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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Your wish and belief for this to be true is so great that it prevents you from confronting the reality that none of this fantasy Russian collusion story is grounded in reality. The fact the Mueller investigation, an investigation completely antagonistic to Trump, found nothing is dismissed. Its classic cognitive dissonance. A state of mental confusion resulting from your beliefs conflicting with the facts and reality. Professional counseling could help resolve your condition.
  2. A fundamental problem is the people in this administration just don't work very hard. The President puts in about 1 1/2 hours a day on the job, the VP is a no-show except for making some space video with child actors, and now the Secretary of Transportation is on a 2 month leave during a major "transportation" crisis. I don't care about the challengers of your personal life. You sign on for the responsibility of a high level government or corporate job and the expectation is you're going to put in the work and hours whenever and wherever its necessary. And the phobia attack on critics is just a ploy to deflect away from their behavior.
  3. The MSM continues to package fictional accounts of fantasy and political imagination and present them as real-life stories of fact. At this point it's pure comedy. Something you might see from the cast of SNL or some improv troupe. You need to question the judgment and sanity of anyone who believes any of it as all of it was investigated and dismissed by Mueller's 1 1/2 year pursuit of nothing that ever happened.
  4. So now drug cartel thugs are shooting across the border at US border patrols and Texas guardsman. No response from the Biden administration to this point. Which is no surprise. If these gutless weaklings had any stones whatsoever they'd lay out an ultimatum to the Mexican government to clean up the slime on their side of the border or we'll do it for them. Of course I'm dreaming if I expect anything like that will happen.
  5. All this is generated by the fundamental and central belief of the Left. That they, generally academic and Intellectual members of the political class, are morally, ethically, and intellectually superior to everyone else. Important and trivial decisions and policies cannot be left to the simpletons and unwashed masses. Curiously, while Marx wrote about the exploitation of the workers he never worked any such job in his lifetime. All his insights and ideas were the result of subjective observation rather than personal experience. Marx apparently believed work was beneath his station in life even through he had a wife and family that he refused to support which may have contributed to the death of some of his children. Only when a rich benefactor from the upper class agreed to bankroll his writing and ideas did he provide for his family through this endowment.
  6. In answer to the title of the post. No. I read this guys work occasionally. I think he sums up where Joe has taken us quite nicely this morning. https://kunstler.com/cluster*****-nation/poster-boy/
  7. Its just one game and I'm not going to get too optimistic but the one word I'd use to describe the Sabres last night is EFFORT!. And for me that's all I ask at this point in the rebuild cycle. Maybe moving certain players changed the atmosphere or the team culture, we'll see. But this team doesn't seem to be one of the spend up to the cap roster full of floaters happy to draw a paycheck we've been suffering through in the past couple seasons.
  8. The difference between Fox News and CNN/MSNBC and other mainstream liberal outlets is this. The perspective of the audience. Fox viewers understand the stories and opinions are skewed toward their beliefs and the network is speaking to them and that the stories and opinions are tailored to their viewpoints. Viewers on liberal outlets don't understand this. They think the news is completely objective. They don't realize or consider the idea they're being feed a constant stream of "news" and opinion that is pure confirmation bias all day long. Conservatives have enough brain matter to distinguish between propaganda and facts. Liberals buy the narrative they're fed all day long hook, line, and sinker.
  9. This administration and Congressional majority doesn't seem to have any problem ramrodding anything they want through the process, circumventing or changing the process, or just plain breaking or disregarding the law to get anything done they deem important. But increasing the debt ceiling through reconciliation is where they're taking a stand on following the process and the rules? Something just doesn't seem right here.
  10. With what some estimate as close to 50% of police potentially walking off the job this weekend what's the over/under on Chicago shootings and homicides? I'll open it at 25 killings and 120 wounded. And 20 to 1 the Mayor's office issues a statement on Monday blaming the Police for exercising their right to opt out.
  11. I go for the Blue Cheese but I'm torn between the choice of celery or carrot sticks as a side.
  12. Judd Legum - Unbiased observer and former Hillary Clinton presidential campaign research director.
  13. Threats are subjective interpretations and snowflake leftists are very sensitive and overly-emotional when it comes to assessing danger to themselves. They're just so used to getting their way without any resistance that they see disagreement with their positions and ideology as a threat. If somebody was punching school board members in the face I'd say something different. If you've ever been "intimidated" by speech and punched in the face by somebody you'll know the difference. Right now it just sounds like Maxine Waters approved "get in people's faces" and "get confrontational" activity. The other thing the lefties need to consider is parents are very protective of their children. Try playing with those cute baby Bear cubs in the forest and see what Mama Bear's reaction is to your behavior.
