluded with the Russians in 2016. Russia is the Left's equivalent of the search for Bigfoot. Lots of unsupported claims, stories, and myths but no proof or physical evidence. So far the discovery of things Russian is limited to something they've discovered in the Salad Dressing isle of the Super Market. 5 years and nothing but the dream lives on!
  4. Neither of those combo's stand an ice cube's chance in Hell of carrying the electoral map given their place on the far left side of the political spectrum. In 2020 they trotted out Biden as the face of the moderate center because all the far-left candidates polled poorly in a general election contest. Then once the "moderate" won they pulled the bait and switch to a far left platform and agenda. Can they pull off the same trick again? A problem regardless of the Democratic ticket is that Biden will be blamed for what I expect will be a historic economic, social, and political disaster consistent with the experience of the Great Depression. But this time rather than a deflationary depression it will be an inflationary depression. Anybody can cry and moan and blame Trump but nobody blames Calvin Coolidge for the Great Depression. It was Hoover in charge and history will record it was Biden in charge this time. My view is certainly contrarian to what the majority expects but since when does the majority see any turning point or event coming? And depending on how bad it gets it might be a generation before they win the White House again.
  5. But he could have produced indictments and evidence against other conspirators both domestic and international, convened a grand jury to hear those indictments and charges, arrest warrants could have been issued, arrests made, charges brought against them, juries convened, evidence heard from prosecutors and defense counsel, verdicts rendered by juries, and the guilty sentenced by the courts. But nothing. Why? Because there was nothing. It was all fictional, circumstantial, or there was simply no evidence.
  6. Anything the minimizes or eliminate rational or irrational fear of severe illness and death is forbidden as that would inhibit the ability to control people. If nobody was afraid to die then the mandates and restrictions would be viewed as foolish. Power hates and fears truth and free exchange of ideas. Ivermectin is available, relatively cheap, and has an established history of use and safety for several indications. Of course you wouldn't know that from media reports and stories about veterinary use. Is it effective against COVID? I don't know. What I do know is various officials and "experts" don't want us to find out if it is effective.
  7. To facilitate an open border policy rename Canada to North Mexico.
  8. It was some made for TV fictional movie certain people here saw and they were so wasted they still think they were watching 60 minutes.
  9. Everybody knows if you ask that question the next day you get a hunting trip invite from daddy. And before you know what happened your face gets mistaken for a Quail flying out of the bushes and you're apologizing to Dick for him shooting you in the face..
  10. I'm not answering the question because your binary argument is irrelevant. You seem to be missing my primary theme in all my posts. My core position on every issue is that I'm against anything that gives the State more power over the individual to steal their freedoms and rights. Plain and simple. Anything that enhances the power of the security and surveillance state. Or the deep state. Or the globalist cabal. Whatever you want to call it. Threats to freedom. Threats to democracy. Threats to the Constitutional form of government. Suffering and hardship caused by government, their agents, and allies. Whether they be in government, business, or the media, or anywhere else. I'm not for or against all liberal causes or objectives or for or against all conservative causes. What I'm against are those on both sides of the isle that enable the imposition of control of citizens and curtailing or inhibiting their rights as individuals. And my primary issue with most liberals is they are complete fakes. Traditional liberals would never support any policy that curtails our freedoms and gives power to a malevolent central government. The current crop of neo-liberals seems to rejoice in stealing the rights of others. These are the people I oppose. They are the threats. And yes, certain elements on the right seek the same purpose. And I oppose them too. But you keep going back to Trump. Trump is a distraction. Being fixated about him while the agents and security apparatus of State slips in the back door and steals everything plays right into the hands of the State. The real threat. The State is the party that is spying on me, eavesdropping on my conversations, recording all my posts and comments, snooping into my bank account, telling me where I can go or what I can do. All together we can stop this.
  11. Big surprise! Her family are sitting members of the security and surveillance state. If she wasn't then she wouldn't be on the committee. What else does anyone expect her to say? The conclusions and findings of this committee are already decided.
  12. I suspect the indicators and statistics will show the economy is close or already in recession and the stock market is mis-pricing the impact of inflation and a contracting economy. One thing masking this is that about 20 to 25 large cap companies represent the majority of the market's capitalization. Watch these big cap stocks closely. When they start to break down that is a signal.
  13. I'm interested in hearing your personal view on the meaning of democracy. Not the viewpoints of others or what other people did or didn't do.
  14. Democracy without freedom is a charade. And once again your response is to present another litany of fantasy conspiracies from some alternative reality in which you must reside. You would be better served spending your time writing fictional stories. Or maybe you're just afraid to provide your definition of democracy rather than just shouting slogans and buzz words.
  15. Why do activists and politicians on the left always refer to "democracy" but never once reference "freedom and rights". You'll never see this: ^^^MUST READ IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR FREEDOM AND RIGHTS - follow thread^^^ Before buying their narrative everyone should make sure to have a common understanding of terms and definitions. I suspect many will be disappointed to find their definition of the word democracy may not be consistent with yours. Which is simply the majority's right to dictate everything to the minority.
  16. Defeated Antifa? I suspect a few well-positioned 50 calibers could do that public service and remove a major nuisance in a couple minutes without expending all the time, money, and effort to get elected, allegedly do this one thing right while screwing up everything else along with taking a nap for 10 months.
  17. Peppermint Patty! That's a good one. I don't know whether to pity or dislike Psaki. The requirement to constantly lie every day after day has to take its toll. Maybe she should consider taking a better job as a Horse Inseminator. It could be more satisfying and its within her current area of expertise of jerking everybody off every day!