  14. There is some credence to your insights. It might be the pandemic situation has catalyzed or enabled these events. But there are demographic and generational cycles at work here along with business, social, political, monetary system cycles. Other things like cycles and progressions of energy sources and availability. The main premise is real-life is a cyclical phenomena and not a linear progression of constant and uninterrupted "progress". Like the concept of biorhythms that run on different cycles lengths relative to time. When all four are peaking you're at your best and when all four are bottoming you're at your worst. And currently it appears most if not all of these economic, social and political cycles are either trending down or in the process of reaching a critical bottom. The result being some very unpleasant circumstances to deal with for the foreseeable future. If you've never read it, one book that lays the generational story based on an 80 year cycle with 4 phases for the American experience is The Fourth Turning by Strauss & Howe. You may find references in articles or stories to one of the four cycles they define as "the fourth turning". Its a period of great unrest and crisis that lasts approximately a generation or twenty years give or take. That's what they predicted for the current times starting about 2006. It was published in 1996 but it is eerily accurate in its descriptions of the current times. And as I watched much of what they forecast actually play out I used their insights in preparation for what has happened and what likely will happen in the next few years. One core idea is every generation faces the crisis period in their lifetimes. The difference is when they face it. In youth, young adulthood, middle age, or in their elder years.
  15. I say let the whole thing crash and burn. A smaller government with far less funding, fewer employees, and less time to snoop and meddle in our private lives and personal arrangements would be a breath of fresh air and a big boost to democracy and freedom. If politically connected businesses, organizations, and individuals feeding at the government trough get hurt well maybe its time to stop mooching and get real jobs.
  16. An alternative to more debt might be for the Federal government to stop running a Ponzi Scheme and adjust to a lifestyle of living within their means. Ultimately this foolishness where both parties are responsible is going to lead to a dollar crash along with a big drop in the standard of living of most Americans. Liberal, Conservative, or Independent. Most will not escape the consequences. And it looks to be coming on fast.
  17. Some good news for social security recipients. They'll be getting a 5.9% increase in benefits via cost of living adjustments.
  18. Still the death rate didn't really put a dent in the human population. Life will go on as its done in pandemics and outbreaks in the past. And while the media and the government are still presenting this as a second Black Death almost all the deaths were in people that were sick with other conditions or very old. So nature culling the herd more or less. Like the slowest or the sick Bison gets caught by the wolves. What I don't understand is how little lifestyle adjustment people in general have made in response to the pandemic. If every there was a signal to lose a some excess weight, get some moderate exercise, stop smoking and drinking, eat a little healthier, and take your vitamins this is it. Yet I don't see too much behavior modification out there. So if you're obese, an out of shape smoker, your diet consists of wings, fries, and beer, with high blood sugar, and cholesterol, don't blame the un-vaccinated. Blame yourself.
  19. On top of the Dawkins call being very weak I sometimes get the impression, right or wrong, that the ref's make calls that are situational. Similar to the "make up call" that seems to happen from time to time. In this case the Bills pop off a big run down inside the 10 in a game situation where another TD might turn the game into an early rout. Then we get a ticky tack call on a "hold" that was completely inconsequential to the play. Back 10 yards and a couple plays later after the grounding call out of FG range and a punt.
  20. So now the President is an expert at central planning of the world's largest economy following some secret blueprint to overhaul the mechanisms of commerce and business. Any guess on how that turns out? But given that everything these clowns have touched so far has been a huge dumpster fire I expect they are once again too incompetent to even attempt screwing up the economy and their "plan" (if they even have one) will be a miserable failure. Like everything else to date.
  21. You have a very serious irrational obsession/phobia here my friend.
  22. I can only imagine how you or other Libs are going to react if any trick-or-treaters show up at your door on Halloween wearing Trump masks. Call 911, massive meltdown!
  23. So in addition to sniffing women's hair Joe is screwing the pooch too? The White House dog must be really nervous..
  24. Running intelligence operations against single mothers asking questions at local school board meetings..
  25. I hate looking ahead at the schedule because its still one week at a time and things can change real fast but a few things to consider along the way here: 1) The Bills appear to have the easiest divisions schedule of the three teams. Maybe the Bills win 5 or 6 division games as it looks right now. 2) The Bills could be the favorite in 11 of the 12 game left on the schedule with the exception being the Tampa game in December. 3) The Browns look to be a better team in the Central than the Ravens and they don't play until December. Cincinnati is a work in progress and the Steelers appear to have found some offense this weekend. So I wouldn't pencil in the Ravens for 5 or 6 division wins. 4) The AFCW and AFCC play each other this year. So like next week's Ravens vs. Chargers somebody is going to lose and record their 2nd loss of the season (maybe the 3rd if the Ravens lose tonight).
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