  18. The frustration for me is change the result of just 1 play out of about 7 or 8 plays that didn't go our way whether from poor execution or penalties and the result is the Bills win that game. Longer term I'm not worried about playoff seeding tiebreakers with the Titans. They'll stumble through the course of the season. Remember, they lost to the Jets so consistency might not be their strength. The other frustration is I have to get up very early every morning for work and staying up for Monday night games leaves me tired the next day. And its worse if we lose.
  19. You can accept, avoid, or mitigate a risk. But first you need to understand and acknowledge the risk, quantify the risk, and define alternatives to the risk situation. None of this is possible when assessing long term risks to a vaccine with no long term use profile. So the other side of the coin is health and political officials have flippantly dismissed any and all concerns expressed about potential long term risks. In reality all they can truthfully and factually say is "specific to the COVID vaccines we don't know the long term risks or adverse impacts". But they claim expert status and claim to know the unknowable. That there is little to no long term risk. Most people objectively assessing the risk to themselves know they're full of crap.
  20. I can't accept the idea that anyone can be this incompetent and clueless so the logical conclusion is they are screwing everything up by design. You listen to what Psaki says in these WH press briefings everyday. She's lying her ass off and she knows it, the press knows it, and the public knows it. And at some point they will say everything bad that is happening is because the "old" ways of doing things just don't work any more. And what we've been doing has been in response to those failures. And a new "vision" is needed going forward. Manufacture a crisis to produce the needs for a solution.
  21. I'd like to understand from the mandate advocates here what checks and balances exist after all this that prevents the government and their corporate accomplishes from forcing you to do or not do anything and everything they want? Because its not the process of democracy. Its not the courts, Its not liberal or conservative leaders running Federal, State, or local governments. Its not your employer or your fellow employees. And it doesn't appear that the Constitution or Bill of Rights is in effect here either. So what's to stop them from mandating anything? Who is going to stop them if it isn't the people themselves? Maybe the Governor doesn't like Blue shirts. Or large SUV's. It could be anything. Its not about resisting the vaccine. Its about defending personal choice and freedoms. Its not about protecting you from the unwashed plebs that make a personal choice. And if you really believe the vaccine protects you then why are you afraid of them? If you believe the "safe and effective" mantra then they can't harm you. Its about the security state and gaining the voluntary compliance of the public to exchange their rights and freedoms for safety and security. The problem is the exchange is not equitable. The freedoms surrendered are real. But the safety and security are an illusion. Because the security state has no interests in your personal safety or security. Its interest is in protecting itself and acquiring more power and control at your expense. Why so many are blind to this is a testament to the power they already hold. This control is even reflected in propaganda communicated through popular culture network TV shows depicting the gallant and heroic members of organizations like the FBI risking life and limb to save the public from all kinds of threats real and imaged on a weekly basis. In reality it borders on comedy and the truth is something entirely different. When I see the network promos during the football games on Sunday I LMAO at it. Its all utterly ridiculous.
  22. I'm not sure where you're going with this. The administration is weaponizing various Federal agencies against their political enemies. And colluding with tech giants to do so. Government and corporate combined in fascism. If you don't condemn it your a fascist too. Terrorizing school boards? They're punk weaklings that can't take the heat. You make it sound like rioters are dragging out and beating school board members. Get real. Stop the drama. They peddle all kinds of crap on defenseless and easy to push around children but when challenged by adults they want to hide and pretend it doesn't exist. Cowards can't stand a public debate because they're views are ridiculously idiotic. So they hide. And want Big Brother to protect them. Can't fight their own battles. Typical leftists who prefer to hide behind the nanny state's skirt rather than do their own fighting. Eventually that's why the left will lose this battle. Because at the end of the day they won't risk their own asses for their ideology. Which speaks poorly of their true level of conviction.
  23. This is what you get when you apply different standard of behavior and morality to another time. The Aztecs sacrificed prisoners. The Romans were ruthless and brutal. By today's standards many historical figures and leaders can be judged harshly. The Taliban of today are brutal savages but their behavior is pretty consistent for what you'd expect a thousand or so years ago. Like most things morality and ethics are conditional and subject to change. I'd suggest if you had the ability to travel back in time and attempted to impose today's moral and ethical standards like in Jefferson's era they wouldn't understand or comprehend what you're talking about. The entire concept of "racism" would likely be incomprehensible to most. You'd likely be seen as an oddly acting fool. So today's moral thinkers characterize historical figures in a different more critical light. The same morally superior crew that chooses to cantonize George Floyd. Somebody that can also be portrayed as the patron saint of home invasion. A guy that held a gun to a pregnant women's stomach and threatened to kill her and her unborn child unless she cooperated. A career criminal and drug addict that apparently by chance happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with some unhinged cop chocking the life out of him. Not exactly a heroes death. Both the moral and ethical crowd are perfectly willing to overlook his transgressions towards others to make their political point in our time. I can only hope and imagine that 50 years from now people will be wondering what kind of insanity griped the country during this era. And tear down memorials to a career criminal.
  24. And the fact that we don't make anything here and are totally dependent on China which happens to be our number one threat. So how much leverage do you think China has over us? They send us real goods and we send back pieces of paper that are just IOU's to be redeemed later. Full containers come into US ports and "empties" are sent back. What do we have that they would want in exchange for those IOU's we've traded? Nothing. The bill for 30 years of dismantling US manufacturing capacity and eliminating millions of good paying jobs and destruction of thousands of small towns and cities in exchange for everyday low prices is coming due. At some point the concept of "you eat what you kill" is going to be re-instituted and if you don't produce anything then you don't consume anything either.
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